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666 years calculated for the Sea Beast's existence

LOL...wow, what an excuse. If you could actually match the event to Revelation you would have done that simply and easily.
I mean, I would have presented the events that obviously fulfilled Revelations.
According to this website's rules, they are really trying to concentrate the conversation on the OP's theme without straying off in different directions. I would really like to abide by that, regardless of any challenges you might throw out. If you seriously want historical details of how Preterists have matched those fulfilled historical events with Revelation's prophecies, then introduce a new post on each subject and I can respond there. Otherwise we will both be breaking the rules.

And as I also said before, I do not have all the time in the world at my disposal. I am running a custom workroom with deadlines, as well as putting many hours into our house renovation project where I am currently excavating by hand a crawlway space which is wearing me out. I'd love to spend all day answering and posting online but I have to divide up my time evenly on everything.
According to this website's rules, they are really trying to concentrate the conversation on the OP's theme without straying off in different directions. I would really like to abide by that, regardless of any challenges you might throw out. If you seriously want historical details of how Preterists have matched those fulfilled historical events with Revelation's prophecies, then introduce a new post on each subject and I can respond there. Otherwise we will both be breaking the rules.

And as I also said before, I do not have all the time in the world at my disposal. I am running a custom workroom with deadlines, as well as putting many hours into our house renovation project where I am currently excavating by hand a crawlway space which is wearing me out. I'd love to spend all day answering and posting online but I have to divide up my time evenly on everything.
I understand you can't do it. I'll move on unless it comes up again.
You see, even if someone starts to give you some of the details from that prophecy that match historical events, as I already said, you are predisposed to reject them without consideration. If I listed all of the matching details, it would only be wasted effort. We really should pursue this in another post, since your challenge to prove Revelation events from history is not related to this topic of the 666-years calculation for the Sea Beast's existence.
Years ?

I would offer Historical events make up part of prophecy. Gospel mysteries are made know by rightly dividing the parables, in a hope of finding the spiritual understanding hid from the world. The temporal historical seen must be mixed with the eternal unseen things. . . .Christ's faith, as it is written it powerfully works in all born again.

Unity of the Spirit

2 Corinthians 4:13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;

Hebrews speaks of the mixing of faith the power to raise new creatures.

Hebrews 4:2 For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.

6 or three times to emphasize 666. Three denotes the end of a matter throughout the bible in parables like the one in view Revelation 13

"666" is the number of mankind beast of the field it has nothing to do with time. There could be no gospel reason it was changed to a time. factor.

Revelation13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

In that way 666 the number of mankind not the age.
Three denotes the end of a matter throughout the bible in parables like the one in view Revelation 13
Parable??? Technology is just a 1/2 step away from having the capability to fulfill Revelation 13.

You need to wake up.
6 or three times to emphasize 666. Three denotes the end of a matter throughout the bible in parables like the one in view Revelation 13
This number is not just the number 6 duplicated three times. This number is a calculated number of "six-hundred-and-sixty-six" total.

In that way 666 the number of mankind not the age.
The "number of a man" was the number of the statue of a man; namely, Daniel's image of a man made of different metals representing the pagan empires of the ancient world who held continual control of the nation of Israel over the centuries. This Sea Beast began with the Babylonian "lion" kingdom under Nebuchadnezzar, as one of the Sea Beast's features of lion, bear, and leopard (Rev. 13:2) . This "lion" kingdom was made to stand upon its feet as a MAN, and a MAN'S HEART was given to it, according to Daniel 7:4. Nebuchadnezzar was the MAN leading the first Babylonian empire which began this Sea Beast character's existence, which was having its 666th "birthday" in John's days when he was writing Revelation.
This number is not just the number 6 duplicated three times. This number is a calculated number of "six-hundred-and-sixty-six" total.
It's not a literal sign but is a mark (mark my word what he says comes to pass). The signified understanding must be searched. It's an evil generation that looks to literal sign to wonder after before they will believe. No sign was given to wonder after

As whole number yes. It must be rightfully divided or interpreted not added to or subtracted from .

