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666 years calculated for the Sea Beast's existence

The developement of required technology.
Required by who? No such tool for rightly dividing the word of God. God has his hand in technology. It has not made him disappear over the past.

You could always join the Mennonites. They are holding back time.
The high priests of Israel required that anyone coming to the temple to buy or sell and sacrificial items for worship had to exchange their own foreign currency for the only acceptable Tyrian shekel coin with its pagan images and inscriptions that were abominable to God and gave homage to Rome. This requirement began in 19 BC when the religious leaders asked Rome if they could start minting a coin for Temple use with a high silver content like the Tyrian shekel. Rome conceded to this unusual request of Israel minting its own currency, as long as the priests kept the same profane inscriptions and idolatrous images of the original Tyrian shekel on them, which God had strictly forbidden back in Deuteronomy 7:25-26.
It's not about an image worldly goods. (what the eyes see) I would think that is one of the signs of a marked man trying to make it about what the eyes see .

Another under the mark of God's word is a murderer. Like Cain. God by the mark of his living word condemned Cain to a life of suffering with nt relief from God as did Abel have yoked with Christ.

The mark of his word. Let there be and it was good. No early parole for Cain.

The mark God word it will come to pass.
That is not the living who had not died yet. It was those who had been made alive by resurrection (such as the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints), but who had "remained" on the earth in their glorified bodies for a time. Someone who has not died yet and been resurrected to a changed incorruptible body cannot survive being in God's presence.
Paul in 1 Thes 4 used the word...then...as if right after.

17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,

When did this happen?
The third bodily resurrection event of the saints into incorruptible, immortal bodies occurs at Christ's third coming in our future. Two of these resurrection events have already taken place; first in AD 33 with Christ and the Matthew 27:52-53 First-fruits, and second in AD 70 with its accompanying "rapture" of the resurrected saints. We await the third resurrection event in our future at Christ's final return. We won't need a rapture on that occasion, since Christ will purge all remaining human evil from this planet, making it a fit dwelling place.
Christ returns for the rapture...and He's not riding a white horse.
For one example of a third coming, James 5:7-8 compares the returns of Christ to a husbandman who waits with long patience for the precious fruit of the earth until he receives the early and latter rain. This is language duplicated from Hosea 6:3, "...and He shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth."

There were three required harvest feast celebrations in Israel timed to match the weather cycles of these early and latter rain periods. And bodily resurrections are compared to "harvests" in scripture (like the wheat and the tares). God planned for three bodily resurrection events to match the three required harvest feast celebrations, occurring on the same matching festival dates of the year for Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles. You and I will participate in the future resurrection taking place in the time of year the Feast of Tabernacles would have been celebrated in the seventh month.

LOL....and you complain about Darby.
The high priests of Israel required that anyone coming to the temple to buy or sell and sacrificial items for worship had to exchange their own foreign currency for the only acceptable Tyrian shekel coin with its pagan images and inscriptions that were abominable to God and gave homage to Rome.
I noticed the "coin" was glued to their right hand or forehead.
This requirement began in 19 BC when the religious leaders asked Rome if they could start minting a coin for Temple use with a high silver content like the Tyrian shekel. Rome conceded to this unusual request of Israel minting its own currency, as long as the priests kept the same profane inscriptions and idolatrous images of the original Tyrian shekel on them, which God had strictly forbidden back in Deuteronomy 7:25-26.

Every time the money-changers (for a fee) put this exchanged Tyrian shekel in the hands of those coming to worship in the temple, that person was reminded once again of how Rome controlled their nation and their own priesthood who were requiring them to break God's law in the process.
Did the people who conformed to your "coin" theory experience the following....Rev 16:2 So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth, and harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image.
Paul in 1 Thes 4 used the word...then...as if right after.

