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Jul 31, 2023
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Of The Modern-Day Church

Buff Scott, Jr.

Too Organized – Too Ritualistic
Although God's children are scattered throughout most churches, religious parties, and denominations, yet those churches are overly organized, needlessly ritualistic, excessively formulated, and unduly mechanical. The activities, movements, and efforts of the first believers were unskilled, ordinary, unsophisticated, and informal—although serious and edifying. Our contemporary arrangement is perplexing, rehearsed to the brim, formalistic, boring, and routine.

As so many are elected to some church office or to some official church function, there are hardly enough left to enhance the practical aspect of the program. So the "elected officials," like any other corporation, go around in circles, involving themselves in paper work, organizing meetings, filling speaking engagements, and otherwise doing very little to convert the world.

The world keeps hanging, if only by a thread, waiting for "Christians" to toss it the lifejacket of salvation. But no! Institutional religion is too busy keeping her churches and organizations afloat to bother with the Great Commission. Millions are waiting for someone to bring them the message of salvation, but she sits around creating more organizations to implement the ones that have already become dormant and stale.

Until the modern church becomes more interested in more people, she will remain out of the people business. The modern-day church has adopted the idea that success cannot be achieved until her whole mechanism is institutionalized. By thus believing and doing, she has signed her own death certificate.​

Going Where The Action Is
Instead of trying to get the world into our church structures, let the Good News of the resurrection take believers out of our church structures and into the world. The "world" is next door, down the street, over the hill, at the supermarket and office, and on the bus and plane. Wherever people are, we will find the "world." As it is not necessary to be specially trained and schooled to go next door to tell a neighbor about gardening, it is not required that one be specially instructed and educated to tell the same neighbor about the Man who came forth from the grave after three days.

Those common, uneducated saints who fled from Jerusalem in the face of persecution "went everywhere broadcasting the Word" [Acts 8:1-4]. They had a simple but stirring story to tell, and they told it! If Jesus' special envoys, the apostles, had insisted that they first attend a school of theology, the message would have stopped dead in its tracks—as it has in our present age. The early believers were already enrolled in the school of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection was their theology!​
Of The Modern-Day Church

Buff Scott, Jr.

Too Organized – Too Ritualistic
Although God's children are scattered throughout most churches, religious parties, and denominations, yet those churches are overly organized, needlessly ritualistic, excessively formulated, and unduly mechanical. The activities, movements, and efforts of the first believers were unskilled, ordinary, unsophisticated, and informal—although serious and edifying. Our contemporary arrangement is perplexing, rehearsed to the brim, formalistic, boring, and routine.

As so many are elected to some church office or to some official church function, there are hardly enough left to enhance the practical aspect of the program. So the "elected officials," like any other corporation, go around in circles, involving themselves in paper work, organizing meetings, filling speaking engagements, and otherwise doing very little to convert the world.

The world keeps hanging, if only by a thread, waiting for "Christians" to toss it the lifejacket of salvation. But no! Institutional religion is too busy keeping her churches and organizations afloat to bother with the Great Commission. Millions are waiting for someone to bring them the message of salvation, but she sits around creating more organizations to implement the ones that have already become dormant and stale.

Until the modern church becomes more interested in more people, she will remain out of the people business. The modern-day church has adopted the idea that success cannot be achieved until her whole mechanism is institutionalized. By thus believing and doing, she has signed her own death certificate.​

Going Where The Action Is
Instead of trying to get the world into our church structures, let the Good News of the resurrection take believers out of our church structures and into the world. The "world" is next door, down the street, over the hill, at the supermarket and office, and on the bus and plane. Wherever people are, we will find the "world." As it is not necessary to be specially trained and schooled to go next door to tell a neighbor about gardening, it is not required that one be specially instructed and educated to tell the same neighbor about the Man who came forth from the grave after three days.

Those common, uneducated saints who fled from Jerusalem in the face of persecution "went everywhere broadcasting the Word" [Acts 8:1-4]. They had a simple but stirring story to tell, and they told it! If Jesus' special envoys, the apostles, had insisted that they first attend a school of theology, the message would have stopped dead in its tracks—as it has in our present age. The early believers were already enrolled in the school of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection was their theology!​
I hope you don't interpret scripture the way you expect what you have experienced to be universal fact.
Of The Modern-Day Church

Buff Scott, Jr.

Too Organized – Too Ritualistic
Although God's children are scattered throughout most churches, religious parties, and denominations, yet those churches are overly organized, needlessly ritualistic, excessively formulated, and unduly mechanical. The activities, movements, and efforts of the first believers were unskilled, ordinary, unsophisticated, and informal—although serious and edifying. Our contemporary arrangement is perplexing, rehearsed to the brim, formalistic, boring, and routine.

