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The Worship of Images & Popes

Still waiting

If a man Honors his wife, and asks her to help him, and is Devoted to her, and gives her Veneration he MUST be worshipping her including adoration! Right?

Lk 1:28 says Mary is blessed; does anyone know why?

Lk 1:48 all generations (Christians) shall call me blessed.

What artist is offended by you admiring his masterpiece?

Mary and a God’s masterpiece of grace!


What authority did the reformers have?

What was reformed?

Where does scripture authorize a reformation?
The Albigensian rigorist fundamentalists were the ones who forbid marriage.

They were manichean dualists
Believed in a god of spirit that was good and a god of matter that was evil so marriage and sex (matter) we’re considered evil, the holy church founded by Christ on Peter and the apostles does not forbid marriage, anyone can get married anytime. Thanks
If a man Honors his wife, and asks her to help him, and is Devoted to her, and gives her Veneration he MUST be worshipping her including adoration! Right?

If he asks her to do something and does so only speaking the words in his heart and he expects her to fully understand him then yes, he is worshiping her.

Go ahead men, do this to your wife and see how she responds. That is, ask her to do something simply by thinking it to her and then get angry when she doesn't do it.

Let's hear the response from all the wives that this happens to.

Welcome to the insanity of Roman Catholicism.
The new covenant church or body of Christ is also a kingdom!

Christ is royal king!

All those in the new covenant owe loyalty, submission, and obedience to the king!

Do you agree?

And this extends to the Kingdom He established and to the authorized Ministers that He appointed! Lk 22:29

Do you agree?

Example of Joseph the representative of Pharaoh his own brothers had to bow in obedience or starve!

Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Matt 18:17 acts 1:8 Acts 1:17 acts 8:31 & 35 acts 9:4 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13 Jn 20:21-22 eph 2:20 acts 2:42 1 Tim 3:15

Peter, the apostles and their successors have the same authority, power, and mission as Christ! Jn 20:21 as my father sent me, even so send I you!
If he asks her to do something and does so only speaking the words in his heart and he expects her to fully understand him then yes, he is worshiping her.

Go ahead men, do this to your wife and see how she responds. That is, ask her to do something simply by thinking it to her and then get angry when she doesn't do it.

Let's hear the response from all the wives that this happens to.

Welcome to the insanity of Roman Catholicism.
So women do not have the ministry of the angels and the power of the Holy Spirit? Ok
If he asks her to do something and does so only speaking the words in his heart and he expects her to fully understand him then yes, he is worshiping her.

Go ahead men, do this to your wife and see how she responds. That is, ask her to do something simply by thinking it to her and then get angry when she doesn't do it.

Let's hear the response from all the wives that this happens to.

Welcome to the insanity of Roman Catholicism.
On one hand, we have a group of people who misrepresent, bash, insult and divide further,
on the other hand we have a church that seeks reconciliation, healing and forgiveness of past hurts, and a unity that Jesus calls us to.
The new covenant church or body of Christ is also a kingdom!

Christ is royal king!

All those in the new covenant owe loyalty, submission, and obedience to the king!

Do you agree?

And this extends to the Kingdom He established and to the authorized Ministers that He appointed! Lk 22:29

Do you agree?

Example of Joseph the representative of Pharaoh his own brothers had to bow in obedience or starve!

Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Matt 18:17 acts 1:8 Acts 1:17 acts 8:31 & 35 acts 9:4 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13 Jn 20:21-22 eph 2:20 acts 2:42 1 Tim 3:15

Peter, the apostles and their successors have the same authority, power, and mission as Christ! Jn 20:21 as my father sent me, even so send I you!
Haha does that mean you refuse to submit?

He who is not with me IS against me!
ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964


1. Christ is the Light of nations. Because this is so, this Sacred Synod gathered together in the Holy Spirit eagerly desires, by proclaiming the Gospel to every creature,(1) to bring the light of Christ to all men, a light brightly visible on the countenance of the Church. Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or as a sign and instrument both of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more fully to the faithful of the Church and to the whole world its own inner nature and universal mission. This it intends to do following faithfully the teaching of previous councils. The present-day conditions of the world add greater urgency to this work of the Church so that all men, joined more closely today by various social, technical and cultural ties, might also attain fuller unity in Christ.

