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The Worship of Images & Popes

Spiritual blindness falls upon all those who reject Christ!

This extends to and includes His church and His revelation!

The Jews rejected (killed) Christ and are in spiritual blindness!

Saul went down to Damascus a Jew and came back a Christian!

He went down in pride and came back in humility!

He went down thinking he was acting righteously and doing the will of God and came back in true righteousness and doing God’s will!

He went down a spiritual tyrant and came back a servant!

He went down in rebellion as a Protestant opposing Christ and His holy church and came back an obedient, faithful, Christian!

Who do you suppose he met on his way down to Damascus?

The risen Christ appeared!
The blinding light of truth prevailed!

Christ and His church are one!
Acts 9:4 Acts 1:8 eph 5:32
You suffer from anti-Catholic psychosis, and refuse to be reasoned with. Dismantling your hateful rant line by line is a waste of time.
Absolutely accurate. And Roman Catholic paradigmatics, wouldn't even know how to start "dismantling anything meaningfully" because of their lack of Biblical knowledge.
Starting In 1531 (9) nine million pagan sun worshipping idolaters were converted to faith in Christ in Mexico, how did this happen, what was the means of this monumental grace?

Starting In 1531 (9) nine million pagan sun worshipping idolaters were converted to faith in Christ in Mexico, how did this happen, what was the means of this monumental grace?

Correction - they were converted to Catholicism. What's THAT got to do with "Faith in Christ".
There is only one faith
True, but "Catholicism", "Protestantism", "Calvinism", "Arminianism", etc. aren't "Faiths" at all, they're only Religious belief systems.

The FAITH related to the Gospel is specifically: The HEART KNOWLEDGE (not "head knowledge") that the perfect SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the cross, cleanses humans from SIN which is removed, not just "Covered temporarily" as it was in the Old Testament.

A "Born Again" Human (a human whose SINS have been eradicated, and who is indwelled by the Holy Spirit) is PERFECT before God with the very perfection of Jesus Himself is a "member" of that spiritual body comprised exclusively of Born Again Christian both Physically alive, and Physically dead from the beginning of the Adamic creation, until the end of the age.

MAN, has seen fit to try to encapsulate "Christianity" in many various "Religious business entities" called Denominations - NONE OF WHICH accurately represent the REAL Church of Jesus Christ.

All Visible denominational "Church Systems" are comprised of "Wheat" (born again Christians), and TARES (religious folks who adhere to the ideology of their denominations, but who don't HAVE A CLUE what it's really all about to various levels of concentration.

"Roman Catholicism" never was, isn't, and never will be anything more than "Just another" Denomination of the visible churches that exist across the world. The REAL CHurch of Jesus Christ that He died to establish has been rolling along ON Schedule, and IN Budget since HE established it as recorded at John 20:22, and empowered it as recorded it at Acts 2:4. It always has been, IS, and always will be the Pillar and Ground of the truth.
True, but "Catholicism", "Protestantism", "Calvinism", "Arminianism", etc. aren't "Faiths" at all, they're only Religious belief systems.

The FAITH related to the Gospel is specifically: The HEART KNOWLEDGE (not "head knowledge") that the perfect SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the cross, cleanses humans from SIN which is removed, not just "Covered temporarily" as it was in the Old Testament.

A "Born Again" Human (a human whose SINS have been eradicated, and who is indwelled by the Holy Spirit) is PERFECT before God with the very perfection of Jesus Himself is a "member" of that spiritual body comprised exclusively of Born Again Christian both Physically alive, and Physically dead from the beginning of the Adamic creation, until the end of the age.

MAN, has seen fit to try to encapsulate "Christianity" in many various "Religious business entities" called Denominations - NONE OF WHICH accurately represent the REAL Church of Jesus Christ.

All Visible denominational "Church Systems" are comprised of "Wheat" (born again Christians), and TARES (religious folks who adhere to the ideology of their denominations, but who don't HAVE A CLUE what it's really all about to various levels of concentration.

"Roman Catholicism" never was, isn't, and never will be anything more than "Just another" Denomination of the visible churches that exist across the world. The REAL CHurch of Jesus Christ that He died to establish has been rolling along ON Schedule, and IN Budget since HE established it as recorded at John 20:22, and empowered it as recorded it at Acts 2:4. It always has been, IS, and always will be the Pillar and Ground of the truth.
We were first the true gospel
The Holy Spirit did not delay Pentecost for 1500 yrs
We were first the true gospel
So why did you leave the truth, and create the heretical religious system that exists today??? Why the "Mariolatry", why the "Purgatory myth", why the "Pedobaptism racket", etc. Why don't you READ THE BIBLE and return to the simplicity of the Gospel, instead of the bureaucratic nightmare that you've turned into (and are finding it increasingly hard to support)???

The Holy Spirit did not delay Pentecost for 1500 yrs
What's THAT got to do with anything??? Nobody ever said that He did. The Holy Spirit has been empowering Born again Christians ever since Acts 2:4, and indwelling them with the Holy SPirit (which is what makes a person a "Christian" ever since John 20:22).
So why did you leave the truth, and create the heretical religious system that exists today??? Why the "Mariolatry", why the "Purgatory myth", why the "Pedobaptism racket", etc. Why don't you READ THE BIBLE and return to the simplicity of the Gospel, instead of the bureaucratic nightmare that you've turned into (and are finding it increasingly hard to support)???