17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,
Yes, that is the problem that makes my point. The word "remain" in Greek implies something more than just a brief second or two before these were to also be caught up together with the others to meet the Lord in the air. The Greek word for "remain" in 1 Thessalonians 4:15 & 17 carries the connotation of something being set apart or reserved for a considerable length of time - like in the verse "there remaineth therefore a rest for the people of God..."

If Paul was speaking of those living believers who hadn't died yet, he would have only said, "We who are alive...shall be caught up together with them in the clouds..." But Paul also stuck the word "remain" in that verse for a reason. Those "alive" but "remaining" saints (like Lazarus and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints) had been set apart and reserved on earth for a certain length of time before they were also to be caught up with the other resurrected saints - in AD 70.
Christ returns for the rapture...and He's not riding a white horse
The white horse is not literal anymore than the sword coming out of Christ's mouth is literal. The white horse represents a leader in charge of a battle - whether spiritual or literal. Christ was coming to exact vengeance on that generation in judgment for killing His saints and prophets - and Himself. Also to conquer death for those that would be resurrected at His return to the Mount of Olives when they would be gathered to Himself and return to heaven with Him.
LOL....and you complain about Darby.
I have never mentioned Darby once in any of my writings, here or elsewhere.
I noticed the "coin" was glued to their right hand or forehead
Glued? No, they only possessed the coin which was the mark of the Beast. The word used is "echontas", which I am reading means to have, hold, or possess that mark.
Paul in 1 Thes 4 used the word...then...as if right after.

17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,

When did this happen?
The moment God empowered us to hear and with the same power believe ,buying the truth he gives us his undertanding

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

The end of the matter, sign sealed delivered from the beginning

1 Peter 1:9-11-13 Receiving the end of your faith,(Christ's power working in us) even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

We look back to that twinkling of the eye they looked ahead by the same work of Christ faith
If Paul was speaking of those living believers who hadn't died yet, he would have only said, "We who are alive...shall be caught up together with them in the clouds..." But Paul also stuck the word "remain" in that verse for a reason. Those "alive" but "remaining" saints (like Lazarus and the Matthew 27:52-53 resurrected saints) had been set apart and reserved on earth for a certain length of time before they were also to be caught up with the other resurrected saints - in AD 70.
Word smithing???

When the christians disappear...raptured...will you attribute it to alien abductions?
Glued? No, they only possessed the coin which was the mark of the Beast. The word used is "echontas", which I am reading means to have, hold, or possess that mark.
Sorry, once again your description doesn't match the Bible.
When the christians disappear...raptured...will you attribute it to alien abductions?
No one is going to get off this planet without passing through the death process. Scripture's rule is that "It is appointed unto men ONCE to die...", just as Christ died the one time. Hebrews 9:27-28 links both of these facts together as one truth.

There are no scriptures which describe a translation-type process for masses of living Christians before they go sailing off through the air to heaven with Christ. Not even in the usual go-to passage in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, which only describes a change for the dead bodies of the saints - not a "change" to the incorruptible and immortal for those who have never died.
No one is going to get off this planet without passing through the death process. Scripture's rule is that "It is appointed unto men ONCE to die...", just as Christ died the one time. Hebrews 9:27-28 links both of these facts together as one truth.
Your out of context misapplied verse was already refuted. I even quoted Jesus.
There are no scriptures which describe a translation-type process for masses of living Christians before they go sailing off through the air to heaven with Christ. Not even in the usual go-to passage in 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, which only describes a change for the dead bodies of the saints - not a "change" to the incorruptible and immortal for those who have never died.
If you say so.
Your out of context misapplied verse was already refuted. I even quoted Jesus
For my aging memory, perhaps you could repeat the text where you believe Jesus said that not all believers will pass through physical death. "All go to one place", and that is the grave in the physical death process.
If you say so.
There is no promise anywhere in scripture for a translation type of change for those believers who haven't died. This is a fictitious belief invented by those misinterpreting what Paul said about the rapture.
For my aging memory, perhaps you could repeat the text where you believe Jesus said that not all believers will pass through physical death. "All go to one place", and that is the grave in the physical death process.

