For anyone interested in understanding a bit more indepth what the arguments between the "Old Perspectives" and the "New Perspectives" positions, I recommend these couple of videos which I think present a fairly balanced view on the topic:
Top 5 differences between the new perspective and old perspective
8 differences between the new perspective and the old perspective
I would also encourage that as Christians we should be very careful before we label someone a heretic. Make sure that you have read their work for yourself and carefully (and prayerfully) weighed up their arguments against Scripture before making such a serious judgement call. Don't just listen to what others say, no matter how well respected they are. I am urging caution about making judgements on what I understand to be a complex and highly nuanced subject.
Another thing to bear in mind when considering these things is as
@TB2 mentioned, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls provided an amazing insight into second temple Judaism that has really changed our understanding. This is something the reformers didn't have access to. Don't get me wrong, I am not denying the reformed faith in any way. But just like the reformers, the church today should be continually going back to Scripture, with all the resources we have at our disposal, and making sure that our views, our doctrine, line up with God's Word, seeking to understand it in light of its historical, cultural and theological context.