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The JW's criteria for hearing prayer applies to the Lord Jesus


Well Known Member
May 21, 2023
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God hears prayers because "he truly knows what is in the heart of the sons of mankind."
The Watchtower: Solomon expressed his confidence that God would not only hear their prayers but also act in their behalf. Why? Because he truly knows what is in "the heart of the sons of mankind.” (Jehovah Hears Our Cries for Help, March 15, 2008, page 12)

Since the Lord Jesus "truly knows what is in the heart of the sons of mankind" demonstrates He hears prayers.
The Watchtower: By way of contrast, however, Jehovah God is described as “the examiner of hearts.” (Proverbs 17:3; 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 29:17) “There is not a creation that is not manifest to his [Jehovah’s] sight,” declares Hebrews 4:13, “but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” Not surprisingly, Jehovah has granted the ability to examine hearts to his Son, Jesus. The resurrected Jesus declared: “I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.”—Revelation 2:23. (Questions From Readers, June 15, 2003, page 30).

These prayers heard by Jesus are also answered by Jesus.
Insight on the Scriptures: Then his disciples would do even greater works, for the reason that Christ would again be with his Father and would answer requests asked in his own name, all for the purpose of bringing glory to the Father.—14:12-14. (John, Good News According to, page 94)

There is one more thing worth pointing out. Jesus is the "true God" because He is the Hearer of prayer (Psalm 65:2).
The Watchtower: The Bible identifies the true God as the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) (How Some Received Answers, May 1, 2003, page 4)
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God hears prayers because "he truly knows what is in the heart of the sons of mankind."
The Watchtower: Solomon expressed his confidence that God would not only hear their prayers but also act in their behalf. Why? Because he truly knows what is in "the heart of the sons of mankind.” (Jehovah Hears Our Cries for Help, March 15, 2008, page 12)

Since the Lord Jesus "truly knows what is in the heart of the sons of mankind" demonstrates He hears prayers.
The Watchtower: By way of contrast, however, Jehovah God is described as “the examiner of hearts.” (Proverbs 17:3; 1 Samuel 16:7; 1 Chronicles 29:17) “There is not a creation that is not manifest to his [Jehovah’s] sight,” declares Hebrews 4:13, “but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” Not surprisingly, Jehovah has granted the ability to examine hearts to his Son, Jesus. The resurrected Jesus declared: “I am he who searches the kidneys and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds.”—Revelation 2:23. (Questions From Readers, June 15, 2003, page 30).

These prayers heard by Jesus are also answered by Jesus.
Insight on the Scriptures: Then his disciples would do even greater works, for the reason that Christ would again be with his Father and would answer requests asked in his own name, all for the purpose of bringing glory to the Father.—14:12-14. (John, Good News According to, page 94)

There is one more thing worth pointing out. Jesus is the "true God" because He is the Hearer of prayer (Psalm 65:2).
The Watchtower: The Bible identifies the true God as the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) (How Some Received Answers, May 1, 2003, page 4)
Stop twisting things.
Jesus taught all how to pray. He said--You MUST pray like this-Our Father.