What do/would you look for when your looking for a church home?
What would make you leave a church?
I once left a church because they were merging with 2 other church's. This wasn't the main reason but one of several.
Our church was going to leave the building they were renting and move into an already established building of a different denomination.
I had nothing in particular against this new "church" as they are wonderful born again believers. But, gotta have a "but'....one Sunday prior to the merge after the "government" allowed the church's to meet inside the entire congregation was wearing masks. Upon entering we just walked in and one of the ladies chased us down and presented us with a mask. No big deal. We took them but didn't wear them. For me it showed a mind set of the leadership of that church. It felt like they were following a "rule" set up by someone.
Thing is the singers and preachers removed their mask to sing and preach....kinda defeating the purpose of what they thought the mask actually do.
Personally I saw the mask in the service as "satanic"...and I'm not saying the congregation was satanic. They loved the Lord.
I pictured them with their faces covered...worshipping God....and God asking, who are you? Why are you afraid and why do you cover your face with the mask living in fear. To me it seemed as if satan achieved one of his goals and cover the faces of those made in the image of God.
Petty I know...but I feel the leadership should have understood the mask didn't work.
My wife felt as long as we were changing denomination why not try out several other church's. So we did and landed in a bible believing, bible preaching church.