The REAL church of Jesus Christ is OBVIOSLY not anything "Man" had invented, and incorporated. I'm a Member in God standing of the "ASSEMBLIES OF GOD" Denomination, but I ABSOLUTELY would not claim it to be the "full embodiment" of the Church Christ founded - i.e. "the Pillar and the Ground of TRUTH".
VISIBLE churches are invariably comprised of "Wheat" (born again Christians), and "Tares" (religious folks who haven't been "Born Again, and don't even know what that means, since the "Kingdom of God is invisible to 'em).
Besides, I beg you to show me at what period the visible Church may have been without miracles, from the time that it began until this presen? In the time of the Apostles there were miracles beyond number; you know that well. After that time, who knows not the miracles, related by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, worked by the prayers of the legion of Christian soldiers who were in his army, which on this account was called thundering? Who knows not the miracles of S. Gregory Thaumaturgus, S. Martin, S. Anthony, S. Nicholas, S. Hilarion, and the wonders concerning Theodosius and Constantine, for which we have authors of irreproachable authority - Eusebius, Rufinus, S. Jerome, Basil, Sulpicius, Athanasius? Who knows not again what happened at the Invention of the Holy Cross, and in the time of Julian the Apostate? In the time of SS. Chrysostom, Ambrose, Augustine, many miracles were seen, which they themselves relate why then would you have the same Church now cease from miracles? What reason would there be? In truth, what we have always seen, in all varieties of times, accompanying the Church, we cannot do otherwise than call a property of the Church.
St. Francis, St. Bernard, St. Anthony worked miracles, the great and powerful virgin-martyrs worked miracles, St. Paul of the cross worked no less than 7 miracles everyday mostly by simply making the “sign of the cross”!
The true visible Church then makes her sanctity appear by miracles. And if God made so admirable the Propitiatory, and his Sinai, and his Burning Bush, because he wished to speak with men, why shall he not have made miraculous this his Church in which he wills to dwell for ever?