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A priest of Christ is a worshiper of Christ

Spiritual blindness falls upon all those who reject Christ!

This extends to and includes His church and His revelation!

The Jews rejected (killed) Christ and are in spiritual blindness!

Saul went down to Damascus a Jew and came back a Christian!

He went down in pride and came back in humility!

He went down thinking he was acting righteously and doing the will of God and came back in true righteousness and doing God’s will!

He went down a spiritual tyrant and came back a servant!

He went down in rebellion as a Protestant opposing Christ and His holy church and came back an obedient, faithful, Christian!

Who do you suppose he met on his way down to Damascus?
Prayer is an abomination! Ok

Another disgusting lie.

Get this through your heretical head and heart.

Prayer to Mary is an abomination.

Pray to God (that means ONLY to God) is beautiful.

But the Roman Catholic Church rejects this beauty and embraces blasphemy.
Another disgusting lie.

Get this through your heretical head and heart.

Prayer to Mary is an abomination.

Pray to God (that means ONLY to God) is beautiful.

But the Roman Catholic Church rejects this beauty and embraces blasphemy.
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1 Tim 2:1
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 1 Tim 2:1

The boldface above is mine.

Notice it reads "for" and not "to".
Pray for other people and not to other people.
Pray to God for people.

Thanks for making it so easy for me to refute the Roman Catholic blasphemous heresy.
Is Jesus Christ high priest?
Yes. I have said as much so why to you imply I have said otherwise? He is High Priest forever because He lives. Only the High Priest can can atone for sins and Jesus did that once for all. Heb 10:1-10. So why does the RCC have many priest doing the work that Christ already did?
Maybe it’s you who have Protestant colored glasses

Christ and His church are one and inseparable!
The only way that has any application with what I said is if one's starting premise is that the RCC is the one and only forever universal church of Christ. So if possible read what I said without that lens and see what you come up with. The universal church of Christ has an invisible aspect that contains all who have put their faith in Christ alone for eternal life, and in no visible church is everyone present necessarily in that covenant church. No visible church doctrine is foolproof as no one knows everything. But in traditional Protestant churches the doctrines pertaining to Christ, and salvation remain intact as given by the scriptures.

When a church adds to the scriptures, takes itself as the final authority on scriptures interpretation, takes away from scripture to suit their preferred view, exalts Mary and those they determine are saints, prays to them, makes images of them. substitutes beads counted through a repetitive mantra blessing, not Jesus but His mother, for communion with God, usurps Jesus' role as Priest and intercessor, says their organization and religious practices are the way of salvation, not faith in Christ, etc. etc. it is not the universal church of Christ. None of those things are in the teachings of the apostles and Jesus.
Then who are the low priests?
There aren't any. There is no need for them. Jesus makes it possible to approach the throne robed in His righteousness through faith in Jesus alone. When it is said that believers are a kingdom of priests it relates to this worship and one on one communion with God, and our interceding in prayer for one another.
The boldface above is mine.

Notice it reads "for" and not "to".
Pray for other people and not to other people.
Pray to God for people.

Thanks for making it so easy for me to refute the Roman Catholic blasphemous heresy.
You forget the 4th commandment!

Christ must grant Mary’s prayer requests

Mary all powerful advocate!
Help of Christian’s!

Mary ever virgin, mother of God, is all powerful in her prayers!

Mary’s prayers are all powerful not cos she is God but because her son is God!

and on becoming man He (Jesus) obeyed his own commandments

you might check out the one that says “honor Thy father and mother”

“My hour has not come”

The time set by almighty God for the public ministry of Christ had not come, Jesus Christ still performed the miracle cos his mother interceded, thus a higher law, “honor thy father and mother” if ANYONE else asked it would NOT have been done!
John 2

and cos of her intercession the disciples believed in Him!
Jn 2:11
Good enough for Angels!
Good enough for the Bible!
Good enough for me!

Hail Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women,
Lk 1:28 blessed is the fruit of thy womb, (Jesus) Lk 1:42 Holy Mary, mother of God, Lk 1:43 pray for us sinners, now,
rev 5:8 and at the hour of our death, Matt 24:13 amen!

