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The Mystery and power of God’s grace!

Jesus was not speaking to Catholics or priests. Neither existed in the Church when he spoke the words empowering his disciples to forgive others. It is your arguments that are meaningless. They are meaningless because they presuppose the RCC and emply post hoc argument to justify the presupposition. It's not scripture and it is not rational.

No, the discussion is not about you showing me married Roman Catholic priests. The discussion is about the "mystery and power of God's grace," and it proves impossible to have with Roman Catholics because of their ideological idolatry elevating RCCism above scripture as written, plainly read. On this occasion the hugely digressive tangent of RCC practice of clerical celibacy proves it. I was asked for examples of RCCism gone awry and I have listed several, ONE of which is clerical celibacy. The mystery and power of God's grace is 1) shown despite that wholly unscriptural inanity and 2) no Christian needs the RCC to have that in their life.

You are presupposing all things must be in scripture. That is a false premise. As to your comment on 'ideological idolatry', that would simple be your personal, fallible, interpretations of scripture.

You have yet to explain why a doctrine of the Catholic Church [celibacy] is wrong.


You are presupposing all things must be in scripture.
No, I am not and I have gone on record stating that is not the case.
That is a false premise.
I agree.
As to your comment on 'ideological idolatry', that would simple be your personal, fallible, interpretations of scripture.
No, it would not.
You have yet to explain why a doctrine of the Catholic Church [celibacy] is wrong.
That too is incorrect. What I have posted may not be understood, but I have explained how and why it is wrong. It's not wrong because it is extra-biblical. It is wrong because it is directly, explicitly, and overtly contrary, contradictory, and in conflict with scripture both in word and precedent.

Earlier don agreed anything contradictory to scripture should not be trusted. The RCC considers scripture authoritative and holds nothing in Tradition or the Magisterium teaching can contradict scripture. The RCC may hold Tradition and the Magisterium to be authoritative, but they still hold scripture as the measure.

Do you believe anything contradictory to scripture should be trusted?
No, I am not and I have gone on record stating that is not the case.
here 👇
They are meaningless because they presuppose the RCC and emply post hoc argument to justify the presupposition. It's not scripture and it is not rational.

No, it would not.
Indeed it is your personal interpretations [about idolatry]. refer to Acts 8:30-31 for a teaching authority
That too is incorrect. What I have posted may not be understood, but I have explained how and why it is wrong. It's not wrong because it is extra-biblical. It is wrong because it is directly, explicitly, and overtly contrary, contradictory, and in conflict with scripture both in word and precedent.
and yet St. Paul and Christ were not married.
Do you believe anything contradictory to scripture should be trusted?
absolutely not
Who say we get to Decide anything???

Christ do not discover truth in scripture or anywhere else!

Christ must submit to Christ and his church and be taught His truth!
Matt 28:19

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life not me! Jn 14:6

Christians must be taught or instructed, according to the sense which the perpetual consent of the Catholic Church hath held and expressed!

Lk 1:4
Matt 28:19
Lk 10:16
Jn 20:21
Acts 8:31
Titus 1:9
Colossians 2:7
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught…
The church is of divine origin and cannot be corrupted or reformed by the tradition of men! Truth is immutable!

The church the only ark of salvation, the household of faith and is not spiritual to the exclusion of the physical or invisible to the exclusion of the visible but, visible, invisible, spiritual, physical, and supernatural of divine origin and therefore divine preservation! Matt 16:18-19 Jn 8:32 Jn 16:13 Jn 10:16

A city set on a hill: Matt 5:14
Light of the world: Matt 5:14
Pillar of truth: 1 Tim 3:15
Teach and sanctify all men: Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ and His church are one acts 9:4 eph 5:32 and the only means of salvation! Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ extends his mission, power, and authority to His church of His apostles! The apostles have the same mission, ministry, power, and authority as Christ! Jn 20:21 as the father sent me, so I send you!