As so many are elected to some church office or to some official church function, there are hardly enough left to enhance the practical aspect of the program. So the "elected officials," like any other corporation, go around in circles, involving themselves in paper work, organizing meetings, filling speaking engagements, and otherwise doing very little to convert the world.

The world keeps hanging, if only by a thread, waiting for "Christians" to toss it the lifejacket of salvation. But no! Institutional religion is too busy keeping her churches and organizations afloat to bother with the Great Commission. Millions are waiting for someone to bring them the message of salvation, but she sits around creating more organizations to implement the ones that have already become dormant and stale.

Until the modern church becomes more interested in more people, she will remain out of the people business. The modern-day church has adopted the idea that success cannot be achieved until her whole mechanism is institutionalized. By thus believing and doing, she has signed her own death certificate.​

Going Where The Action Is
Instead of trying to get the world into our church structures, let the Good News of the resurrection take believers out of our church structures and into the world. The "world" is next door, down the street, over the hill, at the supermarket and office, and on the bus and plane. Wherever people are, we will find the "world." As it is not necessary to be specially trained and schooled to go next door to tell a neighbor about gardening, it is not required that one be specially instructed and educated to tell the same neighbor about the Man who came forth from the grave after three days.

Those common, uneducated saints who fled from Jerusalem in the face of persecution "went everywhere broadcasting the Word" [Acts 8:1-4]. They had a simple but stirring story to tell, and they told it! If Jesus' special envoys, the apostles, had insisted that they first attend a school of theology, the message would have stopped dead in its tracks—as it has in our present age. The early believers were already enrolled in the school of Jesus Christ, and the resurrection was their theology!​
The church structure sir, is where believers go to praise and worship their Lord and Savior. To condemn church going and gathering in worship is against Scripture, correct? It is also equally vital that we and those who become believers be properly catechized. If we do not grow in the knowledge of the Lord, Paul says, one will be easily be mislead and deceived by false teachers. This is also a way to test the spirits, correct.

Bashing historic redemptive Orthodoxy of Scripture is what plagues the church with various heretical teachings. So, I also disagree with you on this point as well. Is the Lord's Supper and Prayer along with Baptism (The Sacraments) too ritualistic? Doesn't Jesus say we must do this?
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Pass the popcorn please.

The church structure sir, is where believers go to praise and worship their Lord and Savior. To condemn church going and gathering in worship is against Scripture, correct? It is also equally vital that we and those who become believers be properly catechized. If we do not grow in the knowledge of the Lord, Paul says, one will be easily mislead and deceived by false teachers. This is also a way to test the spirits, correct.

Bashing historic redemptive Orthodoxy of Scripture is what plagues the church with various heretical teachings. So, I also disagree with you on this point as well. Is the Lord's Supper and Prayer along with Baptism (The Sacraments) too ritualistic? Doesn't Jesus say we must do this?

I have never indicated it is wrong to meet in some structure. I have said that our church structures are monuments that testify of our idolatry. A few readers—somehow—understood me as being opposed to meeting in any structure.

The issue is not whether it’s right or wrong to meet somewhere. That is not what I addressed. The issue is whether or not we have built church structures and edifices and set them apart—sanctified them—as holy articles or entities. I say we have. If I’m correct, we are as guilty of idolatry as were the children of Israel who erected Asherah poles as symbols of worship. God told Israel in no uncertain terms:

“Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved [consecrated] stone in your land to bow down before it” (Lev. 26:1).​
"We cannot expect objective consistency among those who use a subjective methodology."
Ron Rhodes

However you translate what Ron Rhodes said and meant is your boat, not mine.
That's right, so why are you trying to climb into it?
The issue is not whether it’s right or wrong to meet somewhere. That is not what I addressed. The issue is whether or not we have built church structures and edifices and set them apart—sanctified them—as holy articles or entities. I say we have.
What would that look like? How do denominations sanctify a church and present them as a holy article or entity?

Would upgrading from a pine bench to a cushioned pew be considered as guilty of that?

I have never indicated it is wrong to meet in some structure. I have said that our church structures are monuments that testify of our idolatry. A few readers—somehow—understood me as being opposed to meeting in any structure.

The issue is not whether it’s right or wrong to meet somewhere. That is not what I addressed. The issue is whether or not we have built church structures and edifices and set them apart—sanctified them—as holy articles or entities. I say we have. If I’m correct, we are as guilty of idolatry as were the children of Israel who erected Asherah poles as symbols of worship. God told Israel in no uncertain terms:

“Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved [consecrated] stone in your land to bow down before it” (Lev. 26:1).​
I would offer.