It is really God who greeting Mary with the “Hail Mary”!
Lk 1:26 & Lk 1:45

Blessed art thou among all women! Lk 1:28 & Lk 1:45 & Lk 1:48

All generations shall call me blessed! Lk 1:48

A new song of thanksgiving for bringing our salvation!

And thanksgiving for the incarnation of Jesus Christ! The word was made flesh and dwelt among us thanks to Mary’s yes consenting to our salvation!

We fly to Thy patronage oh holy mother of God, despise not our petitions, but in Thy mercy hear and answer us! The oldest Christian prayer to Mary the mother of God!
From the early church

Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us sinners who have recourse to thee!

Praise of Mary and the saints redounds to the glory of God and Christ, cos Mary and the saints are what God made them, it is His handiwork (Lk 1:49 Lk 1:28) and the graces they have come from the merits of Christ’s passion and death.

Likewise an Attack on Mary and the saints, or the authority of the apostles or the church or rejection of such doctrines is and attack on God and on Christ! And His teaching authority in the church by the successors of the apostles!
Acts 9:4 Eph 5:32

Mother of Divine Grace!

Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

The throne of Grace is the throne of Mary the ever Virgin mother of God!

We come boldly to this throne cause Mary is our mother and advocate!

Mary is the storehouse of divine graces!

Lk 1:28
And the angel entered to her, and said, Hail Mary, full of grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed be thou among women.

All graces come from the merits of Christ, from His passion and death and come thru Mary to the glory of Her only begotten Son!
Good enough for Angels!
Good enough for the Bible!
Good enough for me!

Hail Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women,
Lk 1:28 blessed is the fruit of thy womb, (Jesus) Lk 1:42 Holy Mary, mother of God, Lk 1:43 pray for us sinners, now,
rev 5:8 and at the hour of our death, Matt 24:13 amen!

It is really God who greeting Mary with the “Hail Mary”!
Lk 1:26 & Lk 1:45

Blessed art thou among all women! Lk 1:28 & Lk 1:45 & Lk 1:48

All generations shall call me blessed! Lk 1:48

A new song of thanksgiving for bringing our salvation!

And thanksgiving for the incarnation of Jesus Christ! The word was made flesh and dwelt among us thanks to Mary’s yes consenting to our salvation!

We fly to Thy patronage oh holy mother of God, despise not our petitions, but in Thy mercy hear and answer us! The oldest Christian prayer to Mary the mother of God!
From the early church

Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us sinners who have recourse to thee!

Praise of Mary and the saints redounds to the glory of God and Christ, cos Mary and the saints are what God made them, it is His handiwork (Lk 1:49 Lk 1:28) and the graces they have come from the merits of Christ’s passion and death.

Likewise an Attack on Mary and the saints, or the authority of the apostles or the church or rejection of such doctrines is and attack on God and on Christ! And His teaching authority in the church by the successors of the apostles!
Acts 9:4 Eph 5:32
Blessing from God thru Mary!

All graces come to us they Mary, from God by the merits (blood) of Christ!
Jn 1:16
Of His fullness we have all received, grace for grace!

Found our Salvation Lk 1:30
Consented to our salvation Lk 1:38
Mother of Christ Matt 1:16
Mother of the word Jn 1:1
Mother of our savior Matt 1:21
Mother of our salvation Lk 2:30
Our mother Jn 19:26-27

By Mary’s intercession Christ is presented to be worshipped by the angels, shepherds, and the kings at the stable! Cos Mary found the grace of our salvation! Lk 1:30

Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit!

Lk 1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

John sanctified in the womb!

Lk 1:15 For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

Lk 1:44 For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

Zacharias is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophecy!

Lk 1:67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying,

The wedding couple have wine and not shame!

Jn 2: 10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

The disciples are supplied with faith, hope, and charity!

11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Mary found this grace! Lk 1:30
Mary believed for us! Lk 1:45
Mother of our salvation! Lk 2:30

All these blessings from God because of Mary most holy!

Mother of divine grace!

