This quote is what is dealing with various methods of interpretation that existed and were incorrect, Philo being here referred to But Meyers view was that of John.
"The form which John gave to his doctrine is understood much more naturally and historically---"
"that while the ancient popular wisdom of the Word of God, which (as we have above shown) carries us back to Genesis 1:1 (NAS)
is acknowledged to be that through which the idea of the Logos, as manifested in human form in Christ, was immediately suggested to him, and to which he appended and unfolded his own peculiar development of this idea with all clearness and spiritual depth, according to the measure of those personal testimonies of his Lord"
"That main truth in it is to be referred simply to Christ Himself, whose communications to His disciples, and direct influence upon them (John 1:14 (NAS)
14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
as well as His further revelations and leadings by means of the Spirit of truth, furnished them with the material which was afterwards made use of in their various modes of representation. This procedure is specially apparent also in John, whose doctrine of the divine and pre-existent nature of Christ, far removed from the influences of later Gnosticism, breaks away in essential points from the Alexandrine type of doctrine,"