Even His judging!
Matt 19:28 and 1 cor 6:2
His teaching authority!
Matt 28:19 and Jn 20:21
His power to forgive sins!
Jn 20:23
Jn 17:22 / rom 2:10 / 1 pet 1:7 Christ shares His glory with His saints!
His being the light of the world!
Matt 5:14
Must hear church Matt 18:18
His ministry of reconciliation!
2 cor 5:18
His authority in governing the church and administering the kingdom!
Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 21:17
Lk 22:29
Apart from me you can do nothing. Jn 15:5
Acts 2:42 doctrine of the apostles!
So the church is subject to Christ!
Eph 5:24
Christ shares His glory! 2 thes 1:10 rev 12:1

The pillar and foundation of TRUTH!
1 Tim 3:15

To proclaim the truth! Matt 28:19
To condemn error! 1 cor 16:22

Anti-Catholic rants ain’t appropriate!

Who say we get to Decide anything???

Christ do not discover truth in scripture or anywhere else!

Christ must submit to Christ and his church and be taught His truth!
Matt 28:19

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life not me! Jn 14:6

Christians must be taught or instructed, according to the sense which the perpetual consent of the Catholic Church hath held and expressed!

Lk 1:4
Matt 28:19
Lk 10:16
Jn 20:21
Acts 8:31
Titus 1:9
Colossians 2:7
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught…
The church is of divine origin and cannot be corrupted or reformed by the tradition of men! Truth is immutable!

The church the only ark of salvation, the household of faith and is not spiritual to the exclusion of the physical or invisible to the exclusion of the visible but, visible, invisible, spiritual, physical, and supernatural of divine origin and therefore divine preservation! Matt 16:18-19 Jn 8:32 Jn 16:13 Jn 10:16

A city set on a hill: Matt 5:14
Light of the world: Matt 5:14
Pillar of truth: 1 Tim 3:15
Teach and sanctify all men: Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ and His church are one acts 9:4 eph 5:32 and the only means of salvation! Matt 28:19

Jesus Christ extends his mission, power, and authority to His church of His apostles! The apostles have the same mission, ministry, power, and authority as Christ! Jn 20:21 as the father sent me, so I send you!

Even His judging!
Matt 19:28 and 1 cor 6:2
His teaching authority!
Matt 28:19 and Jn 20:21
His power to forgive sins!
Jn 20:23
Jn 17:22 / rom 2:10 / 1 pet 1:7 Christ shares His glory with His saints!
His being the light of the world!
Matt 5:14
Must hear church Matt 18:18
His ministry of reconciliation!
2 cor 5:18
His authority in governing the church and administering the kingdom!
Matt 16:18-19 & 18:18 Jn 21:17
Lk 22:29
Apart from me you can do nothing. Jn 15:5
Acts 2:42 doctrine of the apostles!
So the church is subject to Christ!
Eph 5:24
Christ shares His glory! 2 thes 1:10 rev 12:1

The pillar and foundation of TRUTH!
1 Tim 3:15

To proclaim the truth! Matt 28:19
To condemn error! 1 cor 16:22

Anti-Catholic rants ain’t appropriate!

I would just add v20 to Mt 28 [teaching them] ;) :)
absolutely not
Then the RCC "discipline" and it's required prohibition against clerical celibacy, and the promotion of singlehood should not be trusted. As I have stated a couple of times, no one in the RCC has any business institutionally telling anyone, cleric of not, they should not marry because it contradicts scripture both in word and precedent.

Clerical celibacy and the "discipline" against marriage is a moderate matter, imo, compared to some of the more severe problems with the RCC (and other religious institutions). Clerical celibacy does not compare to murder. Murder probably tops the list, although I suppose a case could be made for idolatry being more severe. This murder thing gets us straight back to the dividing moment in Church history and the chief reason Prots even exist. If the Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the Magisterium had listened to the reformers then the reformer would never have become the Reformers. You guy ;) got no one to blame but yourself. In the recently timely and immortal words of Golda Meir, "It's hard to negotiate peace with someone trying to kill you." The checks and balances within the RCC should have stopped that. Not just because the early Reformers were Catholics who did NOT want to leave. but because it is immoral - wholly unscriptural.

Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder.

Does not get any plainer than that. No murder.
Do you believe anything contradictory to scripture should be trusted?
absolutely not
Absolutely not? The murder of reformers is contrary to scripture. Therefore, BOTH the RCC murder of reformers is not to be trusted AND neither are those who condone, justify, defend, and approve of the murderers. There is a reason the RCC stopped murdering people (unless you're a fan of Dan Brown ;)).

Which brings me to another matter more severe than cleric celibacy and most of the other complaints RCC-raggers protest about, and with which you two have problem argued til you're proverbially blue in the face. I sympathize. What is not acceptable are those occasions when the Popes or others high in the RCC abused their power, authority, privilege, and resources and those with power and authority to stop it did nothing. To be fair, it's not a uniquely RCC problem but in any objective comparison the RCC makes everyone else look like amateurs when it comes to corruption. Even Dispensationalist end-times prognosticators (200 years and they haven't got one prediction correct) look sophomoric in comparison to both RCC perpetrators and those covering for them.

Every time an RC points to Protestant misbehavior to justify the defense of RCCism they look like hypocrites.

So, lighten up.

If you, don, and you, Arch, have a salvific relationship with God through His resurrected and ascended Son, Jesus Christ through whom alone we have access to God, then don't let any Prot tell you you're not Christian. Conversely, If you're not equally honest with the very real and undeniable problems in RCCism you've got no business defending the RCC.

And to tie this all back to the op.....
The Mystery and power of God’s grace!

.........................................Union with God thru Christ the mediator of the covenant!
Initiation into the covenant of grace is by “faith and baptism”!

The covenants are all initiated monergistically by God. The covenants are all initiated monergistically by God. Time after time after time throughout the Bible from beginning to end the example established is God chooses a person without them knowing it. He initiates the covenant relationship without their knowing it. He calls them without their ever knowing they are going to be called, without their ever being given a say whether they want to be called (some didn't), and without their having any opportunity not to be called. God also commands those He has chosen and called without ever asking them if they want to be commanded and whether or not they want to obey. They are all commanded with an expectation of obedience.

One after that happens are any choices made on the creature's end of the covenant relationship.

When the New Testament speaks of Abraham's faith and his faith being credited to him as righteousness two things are important to understand: 1) Abraham could not not-believe the moment God summoned him and He heard from God Himself, and 2) faith is not faithfulness. Faithfulness is works. Faith begets faithfulness. Faith is "the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen," baptism is a work. They both follow initiation into the covenant of grace.

I'm not a big fan of the phrase "covenant of grace," because it's not actually a term scripture uses, but I understand the inferential case made to justify it. What is important to know is the covenant of grace began,

1 Peter 1:20
For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world....

That is when the covenant was initiated and none of us here were yet born.

1 Peter 1:17-21
If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

An op on the mystery and power of God's grace should certainly include the foreknowledge of God concerning His Son's sacrifice. Yes?

I trust that was a simple lapse in attentiveness ;). I wonder how it is an op that concludes with....
Initiation into the covenant of grace is by “faith and baptism”!

Mk 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
...does not include one single scripture using the word "initiation" :unsure:, and how it is no one until now thought to comment or inquire about that :confused:.
Then the RCC "discipline" and it's required prohibition against clerical celibacy, and the promotion of singlehood should not be trusted. As I have stated a couple of times, no one in the RCC has any business institutionally telling anyone, cleric of not, they should not marry because it contradicts scripture both in word and precedent.