Mary is the divine treasury the Throne of grace! Heb 4:16

Biblical principle!

A good tree!

Matthew 7:18
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

The fruit of the tree of Mary is our salvation! Lk 2:30 Jesus is our salvation!
Lk 1:30 Mary found our salvation!
Lk 1:38 consented to our salvation!

ALL CHRISTIANS are "Priests before God" (rev 1:5,6), and Jesus is the "HIGH PRIEST" (Heb 4:14)
Pertaining to worship and prayer, not atonement or forgiveness or reconciliation with God.
1 Jn 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

Must hear the apostles!
Of course!!
Must hear the church! Matt 18:17
Nope - SOME churches are as phony as a $3 bill. Only the REAL church of Jesus Christ is the Pillar, and ground of the truth.
The scripture says many of the same things of the apostolic church as it does Christ!
True, however NO VISIBLE CHURCH SYSTEM in 2023 conforms completely the the church that Jesus founded. SOME get closer to it than others.
The Angelic Salutation!

Good enough for Angels!
Good enough for the Bible!
Good enough for me!

Hail Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women,
Lk 1:28 blessed is the fruit of thy womb, (Jesus) Lk 1:42 Holy Mary, mother of God, Lk 1:43 pray for us sinners, now,
rev 5:8 and at the hour of our death, Matt 24:13 amen!

It is really God who greeting Mary with the “Hail Mary”!
Lk 1:26 & Lk 1:45

If we greet Mary with the “Hail Mary” she will greet us with grace! St. Bonaventure
Acts 1:8 & 2:24

A Royal greeting!

Lk 1:28 is the only place in the Bible where such a greeting takes place!
Mary is of the tribe of Judah and the royal house of David the king!

God himself is greeting Mary thru the instrument of the angel Gabriel!

This is a Royal greeting of the queen of heaven and earth! Queen of the angels and saints! Mary is of the house of king David!

In the line of king David the mother of the king is the queen, as Jesus Christ is the king of heaven and earth and the angels and saints so Mary is the queen of the same! Lk 1:32-33 the queen mother sits at His right hand and receives the petitions of the members of the kingdom!

The mother of any king is automatically queen and rules half the kingdom!
The queen mother!

Lk 1:28 And the angel entered to her, and said, Hail, full of grace; the Lord is with thee; blessed be thou among women.

29 And when she had heard, she was troubled in his word, and thought what manner salutation this was.

30 And the angel said to her, Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God.

Mary is mother of mercy and the throne of grace!
heb 4:16
Yes. I have said as much so why to you imply I have said otherwise? He is High Priest forever because He lives. Only the High Priest can can atone for sins and Jesus did that once for all. Heb 10:1-10. So why does the RCC have many priest doing the work that Christ already did?

The only way that has any application with what I said is if one's starting premise is that the RCC is the one and only forever universal church of Christ. So if possible read what I said without that lens and see what you come up with. The universal church of Christ has an invisible aspect that contains all who have put their faith in Christ alone for eternal life, and in no visible church is everyone present necessarily in that covenant church. No visible church doctrine is foolproof as no one knows everything. But in traditional Protestant churches the doctrines pertaining to Christ, and salvation remain intact as given by the scriptures.

When a church adds to the scriptures, takes itself as the final authority on scriptures interpretation, takes away from scripture to suit their preferred view, exalts Mary and those they determine are saints, prays to them, makes images of them. substitutes beads counted through a repetitive mantra blessing, not Jesus but His mother, for communion with God, usurps Jesus' role as Priest and intercessor, says their organization and religious practices are the way of salvation, not faith in Christ, etc. etc. it is not the universal church of Christ. None of those things are in the teachings of the apostles and Jesus.
Ill will respond to your objections don’t worry.

One thing at a time please

High priest

By agreeing that Christ is high priest (heb 8:1) do you realize you are agreeing to a hierarchy?

There aren't any. There is no need for them. Jesus makes it possible to approach the throne robed in His righteousness through faith in Jesus alone. When it is said that believers are a kingdom of priests it relates to this worship and one on one communion with God, and our interceding in prayer for one another.
Refer to #117 one at a time