2. The eternal Father, by a free and hidden plan of His own wisdom and goodness, created the whole world. His plan was to raise men to a participation of the divine life. Fallen in Adam, God the Father did not leave men to themselves, but ceaselessly offered helps to salvation, in view of Christ, the Redeemer "who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature".(2) All the elect, before time began, the Father "foreknew and pre- destined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that he should be the firstborn among many brethren".(3) He planned to assemble in the holy Church all those who would believe in Christ. Already from the beginning of the world the foreshadowing of the Church took place. It was prepared in a remarkable way throughout the history of the people of Israel and by means of the Old Covenant.(1*) In the present era of time the Church was constituted and, by the outpouring of the Spirit, was made manifest. At the end of time it will gloriously achieve completion, when, as is read in the Fathers, all the just, from Adam and "from Abel, the just one, to the last of the elect,"(2*) will be gathered together with the Father in the universal Church.

3. The Son, therefore, came, sent by the Father. It was in Him, before the foundation of the world, that the Father chose us and predestined us to become adopted sons, for in Him it pleased the Father to re-establish all things.(4) To carry out the will of the Father, Christ inaugurated the Kingdom of heaven on earth and revealed to us the mystery of that kingdom. By His obedience He brought about redemption. The Church, or, in other words, the kingdom of Christ now present in mystery, grows visibly through the power of God in the world. This inauguration and this growth are both symbolized by the blood and water which flowed from the open side of a crucified Jesus,(5) and are foretold in the words of the Lord referring to His death on the Cross: "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself".(6) As often as the sacrifice of the cross in which Christ our Passover was sacrificed, is celebrated on the altar, the work of our redemption is carried on, and, in the sacrament of the eucharistic bread, the unity of all believers who form one body in Christ (8) is both expressed and brought about. All men are called to this union with Christ, who is the light of the world, from whom we go forth, through whom we live, and toward whom our whole life strains.

The Second Vatican Council marked a milestone in Church history, setting off a process of deep transformation within the Church itself, and in its relations with the modern world, and other Christian Churches and non-Christian religions. The process is still ongoing.

The 21st Ecumenical Council in Church history

Vatican II was the 21st ecumenical council to be convened in the Church's bimillennial history, and gathered nearly a century after Pope Pius IX convoked Vatican I (1869-70) which defined the dogmas of papal infallibility and the primacy of papal jurisdiction.

Pope St. John XXIII announced the convocation on 25 January 1959, only three months after his election to the Petrine ministry in October 1958, as he addressed the cardinals gathered in the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls in Rome.

Offering the modern world the "medicine of mercy"

In his unexpected announcement, Pope John explained that his decision was born from the ascertainment of the spiritual impoverishment of modern society resulting from the deep social and political transformations it had been undergoing over the previous decades, which demanded a new response from the Church. He also mentioned the centuries-old divisions in the Christian family.

In his first Encyclical ‘Ad Petri Cathedram’, published on 29 June 1959, and at a preparatory meeting on the next day, the late Pope further clarified that the Council was meant primarily to revitalize the Christian faith in an increasingly secularized world, to give new vigour to the Catholic Church’s mission, and to adapt Church practices to new circumstances.

Pope John wanted a pastoral Council and one of renovation, so that the Catholic teachings could be better understood and accepted in 20th-century society. As he said at the opening speech of the Council, while preserving the integrity of its doctrine, the Church wanted to offer the modern world the "medicine of mercy", and not severe condemnations.

Four sessions and 169 General Congregations

The Vatican II solemnly opened on 11 October 1962 in St. Peter's Basilica, after over three years of preparations. The Council met in four sessions between 1962 and 1965 each lasting between 8 and 12 weeks, in the autumn of each of the four years, for a total of 169 General Congregations. It was shortly interrupted after Pope John’s death on 3 June 1963, and resumed after Pope Pope VI’s election, on 11 June that year. It closed on 8 December 1965.

Non-Catholic observers invited to attend

Between 2,000 and 2,500 Catholic cardinals, patriarchs and bishops from all over the world, assisted by 460 theological experts (periti), attended each session. For the first time Protestants, Orthodox and other non-Catholic observers were invited to assist. 42 lay and religious listeners, men and women, also attended.

