That's a misrepresentation of those sources.
- Calvin was not the first monergist. He just happened to be among the most prodigious.
- TULIP and the WCF were developed because of existing departures from Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and/or the other prominent monergists. Those documents are attempts to establish an authoritative summary of core concepts.
- Calvin was studious, a practiced exegete and a prolific writer. Calvinism is not a soteriology. Calvinism is a theology and soteriology is just one part of his larger theology. This is very important to understand because.....
- TULIP is specifically soteriological. Its precepts touch on various aspects of larger theology but it makes no claims to be encompassing or applicable to anything beyond salvation.
- The WCF is just the opposite. The WCF (along with its catechism) was intended and designed to be a more encompassing statement about many diverse subjects and aspects of the Christian faith theologically. Its articles pertaining to salvation are a small part of the larger Confession.
- The word "Calvinism" rarely means only the views of Calvin. It is now a colloquial or "umbrella" term for monergism. This should not be the case but, for better or worse, it is the case. It is why I make the effort to self-describe as monergist and not specifically Calvinist. I've read Calvin for myself and find many errors in his soteriology. His emphasis on God being the causal agent of salvation and all its aspects is correct but there are places where he ventures into RC doctrine, tradition, or personal opinion that I reject.
- Conversion is not the whole of salvation. This is important because much, if not most, of the debate about salvation uses the word "salvation" when what is mean is strictly and specifically conversion. We are converted from death to life. That is salvation, but it is not the whole of salvation. This is also important because when it comes specifically and solely to the one matter of conversion, very few are synergist. Even most synergists are monergistic when it comes to conversion. No one (except perhaps for radical Pelagians) believe the human can convert him/herself from death to life, from dead in sin to life in Christ. Words matter.
And the failures to correctly discriminate these points sometimes leads monergists to make mistakes about their own theology or soteriology. Mistakes are not the same as well thought-out diversity. These conditions, in turn, make it difficult for outsiders to correctly learn, understand, and accept the monergistic views. One obvious example would be a comparative reading of someone like Pink versus Sproul. The two men shared a core set of views within monergism, but Pink was many times much more deterministic than Sproul.
While I believe I understand what you're saying and agree in part (but only in part), this is a bit of a false dichotomy. The fact is the prominent monergists in Christian history have been the most studious examiners of scripture in Christendom. This applies to most discussion forums, too. It can readily be observed that monergists in any soteriology board have a markedly better knowledge of whole scripture, observably use scripture from beginning to end and use it exegetically. We're the least likely to proof-text a verse. We're also the least likely to read scripture inferentially. The examination of scripture and the allegiance to doctrine can (and sometimes are) disparate conditions for any Christian (monergist or synergist). That is why I try to post scripture, make my case from scripture alone, and rarely appeal to extrabiblical sources (on the occasions that I do so it is usually because that source is a matter of debate). I would venture to say (my fellow monergists can attest to this as they choose) that while it has often been established most of the Cals in CCCF used to be Arms, the reason we became Cals is because of our study of scripture! We had the repeated experience whereby our synergist views kept running into conflict with what we were reading in scripture and the necessity to bend our doctrines to God's word provide inconvenient and annoying
But bend and bow we did.
That is why we're Cals. Scripture, not Calvin, TULIP, or the WCF.