What's THAT got to do with anything??? Nobody ever said that He did. The Holy Spirit has been empowering Born again Christians ever since Acts 2:4, and indwelling them with the Holy SPirit (which is what makes a person a "Christian" ever since John 20:22).
Then you don’t need a “reformation” do you

Show me where the true church teaches anyone to worship Mary or anything other than God alone!

Purgatory? Are you saying we are not required to repent and do penance for sin?

Infant baptism is biblical acts 2:39
Promise from ez 36:25 is to your children, and scripture never excludes them! Lk 2:10 Jn 1:29 Jn 3:16 whole household is baptized it don’t say “except infants “!
Then you don’t need a “reformation” do you
Nope, but "times of refreshing are significant (like the one we had in 1963-1978 or so). Notre Dame was one of the "hotbeds" in the Charismatic outpouring. Even the Pope thing at the time pretended to support it. Parish Priests were bringing in Pentecostal Ministers to explain to their congregations what was going on (because they didn't have a clue).

In Luther's case, since the Roman Catholic system had forgotten/eliminated the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CHRISTIANITY - i.e. Salvation BY FAITH, and NOT by works (Eph 2:8,9 for one) The Holy Spirit moved Luther (and others at the time) to get the Christian Church back on track. Rome (to their discredit) IGNORED God's move, and stuck with their BLASPHEMY.
Show me where the true church teaches anyone to worship Mary or anything other than God alone!
SIMPLE: Catholics are brainwashed to go to MARY in prayer. That's WORSHIP and you saying it isn't is pure garbage.
Purgatory? Are you saying we are not required to repent and do penance for sin?
WE are required to repent of our sin, but there's nothing about having to get "cooked clean" in some imaginary place While your loved ones cough up CA$H to get you out. Yeah I know you "Don't do that any more - you might want to let the Franciscans about that - they never got the memo, and are selling "Gregorian Masses" that supposedly break a person out of "purgatory in 30 days. (no money back guarantee).

Clue: if you die, and find yourself in a place of torment, YOU'RE IN HELL, and you're not getting out
Infant baptism is biblical acts 2:39
Then I'm good to go, since I was baptized (like most Italian babies Chuckle). Got the pictures to prove it, so not a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.

BUT HEY!! Acts 2:39 about pedobaptism is a logical stretch even for a sold out Catholic paradigmatic.
Nope, but "times of refreshing are significant (like the one we had in 1963-1978 or so). Notre Dame was one of the "hotbeds" in the Charismatic outpouring. Even the Pope thing at the time pretended to support it. Parish Priests were bringing in Pentecostal Ministers to explain to their congregations what was going on (because they didn't have a clue).

In Luther's case, since the Roman Catholic system had forgotten/eliminated the MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CHRISTIANITY - i.e. Salvation BY FAITH, and NOT by works (Eph 2:8,9 for one) The Holy Spirit moved Luther (and others at the time) to get the Christian Church back on track. Rome (to their discredit) IGNORED God's move, and stuck with their BLASPHEMY.

SIMPLE: Catholics are brainwashed to go to MARY in prayer. That's WORSHIP and you saying it isn't is pure garbage.

WE are required to repent of our sin, but there's nothing about having to get "cooked clean" in some imaginary place While your loved ones cough up CA$H to get you out. Yeah I know you "Don't do that any more - you might want to let the Franciscans about that - they never got the memo, and are selling "Gregorian Masses" that supposedly break a person out of "purgatory in 30 days. (no money back guarantee).

Clue: if you die, and find yourself in a place of torment, YOU'RE IN HELL, and you're not getting out

Then I'm good to go, since I was baptized (like most Italian babies Chuckle). Got the pictures to prove it, so not a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME.

BUT HEY!! Acts 2:39 about pedobaptism is a logical stretch even for a sold out Catholic paradigmatic.
Fortunately christ is the way the truth and life and not us!
And His church is an extension of Christ to all men and all times! Amen!
TRUE!! However, NO VISIBLE CHURCH (including the Roman Catholic system) fully embodies "that Church". Some get closer than others.
The only church is the body of Christ. All the people that God has chosen for Himself. All denominations, religious systems, and any and all church's will be burned up, at Jesus soon to be coming. Anyone who worshiped anyone or anything other than the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ, will be damned. Each of God's chosen people are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and no church walls can contain it. The Holy Spirit told me "before it gets low, says the Lord". You may say; what does that mean? read:

Isaiah 2:12 -
For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty,
and upon every one that is lifted up;
and he shall be brought low:
Isaiah 13:11 -

And I will punish the world for their evil,
and the wicked for their iniquity;
and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease,
and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.
CHuckle!!! Go ahead and finish your "Logic".
Micah 4:1
But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
Scripture declares the five Protestant Solas are false doctrine!

Only one verse that contradicts a sola is required to prove it “false doctrine”.

Faith alone: Phil 1:29 For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

Christ alone: Christ alone: John 5:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Grace alone: Mk 16:16 He who believes and is baptized shall be saved.

Scripture alone: Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Glory to God alone: Romans 2:10
But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

All five sola’s are “false doctrine” and another Gospel having departed from the faith revealed by Jesus christ!

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

Galatians 1:6
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:


2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