Six is the number of mankind created on the sixth day . Three denotes the end of a matter . no different than 7 speaks of perfect. 777 brings together both the threefold expression of a perfectly holy God and the full completion signified by the number seven. So, 777 signifies God working to completely fulfill good purposes, and doing that work with perfection 666 the fall of mankind. The mark of Cain the restless wanderer not yoked with Christ to heavy of a burden.

Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory

Revelation 4:8And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come
It's not a literal sign but is a mark (mark my word what he says comes to pass).
This is not correct. The mark is distinguished as something separate from the number of the Sea Beast. They are listed separately in Revelation 13:17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name."
This is not correct. The mark is distinguished as something separate from the number of the Sea Beast. They are listed separately in Revelation 13:17. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name."

Yes the number name 666 the number of unconverted mankind

Again the buying and selling has to do with the gospel not the temporal things seen but but rather "spiritual matter" .
And with its it truth rightly divide it as God's understanding to us.

Its not a famine for worldly fleshly goods that we fear but famine for hearing the gospel of Christ pouring out his Holy Spirit on dying mankind

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Big difference between a "sign" and a "mark" Satan with make them one in the same. No outward sign as evidence was given to wonder after. We have prophecy till the end.

666 natural un converted mankind . The mark of Cain. He had no interest in the spiritual unseen thing of God just like Esau who sold his birth right for a cup of hairy goat soup .

Judgment for murdering his brother. The daily work load was Cain could not bear it unlike Abel yoked with Christ who made the daily burden lighter . Cain desiring to set the judgement wanted to die saying if they find me he will kill

Genesis 4:12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

God said in affect your not getting off so easy you unlike Abel yoked with Chrsit.

Cain will be a restless wanderer not yoked with Christ, suffering daily pangs of hell for the rest of your days (no salvation) no parole

When trying to weasel his way out Christ said to him by the "mark" of my word if they take it into their own hands and kill you they will be on death roll also .

Genesis 4: 5 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark (666) upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

Yoked with Christ our daily burden can be lighter with a future hope beyond the grave ,Cain's hope died with him
Yes the number name 666 the number of unconverted mankind
That is not a possible interpretation, because John's readers were told to "calculate" the number of the Sea Beast. This was a mathematical computation that John's readers were capable of doing per John's instructions. They were to count one by one an amount of something that resulted in a six-hundred-and-sixty-six total.

If this 666 number was that of "unconverted mankind", how to you suppose John's readers were supposed to mathematically "calculate" this 666 number of unconverted mankind? That isn't even a possibility for anyone to compute. No one is aware of just how many unconverted members of mankind there will be compared to all of the numbers of mankind ever born.

666 natural un converted mankind . The mark of Cain
Cain did not have the "mark" of 666. You are adding to scripture when you say this. And the 666 numbered total is altogether different from the mark of the Sea Beast or its name. These three things connected with the Sea Beast were describing three different things entirely, as Rev. 13:17 says. And the Sea Beast had not yet arisen in history when Cain was alive. The Sea Beast did not arise in history until the "lion" kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian empire (since this "lion" feature is one of the characteristics of the Sea Beast - Rev. 13:2 - per Daniel's described 4 beast empires).
If this 666 number was that of "unconverted mankind", how to you suppose John's readers were supposed to mathematically "calculate" this 666 number of unconverted mankind? That isn't even a possibility for anyone to compute. No one is aware of just how many unconverted members of mankind there will be compared to all of the numbers of mankind ever born.
Hi thanks for the reply .

Remember a "mark" is not the same as a" sign". Satan would have mankind believe they all one in the same They must be rightly divided having different purpose as well used as together . . Mark in Revelation used 9 times. Sign 2

Sign, visible mark . Mark of my word a boundary .Mark authroty,etc

Sign identifies what kind of visible mark?

