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Post a Christian Quote

I heard that a preacher once said, "Do you want to hear God speak? —Read the Bible!
Oh, you wish to hear him speak out loud?? —Read the Bible out loud!!"

Lord Please Talk To Me.jpg
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After seeing the title of this:

...it reminded me of this:

Joseph Louis Williams: For Christ to be a bridge between man and God, He must, like a physical bridge, be firmly established on both shores. Otherwise the chasm that separated man from God would not be bridged. We would have no mediator. And we would still be lost in our sins.
('Victor Paul Wierwille and The Way International', page 59)
God just doesn't throw a life preserver to a drowning person. He goes to the bottom of the sea, and pulls a corpse from the bottom of the sea, takes him up on the bank, breathes into him the breath of life and makes him alive.

R. C. Sproul
Loving a holy God is beyond our moral power. The only kind of God we can love by our sinful nature is an unholy god, an idol made by our own hands. Unless we are born of the Spirit of God, unless God sheds His holy love in our hearts, unless He stoops in His grace to change our hearts, we will not love Him... To love a holy God requires grace, grace strong enough to pierce our hardened hearts and awaken our moribund souls.

R. C. Sproul
Loving a holy God is beyond our moral power. The only kind of God we can love by our sinful nature is an unholy god, an idol made by our own hands. Unless we are born of the Spirit of God, unless God sheds His holy love in our hearts, unless He stoops in His grace to change our hearts, we will not love Him... To love a holy God requires grace, grace strong enough to pierce our hardened hearts and awaken our moribund souls.

R. C. Sproul
Read a sci-fi book once about someone who achieves out-of-body self-perpetuation and gets to a certain awareness, through the aeons, of what he calls God. The god he describes is in its beginning stages, in its childhood, so to speak, not yet mature, and learning. What I wanted to mention about it is, this author seems to congratulate himself, or thinks it of itself virtuous, that this protagonist of the story heartily admires 'God' and worships him for his power and transcendence, and even, if I'm remembering right, admits to some necessary submission as to a being that is superior in every way.

But yeah, that's not GOD, and this guy's notion of worship and obeisance doesn't even begin to measure up to what is required morally.
One of my favorites is a poetic song as a parable by Mohican Indian Samson Occum

He came to Christ under George Whitefield around 1740. Beautiful song or parable. I would call you must be born again awaked from the dead given by grace new converted spirit life

After I was awakened & converted, Awaked by Sinai’s awful sound, A little long but I think "Ke-mo sah-bee worth it .

LOL Gotta love Tonto still m favorite super duper peace hero

Awaked by Sinai’s awful sound,
My soul in bonds of guilt I found,
And knew not where to go;
Eternal truth did loud proclaim,
The sinner must be born again,
Or sink to endless woe.

Amazed I stood, but could not tell
Which way to shun the gates of hell,
For death and hell drew near;
I strove, indeed, but strove in vain;
The sinner must be born again
Still sounded in my ear.

When to the law I trembling fled,
It poured its curses on my head;
I no relief could find.
This fearful truth increased my pain;
The sinner must be born again
O’erwhelmed my tortured mind.

Again did Sinai’s thunders roll,
And guilt lay heavy on my soul,
A vast oppressive load;
Alas, I read and saw it plain,
The sinner must be born again,
Or drink the wrath of God.

The saints I heard with rapture tell
How Jesus conquered death and hell,
And broke the fowler’s snare;
Yet when I found this truth remain,
The sinner must be born again,
I sank in deep despair.

But while I thus in anguish lay,
The gracious Savior passed this way,
And felt His pity move;
The sinner, by His justice slain,
Now by His grace is born again;
And sings redeeming love.

To Heaven the joyful tidings flew,
The angels tuned their harps anew,
And loftier sounds did raise;
All hail the Lamb that once was slain,
Unnumbered millions born again,
Shall shout Thy endless praise.
One of my favorites is a poetic song as a parable by Mohican Indian Samson Occum

He came to Christ under George Whitefield around 1740. Beautiful song or parable. I would call you must be born again awaked from the dead given by grace new converted spirit life

After I was awakened & converted, Awaked by Sinai’s awful sound, A little long but I think "Ke-mo sah-bee worth it .

LOL Gotta love Tonto still m favorite super duper peace hero

Awaked by Sinai’s awful sound,
My soul in bonds of guilt I found,
And knew not where to go;
Eternal truth did loud proclaim,
The sinner must be born again,
Or sink to endless woe.

Amazed I stood, but could not tell
Which way to shun the gates of hell,
For death and hell drew near;
I strove, indeed, but strove in vain;
The sinner must be born again
Still sounded in my ear.

When to the law I trembling fled,
It poured its curses on my head;
I no relief could find.
This fearful truth increased my pain;
The sinner must be born again
O’erwhelmed my tortured mind.

Again did Sinai’s thunders roll,
And guilt lay heavy on my soul,
A vast oppressive load;
Alas, I read and saw it plain,
The sinner must be born again,
Or drink the wrath of God.

The saints I heard with rapture tell
How Jesus conquered death and hell,
And broke the fowler’s snare;
Yet when I found this truth remain,
The sinner must be born again,
I sank in deep despair.

But while I thus in anguish lay,
The gracious Savior passed this way,
And felt His pity move;
The sinner, by His justice slain,
Now by His grace is born again;
And sings redeeming love.

To Heaven the joyful tidings flew,
The angels tuned their harps anew,
And loftier sounds did raise;
All hail the Lamb that once was slain,
Unnumbered millions born again,
Shall shout Thy endless praise.
After I was awakened & converted, Awaked by Sinai’s awful sound, A little long but I think "Ke-mo sah-bee worth it .

LOL Gotta love Tonto still m favorite super duper peace hero
BTW, being familiar with a different language, you might appreciate this: I conjecture that "Ke-mo sah-bee" may be a corruption and shortening of a response to being called, "Tonto" (which means "silly" or "foolish", or even, "stupid"). In Spanish, Tonto may have said, "Es que no sabe", which means, "it's that he doesn't understand" (or "know")
BTW, being familiar with a different language, you might appreciate this: I conjecture that "Ke-mo sah-bee" may be a corruption and shortening of a response to being called, "Tonto" (which means "silly" or "foolish", or even, "stupid"). In Spanish, Tonto may have said, "Es que no sabe", which means, "it's that he doesn't understand" (or "know")
Or, 'me no sabe' lol
The mark of a life governed by the Holy Spirit is that such a life is continually and ever more and more occupied with Christ, that Christ becomes greater and greater as time goes on.
TA Sparks
"If you meet two people who agree on everything theological...then one of them is not thinking"
Dr. Walter Martin