Clerical celibacy and the "discipline" against marriage is a moderate matter, imo, compared to some of the more severe problems with the RCC (and other religious institutions). Clerical celibacy does not compare to murder. Murder probably tops the list, although I suppose a case could be made for idolatry being more severe. This murder thing gets us straight back to the dividing moment in Church history and the chief reason Prots even exist. If the Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, and the Magisterium had listened to the reformers then the reformer would never have become the Reformers. You guy ;) got no one to blame but yourself. In the recently timely and immortal words of Golda Meir, "It's hard to negotiate peace with someone trying to kill you." The checks and balances within the RCC should have stopped that. Not just because the early Reformers were Catholics who did NOT want to leave. but because it is immoral - wholly unscriptural.

Exodus 20:13
You shall not murder.

Does not get any plainer than that. No murder.

Absolutely not? The murder of reformers is contrary to scripture. Therefore, BOTH the RCC murder of reformers is not to be trusted AND neither are those who condone, justify, defend, and approve of the murderers. There is a reason the RCC stopped murdering people (unless you're a fan of Dan Brown ;)).

Which brings me to another matter more severe than cleric celibacy and most of the other complaints RCC-raggers protest about, and with which you two have problem argued til you're proverbially blue in the face. I sympathize. What is not acceptable are those occasions when the Popes or others high in the RCC abused their power, authority, privilege, and resources and those with power and authority to stop it did nothing. To be fair, it's not a uniquely RCC problem but in any objective comparison the RCC makes everyone else look like amateurs when it comes to corruption. Even Dispensationalist end-times prognosticators (200 years and they haven't got one prediction correct) look sophomoric in comparison to both RCC perpetrators and those covering for them.

Every time an RC points to Protestant misbehavior to justify the defense of RCCism they look like hypocrites.

So, lighten up.

If you, don, and you, Arch, have a salvific relationship with God through His resurrected and ascended Son, Jesus Christ through whom alone we have access to God, then don't let any Prot tell you you're not Christian. Conversely, If you're not equally honest with the very real and undeniable problems in RCCism you've got no business defending the RCC.

And to tie this all back to the op.....



The covenants are all initiated monergistically by God. The covenants are all initiated monergistically by God. Time after time after time throughout the Bible from beginning to end the example established is God chooses a person without them knowing it. He initiates the covenant relationship without their knowing it. He calls them without their ever knowing they are going to be called, without their ever being given a say whether they want to be called (some didn't), and without their having any opportunity not to be called. God also commands those He has chosen and called without ever asking them if they want to be commanded and whether or not they want to obey. They are all commanded with an expectation of obedience.

One after that happens are any choices made on the creature's end of the covenant relationship.

When the New Testament speaks of Abraham's faith and his faith being credited to him as righteousness two things are important to understand: 1) Abraham could not not-believe the moment God summoned him and He heard from God Himself, and 2) faith is not faithfulness. Faithfulness is works. Faith begets faithfulness. Faith is "the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen," baptism is a work. They both follow initiation into the covenant of grace.

I'm not a big fan of the phrase "covenant of grace," because it's not actually a term scripture uses, but I understand the inferential case made to justify it. What is important to know is the covenant of grace began,

1 Peter 1:20
For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world....

That is when the covenant was initiated and none of us here were yet born.

1 Peter 1:17-21
If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one's work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

An op on the mystery and power of God's grace should certainly include the foreknowledge of God concerning His Son's sacrifice. Yes?

I trust that was a simple lapse in attentiveness ;). I wonder how it is an op that concludes with....

...does not include one single scripture using the word "initiation" :unsure:, and how it is no one until now thought to comment or inquire about that :confused:.
You and I both know that when a poster brings up A,B,C,D, and E, they have lost the battle. You are all over the map sir! Bottom line-- Christ instituted ONE Church that is protected by the HS. There was no expiration date! You keep mentioning 'reformers' and don't seem to realize that 'reform' is from within. Revolt, is the better word for what happened in the 16th century. They all became mini-popes [Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, etc.]. How do you not see that? 🤔 You can see it in scripture and the ECF's.
You and I both know that when a poster brings up A,B,C,D, and E, they have lost the battle.
I don't know that. I did not bring any of this up; I was asked for examples. Using your logic, I could just as easily as you say the person who asks for examples and trashes the one answering the question has lost the battle.
You are all over the map sir!
No, I am not. I am answering th question asked with multiple examples and receiving fallacious ad homnem in response.
Bottom line-- Christ instituted ONE Church that is protected by the HS.
I agree.

