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A problem Solved Part 3


Staff member
Jun 10, 2023
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Tornado Alley
In Christ of the Father.
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Adam looked back collectively and corporately to a night long ago called ‘Passover’ and somehow sensed with the help of God through Moses, the prophets and the Psalmist that they needed help.
They grew up hearing about the seed of Abraham and the promise of a Savior. They weren’t entirely sure just what they needed to be saved from—most thought it involved only a nation and a throne on earth. David’s throne and deliverance from an oppressive worldly ruler—kinda like that nasty ruler down in Egypt so long ago. We are skipping around because there are an almost unnumbered series of things that pointed us to the next moments.
God had a ‘final’ solution. He had this in mind from the very beginning and everything that happened between that fateful day when Adam fell and now pointed to it. God’s ‘final’ and ‘perfect’ solution.
Adam needed a change of nature. God had made a promise that a ’seed’ would come to the rescue. He made a promise to Lucifer/Adam and a promise to Abraham. Two seeds were mentioned here. The enemies seed who is fallen Adam and the ‘woman’s seed’.
Gen. 3:15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”
A Son was promised. A Savior. A ’Solution’ to a very big ‘problem’.
A Son was born but not through the ’seed’ of the enemy Lucifer and Adam, but the woman!
Think about that for a minute and marvel at the Plan of God. God told Lucifer a couple

of very specific points and those things were about to happen.
A child was born and His name is Jesus. Emmanuel—God is with us. Born through a woman’s womb but by His Father in Heaven—Almighty God the creator of all things. Not a bit of Adam’s fallen nature was ‘in him’. Jesus had His Father’s Nature! And yet born through a woman! Her seed! This is Jesus Christ the Son of God. Lucifer would bruise this seed’s heel, but this seed would bruise Lucifer’s head!
There is much to learn there, but so this little essay isn’t too long, we will move ahead again.
Jesus lived a perfect and holy Life and was perfectly obedient to His Father. He was the ‘lamb of God’. The Son promised to Abraham.
He was born to solve ‘the Problem’ and so much more. He was ’sacrificed’. Indeed the Father sacrificed His own Son and the Son willingly gave His own Life in order to ‘save’ us from the judgement. His blood was shed to be efficacious just as the blood was on the doorposts when the angel came to kill that night long ago. When the angel saw the ‘blood’ he ‘passed over’ that abode.
But there is much more. Christ the Son, was a substitution for Adam that deserves to die. He died so that Adam doesn’t have to. But there is more. There is that ‘big problem’. Adam’s fallen nature.
God solved that problem ‘In Christ’. Through the ‘seed of the woman, Christ became the last Adam. He represented on the cross, the corporate old Adam. Adam’s race. On the cross, when He died, all we who were chosen of the Father to be born again—died. We died ‘In Christ’ and when Christ rose back from the dead, we rose ‘In Him’ and from that moment on—in newness of life. A Nature change.
We were ‘In Him’ set free from the bondage of ‘sin’ that was made so apparent by the Law.
On that day of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and the 40 days following—God solved the big problem. We were provided the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Christ and set free from the ‘old nature’ of the first Adam.
Set ‘free’ from the bondage of a very nasty ruler! When God sees the blood of Christ, He can’t see the sins!
And because of the ‘Nature’ change that God orchestrated for us, we get to walk according to the dictates of His Nature as sons of God—members of the second race of men.
Problem solved! Completely and irrevocably solved!
The sacrifice of God’s only begotten Son purchased for us ‘salvation’. The ‘salvation’ typified back in Egypt. He redeemed us. He bought us back from the enemy who owned us by rights of the law of ‘kind’.
Praise God for His unsearchable riches in Christ!
This perfect Gift. A free gift. Remember the lessons learned a long time ago?
It all came together.
A curse, a seed, blood, faith, obedience and most importantly Grace.
By the way—where does the obedience come in? To believe on Him. To believe that the Christ is the Son of God and that He came to save us. And folks—get this down. Even that faith to believe is a gift. Grace. Remember, we were sons of our first father and there was nothing good in us, so it had to be Grace and Grace alone. We were completely and absolutely, because of ‘kind’, incapable of pulling this off ourselves!
Salvation through the Grace of God by faith. The curse is lifted, the blood atones and a New Nature is given.
God because of the work of Christ, took us out of the first Adam and placed us into the Second Adam. The Second Man—the New Man.
Grace through the gift of faith is how the Father did this. Grace because we only deserved death, just like our first father. Instead He gave us eternal Life and that Life is Christ.
We that are ‘born from above’... we who died and were ‘born again’ of an incorruptible ‘seed’.
By faith and Grace alone. We had zero hope of getting this done on our own. The Creator of the universe stepped in and solved a ‘Problem’—and much much more.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
“A Problem Solved’.