Below the mark is a sign to the will . . head and hand power . Mankind to wiill and do . God is not served by dying hands of mankind .

Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

Hand upon the head the will of God as the power of God our spiritual head

Below the mark as a sign of the authority called name

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Bellow keep into account the mark of Cain the first use of the word

Psalm 130:3 If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?

Below believe me The mark of Cain

Job 21:5 Mark me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth.

Revelation 13:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The math, created on day 6 the number of false authority of the name 666 . Three times denoted the end of the matter throughout the bible

Many look fulfil the mark rather as if it was a sign that has not come to a end . Leaving a person wonder when? who ? (limbo)
Hi thanks for the reply .

Remember a "mark" is not the same as a" sign". Satan would have mankind believe they all one in the same They must be rightly divided having different purpose as well used as together . . Mark in Revelation used 9 times. Sign 2

Sign, visible mark . Mark of my word a boundary .Mark authroty,etc

Sign identifies what kind of visible mark?

Below the mark is a sign to the will . . head and hand power . Mankind to wiill and do . God is not served by dying hands of mankind .

Revelation 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

Hand upon the head the will of God as the power of God our spiritual head

Below the mark as a sign of the authority called name

Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Bellow keep into account the mark of Cain the first use of the word

Psalm 130:3 If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?

Below believe me The mark of Cain

Job 21:5 Mark me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth.

Revelation 13:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The math, created on day 6 the number of false authority of the name 666 . Three times denoted the end of the matter throughout the bible

Many look fulfil the mark rather as if it was a sign that has not come to a end . Leaving a person wonder when? who ? (limbo)
The issue of the mark is this. The mark is for those who worship the beast and his image, as the Holy Spirit is the seal/mark for those who worship God. Some believe it may be technology that gives one access to their money (like an ATM card) and their records, however, that is not what the passage is saying. It is saying that having this mark, this imprint on their forehead or on their hand gives them the right (not the ability), gives them the right to both buy and sell. Anyone without the mark on their forehead or hand would not be permitted to buy or sell.

This mark is, if you are reading Revelation correctly, a mark of allegiance to the beast and his image. It is completely different from Cain's mark, which was something God did so that no one would attack and kill Cain. It wasn't so Cain could buy or sell.

And Irenaeus math is that the mark is based on the measurements of Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel.

The mark has not happened yet. Neither has the two witnesses. Very soon the prophecy of the two witnesses in Jerusalem will be possible to fulfill LITERALLY. People will be able to see everything as it is happening, through social media, Tik Tok, Youtube, etc. For the first time in history, it is possible for the prophecy to be fulfilled as written. There is also a covenant that is waiting to be strengthened, which, with what is going on in Israel right now, most probably is going to be strengthened. The Abraham Accords, which Trump was going to strengthen if he had won the election in 2020. (The 70 weeks in Daniel says that at the start of the week, he [the big AC] would strengthen a covenant with the many...) Then, according to some of the early church fathers, this Anti Christ would enter the temple at the middle of that week, and declare himself to be God, and would abolish all other religions, and declare himself the only one to be worshiped. He would claim the temple as his own, the abomination of desolation.

In 70 AD, according to the history I read, which I believe was Josephus, Titus had no intention of destroying the temple, but instead was going to desecrate the temple by putting an altar to Zeus in the temple, and dedicating the temple to the pantheon of Roman gods. However, tragedy struck when the Romans accidently set fire to the city, and that fire ended up destroying the temple. According to Josephus, the Roman Soldiers and others I believe, attempted to put out the fire, but there was not enough water in Jerusalem. So consider that Titus basically had an abomination of desolation planned for the temple, but the temple was destroyed before it could happen.