The problem is the two of you have been arguing a religious institution is the Church and that is not the definition the Bible gives, nor what it presents as its precedent.
There was no expiration date!
Red herring. I never said there was.
You keep mentioning 'reformers' and don't seem to realize that 'reform' is from within.
Yep. Luther was RCC. So was Calvin. So were Wycliffe, Hus, Zwingli, Bucer, Erasmus, Melanchthon, Karlstadt, Bullinger, Beza, Knox, Hamilton, and Vermigli. ALL of them sought first to effect reform from within. None of them wanted to leave the RCC. All of them would have stayed in the RCC had the RCC not abused them, excommunicated them (often without cause and even more often without due process), persecuted them even after they forced out and, on many occasions, either murdered them openly under the auspices of RCC authority or clandestinely. Most of them were correct (a few were not) and many of their views were later instituted by the RCC's own Catholic, or Counter Reformation that ensued (like the discontinuation of abusing indulgences). Had the RCC corrected the abuses of indulgences when Luther first broached the problem to those in authority the Protestant Reformation might never have happened. Even some of Wycliffe's views were later instituted! Luther had been a RCC apologist defending some of the RCC's critics (like Agricola). These men were ardent Augustinians, Dominicans, and Cistercians. Calvins' "Institutes of the Christian Religion" was originally a Roman Catholic treatise recommending reforms within the RCC! No reason to persecute, let alone murder, either of them. ALL OF THE EARLY REFORMERS WERE FAITHFUL ROMAN CATHOLICS SEEKING REFORMS FROM WITHIN!

You do not seem to realize reform did start within.

There was only the RCC at that time.
You keep mentioning 'reformers' and don't seem to realize that 'reform' is from within.
That is quite possibly the stupidest sentence posted in this entire thread.
Revolt, is the better word for what happened in the 16th century.
And yet history says otherwise.
They all became mini-popes [Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, etc.].
Nonsense. None of them wanted to establish new sects or denominations, all of them sought orthodoxy and unity, and not a single one of them every called himself the leader of a church.
How do you not see that? 🤔
Because it is not true.
You can see it in scripture and the ECF's.
All of whom the Protestant Reformers abided, and for few was there any dissent. Both Wycliffe, Luther and Calvin in particular were ardently Augustinian.

I can see the facts, the truth, and reason have left your half of the conversation, and it is you who is "all over the place. The fact is no religious institution or religious authority has any business telling people they cannot marry. Not even Paul did that despite his personal views to that effect. The fact is Luther was correct when he protested the sale and other abuses of indulgence and the RCC eventually agreed and changed - after many years of excommunication, persecution and threatening his life. Luther was correct and the Pope, the Magisterium, and Tradition were wrong. The fact is Peter was not the first Pope and although an early Church leader he was man caused others in his own congregations to stumble and some left the faith. The fact is neither the Magisterium nor the the concept of ex cathedra (papal in fallibility) existed until the 19th centuries and their predecessors arose in the 13th century. The fact is there were many corrupt Popes and RCC leaders, many of whom history documents as murderers, thieves, profligates, licentious heterosexually and homosexually, AND their conduct known to leaders in the RCC and the aberrant, abhorrent, and explicitly unscriptural conduct tolerated.

Galatians 5:19-21
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Those are the facts. Anything contradictory to scripture is not to be trusted.
Do you believe anything contradictory to scripture should be trusted?
absolutely not
It looks like you do not believe what you say.

When good Catholics defend unscriptural practices, they may be good Catholics but, on those occasions, they are not being good Christians.

