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Trump, the beast

So Rome is thrown into the Lake of Fire? (Rev 19:20)
I dont know why you try and make a mockery out of it.

We are simply told that the antichristian forces are gathered together against Christ and his army and that they are put to rout. The beast rev 13:1) is taken. So is the false prophet, - that is the beat out of the earth, the great deceiver. These two are cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev 20:10).

And these are the leaders respectively of antichristian persecution and antichristian religion, they are said to be cast alive into perdition; while the men who worship them are first killed, and then also cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.

I believe the meaning here is, that at Christ's second coming Satan's persecution of the church and his power to deceive on earth shall cease forever.
I dont know why you try and make a mockery out of it.

We are simply told that the antichristian forces are gathered together against Christ and his army and that they are put to rout. The beast rev 13:1) is taken. So is the false prophet, - that is the beat out of the earth, the great deceiver. These two are cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone (Rev 20:10).

And these are the leaders respectively of antichristian persecution and antichristian religion, they are said to be cast alive into perdition; while the men who worship them are first killed, and then also cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.

I believe the meaning here is, that at Christ's second coming Satan's persecution of the church and his power to deceive on earth shall cease forever.
Christ, the rider on the white horse completely triumphs. So complete is his victory over his enemies, that according to the symbolism begun in verse 17, all the birds gorge themselves upon the flesh of the wicked (verse 21). Thus, in symbolic language, the judgment day has been described.
Missing the point.

ALL of you.

The wound to one of the 7 heads of the Sea Beast was against a geographical mountain upon which the Sea Beast was sitting at that particular time (one of the seven hills which the city of Rome sat upon). This was not a deadly wound to a person, or even to an empire, but to a geographical location.
It is assumed by all (so far) the op is about Trump. It is not.

Yes I believe that you don’t think Trump is the beast but I too am surprised that people aren’t saying that

The wound to one of the 7 heads of the Sea Beast was against a geographical mountain upon which the Sea Beast was sitting at that particular time (one of the seven hills which the city of Rome sat upon). This was not a deadly wound to a person, or even to an empire, but to a geographical location.
Nope. Still missing the point.
Yes I believe that you don’t think Trump is the beast but I too am surprised that people aren’t saying that
Still irrelevant. This isn't about Trump, and it's not about me (or my views on eschatology or ecclesiology).
Fellow CCAM members,

There are plenty of hints in Posts 1 and 2 and the ensuing posts. Together this thread's posts are sufficient to understand the unstated point of the op. You've been told what is irrelevant. Re-read the op, and the entire thread (now knowing what is irrelevant) and re-approach the op with something that is relevant. When that kind of content is posted I'll engage it. Until then I'll post "irrelevant" as needed. If the former hasn't happened by Wednesday (I'll give the thread a week), then I'll explain it.
It is assumed by all (so far) the op is about Trump. It is not.
To use the word 'all' would be an assumption on your part, I don't believe I used the word Trump.
To use the word 'all' would be an assumption on your part, I don't believe I used the word Trump.
Well, I wrote the op. If I tell you that you missed the point (whether you used the word, "Trump," or not) then you missed the point. I know the point I mean to make. Post #4 is not it.

And, for the record, you did use the word, "Trump."
Maybe because it wasn't a deadly/mortal head wound, only the ear.

Revelation 13:3 ESV
One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast.

Revelation 13:3 NET
One of the beast's heads appeared to have been killed, but the lethal wound had been healed. And the whole world followed the beast in amazement;

But then again, Trump doesn't have 10 heads (v.1)
I will give you this: Trump does not meet the criteria specified in the relevant texts.

Why then do some Christians think Rev.13 fulfilled? Why did others go in a much different but just as exegetically misguided direction?
I dont know why you try and make a mockery out of it.
I really wasn't trying to mock, maybe it's just my way of questioning of what I see as false assumptions.