There is no promise anywhere in scripture for a translation type of change for those believers who haven't died. This is a fictitious belief invented by those misinterpreting what Paul said about the rapture.
1 Thes 4:17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18Therefore encourage one another with these word

Instead of denying what the bible says...you should be encouraging one another with those words.

You forgot about Enoch and Elijah....they never died. Do you think they may be the two witnesses who will one day walk the streets of Jerusalem as described in the future in Revelation 11?
1 Thes 4:17Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18Therefore encourage one another with these word
You said you had quoted Jesus. This is a passage from Paul. Are you thinking of another text when Christ spoke saying that believers are promised a translation change of their physical bodies without dying?

I'm not denying what the Bible says about the believers in 1 Thessalonians 4 being caught up to meet the Lord in the air. What I am denying is that there is any mention whatever in that passage of a translation change without passing through death for those believers' physical bodies before they ascend to heaven. No man can live in God's presence in a mortal body without being first changed with a bodily resurrection into an immortal condition that can never die again.
You forgot about Enoch and Elijah....they never died. Do you think they may be the two witnesses who will one day walk the streets of Jerusalem as described in the future in Revelation 11?

No, I didn't forget about Enoch and Elijah. As for Elijah, he died a natural death as anyone else. His transport by the whirlwind took him into the sky where he was transported to another location on earth. We know this because Elijah wrote a letter to King Jehoram some 10 years or so after his whirlwind transport into the (atmospheric) heaven. In Elijah's letter, he described the manner of the king's future death for the sins he had committed (2 Chronicles 21:12-15). The LXX for this whirlwind account says that "Elijah was taken as it were into heaven" - not that he ever ascended into God's heaven, which was impossible according to John 3:13.

As for the translated Enoch, I believe there are solid reasons from scripture to believe that he was the same as the deathless Melchizedek. God provided a single man as an example of a deathless priest of the most high God to establish the deathless "order of Melchizedek", of which superior order Christ was named our deathless high priest. Only one translated man was needed to provide this unique example. This single case does not morph into a promise that millions of believers will experience this unique translation process. That would go against the Hebrews 9:27 imperative for a one-time death appointment for mankind.

Neither Elijah nor Enoch were the two witnesses in Revelation 11. Those were two former high priests who were slain and left unburied in Jerusalem in AD 67/68 during the Idumean attack on Jerusalem, as recorded by Josephus.
Neither Elijah nor Enoch were the two witnesses in Revelation 11. Those were two former high priests who were slain and left unburied in Jerusalem in AD 67/68 during the Idumean attack on Jerusalem, as recorded by Josephus.
Once again...you failed to present history that reflects what the book of Revelations says will happen....and pass it off as if it has happened.
You said you had quoted Jesus. This is a passage from Paul. Are you thinking of another text when Christ spoke saying that believers are promised a translation change of their physical bodies without dying?
John 14:1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. 2In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.”

This is speaking of the future rapture.

Other verses tell us of what Jesus said concerning the rapture...but doesn't mention the "transformation" you demand that Jesus said or it isn't true.

Luke 17:34I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. 35There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.”j 37

Now, because Jesus didn't say it exactly as you might demand....for instance Jesus never said "I am God"....yet He is God...or the bible doesn't use the word "trinity", yet we know it exist......Like wise for your question.
Keep in mind 1st Thes 4 may not have been a direct quote from Jesus, but we do know it was words penned by Paul that were inspired by God the Holy Spirit.
Once again...you failed to present history that reflects what the book of Revelations says will happen....and pass it off as if it has happened.
I could give you the related historical record from Josephus regarding all the conditions of the 6th trumpet judgment taking place during that AD 67/68 Idumean attack on Jerusalem, but I doubt you would give it any consideration. The matching events between Josephus' Wars record and Revelation's account of the 6th trumpet judgment are too numerous to be accidental.
John 14:1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. 2In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.”