16 documents

Overall, the Council issued 16 documents, including four Constitutions (on the Church's structure and nature, on divine Revelation, on the Church in the modern world, and on the liturgy,); nine Decrees (on the Church and the media, ecumenism, Eastern Catholic Churches, bishops, priestly formation, religious life, the laity, priestly ministry and missionary activity). Three Declarations on non-Christian religions, Christian education and religious freedom were also issued.

The four Constitutions: ‘Lumen Gentium’

One of the most important documents produced by Vatican II is the Dogmatic Constitution ‘Lumen Gentium’ on the Church's structure and nature. It presents the Church as a Mystery and a Communion of baptized believers (the “People of God”) who are called to holiness and who each have specific roles and responsibilities. It reaffirms the missionary character of the Church and confirms the collegiality of the Episcopate "with and under the successor of St. Peter". It establishes, among other things, the faculty for the local Episcopates to restore the permanent diaconate for married men. The role of the laity and their participation in the life and mission of the Church is also emphasized, while the vocation to religious life is considered in relation to the spiritual life of the whole Church.

‘Dei Verbum’

The Dogmatic Constitution ‘Dei Verbum’ on Divine Revelation is another fundamental document of the Council. Its purpose is to spell out the Church’s understanding of the nature of Revelation, that is, the process whereby God communicates with human beings. It is especially relevant for ecumenism, as it touches on questions about Scripture, tradition and the teaching authority of the Church.

‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’

The Constitution ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ on the Sacred Liturgy is remembered by many for having allowed vernacular languages in the liturgy, and for having emphasized the importance of community prayer recognizing the value and richness of the various rites in the Church according to the different traditions.

‘Gaudium et Spes’

The Pastoral Constitution ‘Gaudium et Spes’ on the Church in the Modern World called on the Church to engage in dialogue with contemporary society and its problems, bringing church teaching and moral values to bear on a world too often torn by hatred, war and injustice. The document acknowledged that science and culture have things to teach the Church, but also said the Church has a mission to sanctify the world around it.

Nothing in there about "pope worship".
God commands them!!!

Brazen serpent

Numbers 21:9
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.
And when the Israelites began to worship, and burn incense to the brazen serpent, God had it destroyed(2 Kings 18:4). You left that part out.
And when the Israelites began to worship, and burn incense to the brazen serpent, God had it destroyed(2 Kings 18:4). You left that part out.
So you agree images are not forbidden but idolatry and idols are forbidden?
Still waiting

If a man Honors his wife, and asks her to help him, and is Devoted to her, and gives her Veneration he MUST be worshipping her including adoration! Right?

Lk 1:28 says Mary is blessed; does anyone know why?

Lk 1:48 all generations (Christians) shall call me blessed.

What artist is offended by you admiring his masterpiece?

Mary and a God’s masterpiece of grace!


What authority did the reformers have?

What was reformed?

Where does scripture authorize a reformation?

Yes, you are surely hung up on Mary! According to heaven’s testimony, the scriptures, the mother of Jesus was a privileged and holy woman, a virgin, whom God honored by impregnating her with His Holy Spirit. Indeed, she was an exceptional servant of God, as were many other women. But especially Mary, for she was chosen to bear the Savior of the world. Even the angel who told her the Good News called her “O favored one” (Luke 1:28), and the Holy Spirit, through Elizabeth, said, “Blessed are you among women(Luke 1:42).

But that’s the end of it. Catholics should understand that no idolatrous tributes were ever given to Mary by the early harbingers of the Good News. A few days after Jesus’ resurrection and appearance, the Eleven, “together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His [fleshly] brothers,” came together in an upper room and “with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer” (Acts 1:12-14).

What is so special about this occasion? It is that Mary is not the center of attention. Those of the Roman Catholic faith must wonder why Mary was not sanctified (set apart), idolized, and bowed down to. But no! She is simply one of many who had gathered in an upper room to pray. Even after the Christian order was launched, she is never chronicled as the “star” of any event.

I find this a little strange, considering how the Vatican and her devotees revere her, adore her, pray to her, and place their allegiance in her—as has already been shown. To put it another way, Catholicism’s beliefs and practices relating to Mary are as far detached from the divine testimony as the North Pole is from the South Pole. But that’s the history of this renegade church.

