Regeneration (the new birth) is the root while conversion (repentance from sin and faith in Jesus) is the fruit.
estimating how long it takes a regenerated soul to begin embracing Christ as Savior and to obey Him
A very fair question, one that there's no scripture answering that question
precisely. Many factors may have a bearing concerning each induvial conversion to the truth, and
time it may take for such conversion. Some of the very elect
may never be converted to blessed truth with a full understanding that Christ is indeed the end of the law for righteousness ~ but only those who fully embrace that truth
without adding their own works
in some manner to the redemption that
Jesus secured for God's elect.
Many fear God and have a godly zeal for him,
maybe even greater than those few who have come to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ~which gospel declares that the righteousness of God is upon those who
believe totally that Jesus secured this righteousness for them by his faith and obedience alone, not by any act done by them, even their faith, repentances and baptism, etc.
There are examples for us in the scriptures concerning the very elect, yet not converted, for who Paul prayed for, and so should we.
I gave Nicodemus in one of the thread last week showing that he was regenerated, yet we have no proof of him ever leaving the Pharisees, for whatever reason it is kept from us.
Also consider:
1 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.
Many corrupt Paul’s desire and prayer by missing or rejecting elect (
II Tim 2:10; II The 3:1-2). Many corrupt Israel as national Israel, Jews, God’s chosen people, ignoring 9:6 and following. Many corrupt salvation as from sin and condemnation to eternal heaven, missing gospel conversion here. Ignoring the context of election within Israel established by Paul in the previous chapter is a travesty.
This cannot be national or natural Israel without qualification, for such was already rejected.
My heart’s desire.
Paul introduced his heart’s desire in very strong language opening this section of Romans (9:1-3). He passed from considering God’s sovereign choices
to man’s response to the gospel (9:30-33). The Gentiles had faith in Christ that the Jews generally did not for their offence at Jesus Christ.
Paul had a heart for evangelism, the conversion of unbelieving elect, second to none in the Bible.
His heart’s desire should not be confused to be any different than his great labors (
II Timothy 2:10).
Paul endured all the things that he did for the elect’s sakes –
he did not seek to add to the elect.
There are two matters in this verse indicated by also and with. Compare with in
James 2:1. His purpose was to help them obtain gospel salvation
(conversion) along with eternal glory.
God guaranteed eternal glory through the surety Jesus Christ (
Rom 8:28-39;
John 10:26-29).
Romans 10:1 is a popular verse Arminians use for proselytizing for heaven (
Matt 23:15), because they always prefer a sound bite rather than find out the real sense of what Paul wrote. It is impossible that Paul desired those without God’s mercy to will and run for it (9:15-16)! But Paul, and us as well, should labor and endure opposition to see them converted to the truth.
Paul had certain confident expectation that every one of the elect would surely be saved (8:28-39), thus
his heart’s desire must be for something other than eternal life for these children of God.
And prayer to God.
Prayer to God, coupled with his heart’s desire, indicates a matter yet uncertain by God’s blessing.
He did not pray for an Israel to be saved from the lake of fire to heaven’s glory for several reasons. There was no possibility or uncertainty at all regarding the glorification of the elect (8:28-39). He had argued in no uncertain terms that eternal glory was God’s sovereign choice (9:6-24). He had declared, illustrated, and proved sovereign election of God’s children in such terms that there was no room for doubt or uncertainty that they would be saved and the rest could not be. There is not the slightest possibility Paul prayed against the Potter’s will and works (9:20-24).
How and why would he pray for vessels of wrath God was enduring until the day of judgment?
How and why would he pray for those fitted to destruction and unable to believe the gospel?
How and why would he pray against decrees of God just like those under the O.T. (9:25-29)?
But he could and would pray for elect Israel to be saved from stumbling over Christ (9:31-33)! Ordinary ministers pray for salvation not knowing God’s will, but this cannot be true of Paul. Paul knew God’s will intimately, especially in Jew-Gentile matters, and he had explained it.
It is impossible he prayed contrary to God’s will he knew (
II Cor 12:8-9;
I Jn 5:14;
Rom 8:27).
For Israel is.
The Israel here must be the Israel identified thus far in Paul’s argument –
the elect Israel of God. Think! Is the wise and careful apostle burdened and praying for those that were not Israel (9:6)? It is a travesty of Bible interpretation to ignore Paul’s work so far and make this national Israel. Regarding election and reprobation within national Israel, Paul had declared it (9:6), illustrated it (9:7-13), proved it (9:14-24), confirmed it (9:25-29), and applied it to the gospel (9:30-33). Having made the distinction, Paul would not have tried to save those God purposed not to save!
Depending on which Israel you make this determines which salvation you will then have to use. From the start, Paul had identified an elect Israel distinct from national Israel as his argument (9:6). As shown there, the issue was one of salvation as the children of God, not national blessings. With such a clear distinction declared, illustrated, proven, confirmed, and applied, we honor it.
he following context of this verse proves it to be elect Israel as does the entire preceding context. He formally testified that this Israel had a zeal of God, an important trait untrue of reprobates. If this zeal of God is subjective-genitive (God’s own zeal), they can only be elect Israelites. If this zeal of God is objective-genitive (their zeal for God), they can only be elect Israelites. If this is merely national Israel’s vain ceremonial worship, Paul made much of what John and Jesus condemned about the same people (
Matt 3:7-12;
Mark 7:6-13;
John 5:42;
8:44). Paul in other places condemned Jewish religion as vanity (
Ac 13:46;
Gal 6:13;
I Thess 2:14-16).
Coming back to keep from being so long. Maybe two more post needed.