This is speaking of the future rapture.
Yes, it was speaking of a future rapture - future to the disciples who would physically die before AD 70, who would be resurrected and taken with the returning Christ back to heaven.
Luke 17:34I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. 35There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.”j 37
This isn't the rapture spoken of in this text. It was either a captive status or a dead status for those in Judea under the Roman army's battle campaigns in Judea in the AD 66-70 period. In Luke 17:37, the "eagles" being gathered together where the "body" was located was speaking about the Roman eagle standards carried by the Roman army legions. Eagles are birds of prey, and they either gather around carcasses of dead things or they carry their living prey back to their nest for their young ones to eat.
Other verses tell us of what Jesus said concerning the rapture...but doesn't mention the "transformation" you demand that Jesus said or it isn't true.
Just as I said - there is no mention anywhere in scripture of a massive translation change for believers who haven't physically died yet when Christ returns. The misled hope of such a translation change for the living believers without physically dying is an invention added to scripture, and directly contradicts scripture's specific statement that "it is appointed unto man once to die", and judgment after that. In contradiction to this Hebrews 9:27 rule, Satan said the same thing to Eve, "Ye shall not surely die..." Scripture tells us that "...as in Adam all die." That is a rule for Adam's fallen progeny.
I could give you the related historical record from Josephus regarding all the conditions of the 6th trumpet judgment taking place during that AD 67/68 Idumean attack on Jerusalem, but I doubt you would give it any consideration. The matching events between Josephus' Wars record and Revelation's account of the 6th trumpet judgment are too numerous to be accidental.
I can hardly wait to hear your explanation.

13 Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar before God, 14saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour, the day, the month, and the year, were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number.

I didn't know a third of mankind was killed in AD 67/68.
I didn't know a third of mankind was killed in AD 67/68.
The 6th trumpet is related to events taking place in the city of Jerusalem. The two witnesses died there. The earthquake took place there. In AD 67/68 there were three opposing factions present in Jerusalem. Of those three factions, the one faction led by the moderate high priest Ananus as governor of Jerusalem was wiped out by the invading two myriads of Idumean horsemen under four commanders who acted in league with John of Gischala's faction. That left only two opposing Zealot factions in power in Jerusalem - John of Gischala and Eleazar. One third of mankind was destroyed in the city - not the entire world.
The 6th trumpet is related to events taking place in the city of Jerusalem. The two witnesses died there. The earthquake took place there. In AD 67/68 there were three opposing factions present in Jerusalem. Of those three factions, the one faction led by the moderate high priest Ananus as governor of Jerusalem was wiped out by the invading two myriads of Idumean horsemen under four commanders who acted in league with John of Gischala's faction. That left only two opposing Zealot factions in power in Jerusalem - John of Gischala and Eleazar. One third of mankind was destroyed in the city - not the entire world.
What you are presenting is nothing like the description.

I could give you the related historical record from Josephus regarding all the conditions of the 6th trumpet judgment taking place during that AD 67/68 Idumean attack on Jerusalem, but I doubt you would give it any consideration.
What you are presenting is nothing like the description.

You see, even if someone starts to give you some of the details from that prophecy that match historical events, as I already said, you are predisposed to reject them without consideration. If I listed all of the matching details, it would only be wasted effort. We really should pursue this in another post, since your challenge to prove Revelation events from history is not related to this topic of the 666-years calculation for the Sea Beast's existence.
You see, even if someone starts to give you some of the details from that prophecy that match historical events, as I already said, you are predisposed to reject them without consideration. If I listed all of the matching details, it would only be wasted effort. We really should pursue this in another post, since your challenge to prove Revelation events from history is not related to this topic of the 666-years calculation for the Sea Beast's existence.
LOL...wow, what an excuse. If you could actually match the event to Revelation you would have done that simply and easily.
I mean, I would have presented the events that obviously fulfilled Revelations.