Matthew 10:34-37
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Popes like Boniface II, Benedict IX, and Alexander VI cannot be defended. Neither can those who tolerated their conduct.
@donadams, and @Arch Stanton,

Much of this has digressed far afield of the op. What's not digressive is 1) my affirmation of....
Union with God thru Christ the mediator of the covenant!
...and my dissent with....
Initiation into the covenant of grace is by “faith and baptism”!
...because Christ is the mediator of the covenant that brings sinners into union and communion with God but faith and baptism are not the initiation of the covenant of grace. Initiation into the covenant with God by grace through faith in the resurrected and ascendant Christ is initiated monergistically, not synergistically. Even faith is a gift from God; one that is alien to non-believing sinful flesh. Faith and baptism follow the monergistic initiation into the covenant of grace and they both occur solely at the behest of God the initiator, and Christ the mediator of that covenant. I'm a little curious at the use of the phrase "covenant of grace," because it is generally a phrase thought to have originated with Protestant Reformers like Zwingli and Bullinger 😯 specifically in dissent with RCC soteriology.

I have tried to get this discussion back on the op's subject. I hope my dissent is resolvable because as I have agreed with Christ as the mediator, so too faithful Catholics can agree with God as the monergistic initiator of His covenant(s).
The problem is the two of you have been arguing a religious institution is the Church and that is not the definition the Bible gives,
Christ's Church gave us the Bible.... the Bible did not give us the Church.
Red herring. I never said there was.
With no expiration date, Luther had no authority to separate from Christ's church and consider his ecclesial community authoritative.
Yep. Luther was RCC. So was Calvin. So were Wycliffe, Hus, Zwingli, Bucer, Erasmus, Melanchthon, Karlstadt, Bullinger, Beza, Knox, Hamilton, and Vermigli. ALL of them sought first to effect reform from within. None of them wanted to leave the RCC.
and yet they put themselves over Christ's wishes--promises

they became minipopes.... read the bible for yourself and have billions of personal, fallible, interpretations of scripture!
All of them would have stayed in the RCC had the RCC not abused them, excommunicated them
The church was given the power to excommunicate -- whatever you bind; whatever you loose
Had the RCC corrected the abuses of indulgences when Luther first broached the problem to those in authority the Protestant Reformation might never have happened.
Council of Trent was clear.
You do not seem to realize reform did start within.
reform stays within.... revolt is from the outside
There was only the RCC at that time.
Indeed! No one has the authority to create a new church and claim it as Christ's Church. [see above -- pillar of truth; wisdom of God made known through Her; keys of authority to Peter; bind/loose; whoever hears you hears Me; etc.]
Nonsense. None of them wanted to establish new sects or denominations, all of them sought orthodoxy and unity, and not a single one of them every called himself the leader of a church.
Zwingli, Calvin, and Luther couldn't even agree on the Eucharist. It went downhill from there-- why? because they all used personal, fallible, interpretations of scripture to lead men astray. We were warned:

Gal 1:8 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”

Acts 20:29 I know that after my departure savage wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock [The Church splitting due to personal interpretation – Martin Luther/John Calvin/John Knox/Wycliffe/Zwingli etc.]

Mt 7:15Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves.

Eph 4:14 so that we may no longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery, from their cunning in the interests of deceitful scheming.
All of whom the Protestant Reformers abided, and for few was there any dissent. Both Wycliffe, Luther and Calvin in particular were ardently Augustinian.
Lets test that [1Thess 5:21] -- Quite Catholic of a Catholic Bishop [Hippo]


Among these [apostles] Peter alone almost everywhere deserved to represent the whole Church. Because of that representation of the Church, which only he bore, he deserved to hear "I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" (Sermons 295:2 [A.D. 411]).

Who is ignorant that the first of the apostles is the most blessed Peter? (Commentary on John 56:1 [A.D. 416]).

“If the very order of episcopal succession is to be considered, how much more surely, truly, and safely do we number them [the bishops of Rome] from Peter himself, to whom, as to one representing the whole Church, the Lord said, ‘Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not conquer it.’ Peter was succeeded by Linus, Linus by Clement. … In this order of succession a Donatist bishop is not to be found” (Letters 53:1:2 [A.D. 412]).