If you really want to see how things go, keep an eye on what happens with Israel right now. Apparently some of the surrounding countries are getting VERY upset with the Palestinians, primarily Hamas. Who knows if, when it all ends, Israel gets some sort of concessions, such as rebuilding the temple. I am saying, watch. I have no reason to beleive it will happen, but there is movement in the background. (Such as those who say the temple could be rebuilt without touching the dome of the rock.) There are a line of priests who have been practicing and keeping the art of the sacrificial system alive, waiting for the temple to be rebuilt. The sacrificial system did not officially stop until the third or fourth century. (It popped up again for a short period of time.)

I consider the mark of the beast to be a physical analog to the sealing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit marks the believer as God's property. The mark marks the damned as owned by the beast and his image, or in short, by Satan. It is like being baptised to show the world the internal change. The worshiper of the beast gets the mark to show their unfailing, undying love of the beast and his image, and thus damn themselves forever.
The issue of the mark is this. The mark is for those who worship the beast and his image, as the Holy Spirit is the seal/mark for those who worship God. Some believe it may be technology that gives one access to their money (like an ATM card) and their records, however, that is not what the passage is saying. It is saying that having this mark, this imprint on their forehead or on their hand gives them the right (not the ability), gives them the right to both buy and sell. Anyone without the mark on their forehead or hand would not be permitted to buy or sell.

This mark is, if you are reading Revelation correctly, a mark of allegiance to the beast and his image. It is completely different from Cain's mark, which was something God did so that no one would attack and kill Cain. It wasn't so Cain could buy or sell.

And Irenaeus math is that the mark is based on the measurements of Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel.
Hi Thanks

On your mark get set . . . . . . . (LOL)

Walk by faith God's unseen understanding working in us not after what the eyes see the temporal.

Yes, a mark that distinguishes a the beast of the field like mankind .Not a sign. No sign was given . signs are for unbeliever's (beast of the filed Believers have prophecy till the end of time. no new revelations in any manner .None needed.

Jesus said it is natural unconverted mankind that's seek after one, No sign was given to wonder after other the the "sign of the times" human history repeating its self.

In that way there was no greater tribulation coming that was greater then the first century reformation one that continues a tribulation like never before or ever again for the Jew that trusted dying flesh . and great joy for all the nations of the world .

Christ will leave like a thief in the night on the last day under the Sun. Believers look to the eternal things of God not seen and not the dying things of mankind seen.

The golden measure Christ labor of faithful love the unknow . Not . the literal number of man . In that way rightly divide seeking his approval . . interpret the golden measurement faith

The mark of Cain (the creative law of faith ) Whatsoever God says comes to pass . Kill Cain I will slay you ...The . . . "let there be" and mark of God our invisible head "alone was GOD good .
The issue of the mark is this. The mark is for those who worship the beast and his image, as the Holy Spirit is the seal/mark for those who worship God. Some believe it may be technology that gives one access to their money (like an ATM card) and their records, however, that is not what the passage is saying. It is saying that having this mark, this imprint on their forehead or on their hand gives them the right (not the ability), gives them the right to both buy and sell. Anyone without the mark on their forehead or hand would not be permitted to buy or sell.

This mark is, if you are reading Revelation correctly, a mark of allegiance to the beast and his image. It is completely different from Cain's mark, which was something God did so that no one would attack and kill Cain. It wasn't so Cain could buy or sell.

And Irenaeus math is that the mark is based on the measurements of Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel.

The mark has not happened yet. Neither has the two witnesses. Very soon the prophecy of the two witnesses in Jerusalem will be possible to fulfill LITERALLY. People will be able to see everything as it is happening, through social media, Tik Tok, Youtube, etc. For the first time in history, it is possible for the prophecy to be fulfilled as written. There is also a covenant that is waiting to be strengthened, which, with what is going on in Israel right now, most probably is going to be strengthened. The Abraham Accords, which Trump was going to strengthen if he had won the election in 2020. (The 70 weeks in Daniel says that at the start of the week, he [the big AC] would strengthen a covenant with the many...) Then, according to some of the early church fathers, this Anti Christ would enter the temple at the middle of that week, and declare himself to be God, and would abolish all other religions, and declare himself the only one to be worshiped. He would claim the temple as his own, the abomination of desolation.

