His decree was God simplifying and the narrowing down and eliminating all the possible ways men could choose if allowed forever to keep trying to right themselves in some way outside of accepting truth....
"Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." 2 Timothy 3:7
God's decree narrows down what is to be reality, down to determining how we will always wish to think.
Without His decrees?
Something like the Garden of Eden would be replayed over and over until no more lies against the truth could be invented as to prove the truth not to be true.
God's decrees is God's efficiency manifested in having reality to reveal our final conclusion as to avoid endless thoughts and actions of men as to determine what a man is really made of.
For example...
If God did not decree that a certain man would choose from a certain number of women for taking a wife?
Be it one or five? Some men would be forever divorcing and choosing new ones because he could not find
his right woman which only comes by God's grace.
God's decrees avoided a potential for gigantic heaped up messes for the unfolding of time.
God's decree avoids endless redundancy of men that could have been.
For God determined what was perfectly needed to reveal who and what a person really is..
grace and peace ..............