I promised you [new Christians], who have now been baptized, a sermon in which I would explain the sacrament of the Lord's table, which you now look upon and of which you last night were made participants. You ought to know that you have received what you are going to receive, and what you ought to receive daily. That bread which you see on the altar having been sanctified by the word of God is the body of Christ, That chalice, or rather, what is in that chalice, having been sanctified by the word of God, is the blood of Christ (Sermons 227 [A.D. 411]).

What you see is the bread and the chalice, that is what your own eyes report to you. But what your faith obliges you to accept is that the bread is the body of Christ and the chalice is the blood of Christ. This has been said very briefly, which may perhaps be sufficient for faith, yet faith does not desire instruction (ibid. 272).

Christ was carried in his own hands when, referring to his own body, he said, ‘This is my body’ [Matt. 26:26]. For he carried that body in his hands” (Explanations of the Psalms 33:1:10 [A.D. 405]).

It is this one Spirit who makes it possible for an infant to be regenerated . . . when that infant is brought to baptism; and it is through this one Spirit that the infant so presented is reborn. For it is not written, "Unless a man be born again by the will of his parents" or "by the faith of those presenting him or ministering to him," but, "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit." The water, therefore, manifesting exteriorly the sacrament of grace, and the Spirit effecting interiorly the benefit of grace, both regenerate in one Christ that man who was generated in Adam (Letters 98:2 [A.D. 408]).

There is an ecclesiastical discipline, as the faithful know, when the names of the martyrs are read aloud in that place at the altar of God, where prayer is not offered for them. Prayer, however, is offered for other dead who are remembered. It is wrong to pray for a martyr, to whose prayers we ought ourselves be commended (Sermons 159:1 [A.D. 411]).

Temporal punishments are suffered by some in this life only, by some after death, by some both here and hereafter, but all of them before that last and strictest judgment. But not all who suffer temporal punishments after death will come to eternal punishments, which are to follow after that judgment (The City of God 21:13 [A.D. 419]).

A Christian people celebrate together in religious solemnity the memorials of the martyrs, both to encourage their being imitated and so that it can share in their merits and be aided by their prayers (Against Faustus the Manichean [A.D. 400]).

The Mother of the Head, in bearing Him corporally became spiritually the Mother of all members of this Divine Head." (Of Holy Virginity 6, [A.D.401])

In being born of a virgin who chose to remain a virgin even before she knew who was to be born other, Christ wanted to approve virginity rather than to impose it. And he wanted virginity to be of free choice even in that woman in whom he took upon himself the form of a slave (Holy Virginity 4:4 [A.D. 401]).

We must except the Holy Virgin Mary, concerning whom I wish to raise no question when it touches the subject of sins, out of honor to the Lord; for from Him we know what abundance of grace for overcoming sin in every particular was conferred upon her who had the merit to conceive and bear Him who undoubtedly had no sin (Nature and Grace 36:42 [A.D. 415]).

We believe also in the holy Church, that is, the Catholic Church. For heretics violate the faith itself by a false opinion about God; schismatics, however, withdraw from fraternal love by hostile separations, although they believe the same things we do. Consequently; neither heretics nor schismatics belong to the Catholic Church, not heretics, because the Church loves God, and not schismatics, because the Church loves neighbor (Faith and the Creed 10:21 [A.D. 393]).
I have tried to get this discussion back on the op's subject. I hope my dissent is resolvable because as I have agreed with Christ as the mediator, so too faithful Catholics can agree with God as the monergistic initiator of His covenant(s).
Christ's Church gave us the Bible.... the Bible did not give us the Church.
God gave us scripture.

Have you anything op-relevant to contribute? If not, then I am moving on.
God gave us scripture.
and His Catholic Church chose the 73 books, and bound them.
Have you anything op-relevant to contribute? If not, then I am moving on.
I was hoping you would read the actual words of Augustine and see if anything stands out to you.

Thank you Josheb for putting up with me and my posts!