Yes, I understand the claim is made, but the proof is lacking. It's an entirely inferential argument made solely because of a pre-existing belief, an assumption, the two men are the same person.
Lots of unique individuals, not-ordinary-sinners are against Christ. That does not make them all THE antichrist. If the argument is, "Those who are uniquely sinful in a manner contrary to Christ are the same person, the antichrist," then that is a construction error in reasoning.... and I'll partly prove it to you in a minute.
That is your conclusion. I reject that conclusion because the case made for it is a logically fallacious one (dubious at best) that completely lacks any explicitly report from scripture and can be made only if certain assumptions are held beforehand, not as a consequence of objectively read scripture.
It is the Law of Moses that is the measure of the man. It is the Law of Moses the Thessalonian readers would be using to identify the MoL! The MoL is a man who disobeys the Law of Moses. He's
not a man who is measured by his disobedience to Roman law, or Zimbabwean law, or modern Israeli, US, UK, or UN law, but a man who disobeys the Law of Moses (and that is how the original readers of Paul's letters to the Thessalonians would have understood what they were reading at that time in the first century). This
inference begs several important questions, but I'll mention only three to keep the discussion op-relevant:
- Why would anyone think the Pope is obeying the Law of Moses in the first place?
- Why would anyone think the John and his original readers think the Pope was the antichrist who would disobey the Law of Moses when there were no popes living in the first century?
- Why would John or any first century reader of the first century epistle think any Caesar was going to obey the Law of Moses?
I hope that simply by understanding the Law by which the MoL is measured is that of
Moses, we should all agree the pope is not the antichrist and whoever the antichrist was..... he was most likely a Jew, not a Gentile. Even were we modern futurists expecting THE antichrist to appear sometime in the future, we'd have problems conflating the MoL with THE antichrist because the MoL is Jewish, an antithetical subscriber to the Law of Moses and not some other law. The minute the Law of Moses is acknowledged as relevant to the MoL problems exist in the argument you've presented. If the MoL is Jewish, an antithetical subscriber to the Law of Moses, an anti-christ who can and must be measured by the Law of Moses, then it must also be required the antichrist was/is Jewish if the two are the same person.
Ironically, there was a Jew who stood in the temple and (indirectly) declared himself God. Ironically again, there were three Jews (the MoL, the AoD*, or the beast, and the AC? ), who meet the criteria the three different persons cited in scripture.
In other words, there is a better alternative to the all-the-same-man position that does not require all the many inferences you've presented. Paul and John were writing about two or three (or more) different individuals, each of whom could/would have been recognized by the author and his original readership based on the criteria provided at that time.
* I do not believe the AoD is a person. The AoD is the condition of desolation. Desolation is an abimination to God. The AoD is the abomination of desolation.