In 70 AD, according to the history I read, which I believe was Josephus, Titus had no intention of destroying the temple, but instead was going to desecrate the temple by putting an altar to Zeus in the temple, and dedicating the temple to the pantheon of Roman gods. However, tragedy struck when the Romans accidently set fire to the city, and that fire ended up destroying the temple. According to Josephus, the Roman Soldiers and others I believe, attempted to put out the fire, but there was not enough water in Jerusalem. So consider that Titus basically had an abomination of desolation planned for the temple, but the temple was destroyed before it could happen.

If you really want to see how things go, keep an eye on what happens with Israel right now. Apparently some of the surrounding countries are getting VERY upset with the Palestinians, primarily Hamas. Who knows if, when it all ends, Israel gets some sort of concessions, such as rebuilding the temple. I am saying, watch. I have no reason to beleive it will happen, but there is movement in the background. (Such as those who say the temple could be rebuilt without touching the dome of the rock.) There are a line of priests who have been practicing and keeping the art of the sacrificial system alive, waiting for the temple to be rebuilt. The sacrificial system did not officially stop until the third or fourth century. (It popped up again for a short period of time.)

I consider the mark of the beast to be a physical analog to the sealing of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit marks the believer as God's property. The mark marks the damned as owned by the beast and his image, or in short, by Satan. It is like being baptised to show the world the internal change. The worshiper of the beast gets the mark to show their unfailing, undying love of the beast and his image, and thus damn themselves forever.

All of this is off topic from the theme of the Six-hundred-and-sixty-six number of the Sea Beast. (Though I agree with you that the "mark" of the Sea Beast is not connected to the mark put upon Cain, as is being proposed.)
All of this is off topic from the theme of the Six-hundred-and-sixty-six number of the Sea Beast. (Though I agree with you that the "mark" of the Sea Beast is not connected to the mark put upon Cain, as is being proposed.)
Who you also misidentify (the sea beast). It is not the Tyrian shekel, because one could sell if he didn't have any, and then he would have some. The mark gave the person authorization to both buy and sell, and without the mark, they couldn't do either. It is a mark that simply permits buying and selling. It is not an economical system. It isn't a bank card. It isn't some chip that gives acces to funds. It is a physical analog to the Holy Spirit, a blasphemy of what the Holy Spirit stands for. The Holy Spirit marks/seals the believer as belonging to God. The mark marks/seals the worshiper of the beast as belonging with the beast. If one refuses allegiance to the beast, anywhere in the whole world, they cannot buy or sell. Revelation is not regional. It speaks to the end of the whole world, as we see in Revelation 21. It is the last chapter of the creation. The New heavens, New Earth, and New Jerusalem mark the beginning of a new chapter in a new book. The next age. The eternal age.
Who you also misidentify (the sea beast). It is not the Tyrian shekel, because one could sell if he didn't have any, and then he would have some. The mark gave the person authorization to both buy and sell, and without the mark, they couldn't do either. It is a mark that simply permits buying and selling. It is not an economical system. It isn't a bank card. It isn't some chip that gives acces to funds. It is a physical analog to the Holy Spirit, a blasphemy of what the Holy Spirit stands for. The Holy Spirit marks/seals the believer as belonging to God. The mark marks/seals the worshiper of the beast as belonging with the beast. If one refuses allegiance to the beast, anywhere in the whole world, they cannot buy or sell. Revelation is not regional. It speaks to the end of the whole world, as we see in Revelation 21. It is the last chapter of the creation. The New heavens, New Earth, and New Jerusalem mark the beginning of a new chapter in a new book. The next age. The eternal age.

I would offer The selling and buying is of spiritual truths . Not a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk The famine is in respect to hearing the gospel (salvation)

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:

Satan the god of this world would have mankind focus on the temporal dying. . . the hear and now.