The first century reformation restored the government of Christ reigning from heaven, It was given over to do what they should not of.

The faithless Jew that had become jealous of the surrounding pagan nation and their foundation (out of sight out of mind).Visible kings in Israel . Setting aside the time period of Kings in Israel in a parable until the time of first century reformation. Setting the sola scriptura standard restore government for all reformations .

"The reformation It destroyed the walls of the all Jewish men's club only ceremonies . One wall separated the Jewish woman from men and the gentile the other high wall the gentile . . . . a gospel explosion men and women prophets from all the nations coming together as the bride of Christ.

The shadow used in parables became sight .He set up one new ceremonial law to represent the new order 1 Corinthians 11. head, hair, wedding cup

They are a sign to the unbelieving world not a sign unto their own self . The priesthood a volunteer law not all are called to demonstrate to the unbelieving world in that way

When Aarons two son added to the prophecy strange fire a personal identity . The fire consumed both, not a hint of smoke of the priestly attire .

Today there are many sign and wonder seekers they call sign gifts. Charismatic church's They make it all about thier own dying flesh called the confederacy

God will not share his glory with dying mankind under a curse appointed to die once

Lucifer the Legion, the chief identity thief. . the father of lies. The king of lying signs to wonder after rather than Prohecy sola scriptura . He is working over time today with lying sign that men wonder, wonder, wonder after.? Am I a women are there tampons in the boys restroom? can we keep paying make believe?

You are a man now you are a women .Peek-a-boo

I have never indicated it is wrong to meet in some structure. I have said that our church structures are monuments that testify of our idolatry. A few readers—somehow—understood me as being opposed to meeting in any structure.​
Well Scott, you need to be more clear, because even this comment makes it confusing. You said it's not wrong to meet in some structures, but then say that our church structures are monuments of our idolatry. I guess I can of understand what you are saying here. But believers are to meet together and worship, correct? Can you specify how people turn structures into idolatry?

The issue is not whether it’s right or wrong to meet somewhere. That is not what I addressed. The issue is whether or not we have built church structures and edifices and set them apart—sanctified them—as holy articles or entities. I say we have. If I’m correct, we are as guilty of idolatry as were the children of Israel who erected Asherah poles as symbols of worship. God told Israel in no uncertain terms:

“Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved [consecrated] stone in your land to bow down before it” (Lev. 26:1).​
So, let me understand this now. Are you suggesting that people worship the structures??? Can you give a reference to who does this? The house of God is consecrated ground, right? A place of worship, a place to worship God and praise Him with follow believers. But if you mean to worship the building, then yes I agree with you, First time I am hearing of this. Anyway, the place believers worship, a church, is a Holy Place to worship God, right? Are we to show reverence or act a fool in this place?​
I would offer.

The first century reformation restored the government of Christ reigning from heaven, It was given over to do what they should not of.

The faithless Jew that had become jealous of the surrounding pagan nation and their foundation (out of sight out of mind).Visible kings in Israel . Setting aside the time period of Kings in Israel in a parable until the time of first century reformation. Setting the sola scriptura standard restore government for all reformations .

"The reformation It destroyed the walls of the all Jewish men's club only ceremonies . One wall separated the Jewish woman from men and the gentile the other high wall the gentile . . . . a gospel explosion men and women prophets from all the nations coming together as the bride of Christ.

The shadow used in parables became sight .He set up one new ceremonial law to represent the new order 1 Corinthians 11. head, hair, wedding cup

They are a sign to the unbelieving world not a sign unto their own self . The priesthood a volunteer law not all are called to demonstrate to the unbelieving world in that way

When Aarons two son added to the prophecy strange fire a personal identity . The fire consumed both, not a hint of smoke of the priestly attire .

Today there are many sign and wonder seekers they call sign gifts. Charismatic church's They make it all about thier own dying flesh called the confederacy c "

God will not share his glory with dying mankind under a curse appointed to die once

Lucifer the Legion, the chief identity thief. . the father of lies. The king of lying signs to wonder after rather than Prohecy sola scriptura . He is working over time today with lying sign that men wonder, wonder, wonder after.? Am I a women are there tampons in the boys restroom? can we keep paying make believe?

You are a man now you are a women .Peek-a-boo
I'm failing to grasp how your post fits in with the OP's topic, " Symptoms of the modern day Church", referring instead mainly to ancient Israel.