The Glories of Mary by Alphonsus de Liguori, as alluded to earlier, explicitly mentions Marian worship in the fifth stanza of the hymn, “Mary, Virgin of Virgins” (p. 589):​

“Queen thou art, whom all things worship,
Earth and hell, and heaven above;
But thy heart o'erflows with goodness,
Just and sinners feel thy love.”

Since Liguori’s book bears both the nihil obstat and the imprimatur (Latin for “Let it be printed”), it shouldn’t contain anything objectionable to the Roman Catholic Church’s Teaching Magisterium. Besides, Liguori not only bears the title of “saint,” but also was designated a doctor (outstanding teacher) by Pope Pious IX in 1871.

What about all of the strange “sightings” of Mary claimed by Catholics, most of which have been supported by the Vatican? You will notice that in all of these “sightings,” not once did anyone see Jesus! I find that extraordinarily irregular, for He is the Pioneer and Author of our salvation. Why Mary and not Jesus? It is because Mary has been idolized. Idolatry within the confines of Roman Catholicism is like a raging river.

How do I feel about all of this? My gut feeling, based on what I have seen and read, is that the whole thing was trickery and quackery, and Satan was behind it all. If Satan has the power to deceive the gullible, he also has the power to manipulate them into delusions.

I worked with psychiatric patients for decades, and I have seen hundreds of them who persistently maintained a delusional belief in spite of evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, for those who are seeking “revelations” outside of God’s intended purposes, and those who refuse to love and accept truth, “God will send them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned” (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

I claim that those who have allegedly seen or been in the presence of “The Blessed Virgin Mary,” since her passing 2,000 years ago, are suffering from delusions. Either that or they have developed ferocious fantasies. And that includes the Fatima and Lourdes sightings, the stories of which will curl your hair.

P. S. You asked, "Where does scripture authorize a reformation?" Hebrews 9:9-10 reads, "...gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper, but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation."

I suggest you dive into the core of reformation, for Jesus Himself was a reformer, as was John the Immerser, and other biblical characters. And careful that you do not reject history's reformers and reformations, such as Luther who deserted the Papal Church.​
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So you agree images are not forbidden but idolatry and idols are forbidden?
It's a question of your "object of Worship" (who/what you seek out for help in your situation). Catholics "claim" that they don't "worship" their "Blessed Virgin", and then they got to it for help before they to to God in Jesus' name as they're instructed by Jesus to - i.e. they WORSHIP their "Mary thing".

The first commandment is specific about the singularity of God. in the past, for many years Cigarettes were my god, and I served them with a single mindedness that was well nigh absolute (which is the SPIRITUAL ISSUE about "addictions"). I've got hundreds of "Images" in my cell phone, but I don't "Worship" any of 'em.
It's a question of your "object of Worship" (who/what you seek out for help in your situation). Catholics "claim" that they don't "worship" their "Blessed Virgin", and then they got to it for help before they to to God in Jesus' name as they're instructed by Jesus to - i.e. they WORSHIP their "Mary thing".

The first commandment is specific about the singularity of God. in the past, for many years Cigarettes were my god, and I served them with a single mindedness that was well nigh absolute (which is the SPIRITUAL ISSUE about "addictions"). I've got hundreds of "Images" in my cell phone, but I don't "Worship" any of 'em.
Intent is required for worship

We have no intent to worship Mary!

Worship requires a priest offering sacrifice at an altar with adoration

Yes, you are surely hung up on Mary! According to heaven’s testimony, the scriptures, the mother of Jesus was a privileged and holy woman, a virgin, whom God honored by impregnating her with His Holy Spirit. Indeed, she was an exceptional servant of God, as were many other women. But especially Mary, for she was chosen to bear the Savior of the world. Even the angel who told her the Good News called her “O favored one” (Luke 1:28), and the Holy Spirit, through Elizabeth, said, “Blessed are you among women(Luke 1:42).

But that’s the end of it. Catholics should understand that no idolatrous tributes were ever given to Mary by the early harbingers of the Good News. A few days after Jesus’ resurrection and appearance, the Eleven, “together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His [fleshly] brothers,” came together in an upper room and “with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer” (Acts 1:12-14).