I would offer we must be careful how believers hear ,what we hear ,by whom they say they hear

Big difference in the usage between the word mark and a sign.

Mark used nine times in Revelation. Sign twice.

Satan the king of lying sign (his only voice) that men wonder after ."signs" rather then trusting "prophecy" in regard to the future .

Satan would have mankind believe a sign and mark are all one and same. The deceiver performs that with many words taking away the understanding of sola scriptura .

If God says one, he says many. If God says many the father of lies calls it one. The liar calls up down, light dark , evil good, God a dying creation etc

Usually first mention sets the standard . The mark. . what God says to come to pass . Let there be and it was God alone good .

Genesis 4:15And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

He did not say if you see a sign(666) on Cain. (666) But if found by the law no easy way out .A lifer, fugitive from the law (.Thou shall not murder.)

If they murdered Cain they got the same lifer sentence. . a restless wander no God, in there heart to lighten the load

Different death sentences. The rest of Cain's life is spent sufferings the pangs of hell with no savior to help .Unlike is brother Able yoked with Christ.

The daily burdens can be lighter if one does not harden thier hearts and seek after signs to wonder after .God sends them a strong delusion so they can continue to seek after a sign and not prophecy.

Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.

Signs to a believer follow the fulfilment of prophecy. They do not lead.

Signs and wonders seekers made jesus into a circus seal Do a miracle then maybe when we se with our own eyes we will believe . (no faith that could please the invisible head Our Holy father in heaven

John 4:48Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

IJohn 6:30They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

No faith as a labor of our Holy Fathers that comes from hearing the invisible head ,Christ. He gives us ears to hear his understanding
Revelation is not regional. It speaks to the end of the whole world, as we see in Revelation 21. It is the last chapter of the creation. The New heavens, New Earth, and New Jerusalem mark the beginning of a new chapter in a new book. The next age. The eternal age.
I agree Revelation speaks to an end of certain conditions in the whole world. When you had the entire Satanic realm eradicated in Jerusalem's Lake of Fire conditions in the AD 66-70 period, this was a benefit for the entire world at large.

But Revelation was not describing "the last chapter of creation". The New Heavens and the New Earth were described by Isaiah 65, and they are NOT the "eternal age" conditions. That is because sinners are still present, death is still occurring for both the righteous and the wicked, children are being born, and prayers are ascending to God in these Isaiah 65 verses.

None of these conditions Isaiah listed for the NHNE take place in the ages of eternity.
The developement of required technology.
Yes a sign something you can see with ones own eyes Its not sign in view but it is a mark . Satan the king of lying signs to wonder alter (his only voice) would have mankind believe mark, and sign as one in the same

Like mark my word What I say will come to pass Let there be and "it did come to pass

Genesis 4: 15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him

Signs to wonder after seekers like Nicodenmus Treated Jesus as a circus seal, Do some magic work a miracle then when we see it with our own eyes. Maybe we will believe the invisible head.? Christ .

The law

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

The testimony John 6:30They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Its the reason I believe Jesus taught Nicodenmus the sign and wonder seeker. teaching him in respect to the greatest possible miracle. Born again .Jesus loving commanded him to marvel or wonder not. . but rather believe prophecy. later Nicodenmus seen with the Christians breaking awy form asigns and wonders gospel

It would seem. Satan always trying to add or subtract from the perfect sealed with seven seals till the end of time (sola scriptura) His first success to decive adding to the word . "neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die." In that way the god of this world, is the god of false pride through the lust of the flesh , She touched did not die , , ,they both believing the false prophecy ate.

God did not say do not touch .Maybe it is why why it was in the center of the hid with other trees. He is a God that hides it is used 21 times

The lord called the other tress pleasant to the sight, and good for food;

Nothing about pleasant to the touch the first false prophecy

The two building block of false pride

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

No signs were given to wonder after. Jesus informed believers its a evil generation "unredeemed mankind" that does seek after a sign and not prophecy .