The question is, did God entirely withdraw, wash His hands and walk away?
But that is possibly too broad a scope for one thread.
This is what puzzles me
The discussion I was referencing was about free will
Au contraire. . .1) Adam chose Satan
2) Man fell under the dominion of the Satan
3) God offers man a path to redemption through Jesus Christ
4) Man can freely accept Christ or not, just as Adam did.
Man does not have the sinless disposition nor the complete free will which Adam did.
Sinful man does not prefer and will not choose Christ (Jn 6:44) on his own.
Man cannot choose to be sinless, as Adam could, by rejecting sin each time it was presented.
"The prince of this world will be driven out."There is a distribution of power to Satan and man
Satan only has the power God gives him
But God did not give Satan the power of God
And unregenerate man, as he is blind to Satan is also blind to God
It may be the poster was simply their own interpretation.
It prompted me to think because God is sovereign in my scheme of things.
Also, I can agree with John 12:31 but the rest of it...?
Bound so that he cannot deceive men enough to keep them from hearing the gospel and coming to Christ (Jn 12:32, Mk 3:27).It is not my understanding so I thought i would check it out with trusted Christians on this site.
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