What is so special about this occasion? It is that Mary is not the center of attention. Those of the Roman Catholic faith must wonder why Mary was not sanctified (set apart), idolized, and bowed down to. But no! She is simply one of many who had gathered in an upper room to pray. Even after the Christian order was launched, she is never chronicled as the “star” of any event.

I find this a little strange, considering how the Vatican and her devotees revere her, adore her, pray to her, and place their allegiance in her—as has already been shown. To put it another way, Catholicism’s beliefs and practices relating to Mary are as far detached from the divine testimony as the North Pole is from the South Pole. But that’s the history of this renegade church.

The Glories of Mary by Alphonsus de Liguori, as alluded to earlier, explicitly mentions Marian worship in the fifth stanza of the hymn, “Mary, Virgin of Virgins” (p. 589):​

“Queen thou art, whom all things worship,
Earth and hell, and heaven above;
But thy heart o'erflows with goodness,
Just and sinners feel thy love.”

Since Liguori’s book bears both the nihil obstat and the imprimatur (Latin for “Let it be printed”), it shouldn’t contain anything objectionable to the Roman Catholic Church’s Teaching Magisterium. Besides, Liguori not only bears the title of “saint,” but also was designated a doctor (outstanding teacher) by Pope Pious IX in 1871.

What about all of the strange “sightings” of Mary claimed by Catholics, most of which have been supported by the Vatican? You will notice that in all of these “sightings,” not once did anyone see Jesus! I find that extraordinarily irregular, for He is the Pioneer and Author of our salvation. Why Mary and not Jesus? It is because Mary has been idolized. Idolatry within the confines of Roman Catholicism is like a raging river.

How do I feel about all of this? My gut feeling, based on what I have seen and read, is that the whole thing was trickery and quackery, and Satan was behind it all. If Satan has the power to deceive the gullible, he also has the power to manipulate them into delusions.

I worked with psychiatric patients for decades, and I have seen hundreds of them who persistently maintained a delusional belief in spite of evidence to the contrary. Furthermore, for those who are seeking “revelations” outside of God’s intended purposes, and those who refuse to love and accept truth, “God will send them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned” (2 Thess. 2:9-12).

I claim that those who have allegedly seen or been in the presence of “The Blessed Virgin Mary,” since her passing 2,000 years ago, are suffering from delusions. Either that or they have developed ferocious fantasies. And that includes the Fatima and Lourdes sightings, the stories of which will curl your hair.

P. S. You asked, "Where does scripture authorize a reformation?" Hebrews 9:9-10 reads, "...gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper, but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation."

I suggest you dive into the core of reformation, for Jesus Himself was a reformer, as was John the Immerser, and other biblical characters. And careful that you do not reject history's reformers and reformations, such as Luther who deserted the Papal Church.​
The truth and the church are of divine origin and cannot be reformed, to do so would be to claim that God committed error, so the so called reformers rejected Christ and his church and stated new sects with many false doctrines none of them having any authority from Christ and not agreeing on anything with no unity till the fundamentalists rigorists puritanical tyrants showed up and rejected the reformers who held belief in bishops and ordained priests and sacraments and had devotion to Mary !
Martin Luther

It is an article of faith that Mary is Mother of the Lord and still a virgin. … Christ, we believe, came forth from a womb left perfectly intact. (Weimer’s The Works of Luther, English translation by Pelikan, Concordia, St. Louis, v. 11, pp. 319-320; v. 6. p. 510.)

Note: an article of faith is required for salvation.

John Calvin

(On the Heretic Helvidius) Helvidius displayed excessive ignorance in concluding that Mary must have had many sons, because Christ’s “brothers” are sometimes mentioned. (Harmony of Matthew, Mark and Luke, sec. 39 [Geneva, 1562], vol. 2 / From Calvin’s Commentaries, translated by William Pringle, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1949, p.215; on Matthew 13:55)

[On Matt 1:25:] The inference he [Helvidius] drew from it was, that Mary remained a virgin no longer than till her first birth, and that afterwards she had other children by her husband . . . No just and well-grounded inference can be drawn from these words . . . as to what took place after the birth of Christ. He is called “first-born”; but it is for the sole purpose of informing us that he was born of a virgin . . . What took place afterwards the historian does not inform us . . . No man will obstinately keep up the argument, except from an extreme fondness for disputation. (Pringle, ibid., vol. I, p. 107)

Under the word “brethren” the Hebrews include all cousins and other relations, whatever may be the degree of affinity. (Pringle, ibid., vol. I, p. 283 / Commentary on John, [7:3])

John Wesley

‘I believe that He [Jesus] was made man, joining the human nature with the divine in one person; being conceived by the singular operation of the Holy Ghost, and born of the blessed Virgin Mary, who, as well after as before she brought Him forth, continued a pure and unspotted virgin’ (‘Letter to a Roman Catholic’, The Works of Rev. John Wesley, vol 10, p. 81).

Christ and His church are one unity! Acts 9:4 Jn 15:5 eph 5:24 & 5:32

Are we really just Relying on our own private judgement of scripture?

Instead of Christ the light of the world, and the way, the truth, and the Life!

And Christ and His church are one unity in all truth and grace!

Really we are just believing in our own private fallible judgment!

When Christ established the church to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 28:19

Christians must be taught or instructed by the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church! Lk 1:4
Matt 28:19, Lk 10:16, Jn 20:21
Acts 8:31, Colossians 2:7

Our understanding, study, interpretation, judgment, are all adding to scripture!

Truth known by “hearing” the apostles not the “Bible alone”!

1 John 4:6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

The apostles in person:

2 John 1:12
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

Doctrine of the apostles: acts 2:42

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Matt 5:14 the apostles are the light of the world until Christ returns in glory!

Where in the Bible does it say that everything Christ did and taught, or everything we are to believe is restricted to the Bible. (read John 21:25, that says that not everything Christ did and taught is in the Bible. Yet Matt. 28:20 has Christ commanding the Apostles to teach all that He taught them. In fact, the New Testament wasn't decided until the late 4th century, when the Catholic Church went through over 300+ documents, praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance, and coming up with the 27 books we all agree on are the New Testament.

Christ didn't write a book to spread His truths, He founded a (one) Church, the Catholic Church, to do so. It would have been useless to found a Church based on a book, since the vast, vast majority of humanity was illiterate for the first 18+ centuries of Christianity. That would have effectively eliminated 95+% of humanity from learning Christ's message.

You might also review 2 Peter 1:20-21, where St. Peter warns against personal interpretation of Scripture.

The purpose of scripture is to establish Christ not every doctrine he has revealed, christ established his church on Peter and the apostles and their successors to teach and sanctify all men unto eternal salvation! Matt 28:19

Truth must be revealed by God thru Christ to His church (the apostles Jude 1:3) then must be proposed by the church, (Matt 28:19 gal 3:23) without error by the Holy Spirit! (Jn 16:13) one faith (eph 4:5) the faith delivered to the apostles (Jude 1:3)

Otherwise we fall under the condemnation of scripture!
2 pet 3:16

Why does Lk 1:28 say may is blessed?
Intent is required for worship
ANd when you go to your "Mary" for help, your "Intent" is plainly demonstrated for all to see.
We have no intent to worship Mary!
Disingenuous. You have every intent to "Worship Mary", and every intent to DENY what it really is.
Worship requires a priest offering sacrifice at an altar with adoration
Only to those educated by the Roman Catholic religious system. Where were the "Priest", the "Alter" and the "Sacrifice" in Mat 15:25?? For sure there was WORSHIP present there unless the Bible is wrong.
ANd when you go to your "Mary" for help, your "Intent" is plainly demonstrated for all to see.
So the children of Israel making petitions to the king thru Esther have intentions of worshipping her?

And the queen (the mother of the king) in the line of David presents the petitions to her son the king are intending to worship her?
Disingenuous. You have every intent to "Worship Mary", and every intent to DENY what it really is.

Only to those educated by the Roman Catholic religious system. Where were the "Priest", the "Alter" and the "Sacrifice" in Mat 15:25?? For sure there was WORSHIP present there unless the Bible is wrong.
Matt 15:25 not public worship of God by the church the communion of saints