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It says that, it doesn't mean what you make it to be.… so be it (it DOESN’T say we thought, considered, regarded or assumed it). My bad.
It says that, it doesn't mean what you make it to be.… so be it (it DOESN’T say we thought, considered, regarded or assumed it). My bad.
I believe in the CHRISTUS VICTOR theory of Atonement.
(Good luck disproving that from Scripture.)
You believe in the PENAL SUBSTITUTION theory of Atonement and have not really either defined or proven WRATH ... y'all just accuse me of misunderstanding your undefined term and demand that I explain things to you.
Your's appears a position of insecurity that attacks those that ask questions rather than nod in blind agreement, so I leave you to it. There is literally NOTHING for me in this topic.
I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but what separates PENAL SUBSTITUTION from other atonement theories (like RANSOM) is the “legal transaction” element at its core … the DEBT of sin OWED by us and PAID by Christ to God to satisfy JUSTICE … yet the quote from Polycarp mentions NONE of these PSA defining elements that distinguish PSA from other Atonement theories. I have little doubt that you will disagree, so just underline the “Legal Transaction” terms from Polycarp that indicate PSA over, say RANSOM THEORY so I can see them, too."God himself took on him the burden of our iniquities, he gave his own Son as a ransom for us, the Holy One for transgressors, the blameless one for the wicked, the righteous one for the unrighteous, the incorruptible one for the corruptible, the immortal one for them that are mortal. For what other thing was capable of covering our sins than his righteousness? By what other one was it possible that we, the wicked and ungodly, could be justified, than by the only Son of God? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable operation!---that the wickedness of many should be hid in a single Righteous One, and that the righteousness of one should justify many transgressors!" ( Bishop Polycarp 69 AD-155 AD).
Keeping in mind that while they were only covered in the OT, they are remitted (aphesis) in the NT (Mt 26:28, Mk 1:4, Lk 1:77, 3:3, 24:47, Ac 2:38,You can make all the assumptions you want, and yes we are in agreement I do believe in Penal Substitution because it is Biblical teaching. Just because you do not understand Propitiation and the OT Sacrificial System doesn't negate the teaching. I believe in Christus Victor in that Christ did triumph over his enemies, but not that he ransomed us from Satan. The payment is not to "the powers of evil" but to God. The payment is due because of sins, which need to be covered. 5:31
Which is why Christ came as a Substitute to pay what is due, and to fulfill the Law, so that we are also imputed by the righteousness of Christ to be declared righteous before God, than ransoming us from Satan.
"God himself took on him the burden of our iniquities, he gave his own Son as a ransom for us, the Holy One for transgressors, the blameless one for the wicked, the righteous one for the unrighteous, the incorruptible one for the corruptible, the immortal one for them that are mortal. For what other thing was capable of covering our sins than his righteousness? By what other one was it possible that we, the wicked and ungodly, could be justified, than by the only Son of God? O sweet exchange! O unsearchable operation!---that the wickedness of many should be hid in a single Righteous One, and that the righteousness of one should justify many transgressors!" ( Bishop Polycarp 69 AD-155 AD).
Lol! Why do you run from Scripture that proves it?I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but what separates PENAL SUBSTITUTION from other atonement theories (like RANSOM) is the “legal transaction” element at its core … the DEBT of sin OWED by us and PAID by Christ to God to satisfy JUSTICE … yet the quote from Polycarp mentions NONE of these PSA defining elements that distinguish PSA from other Atonement theories. I have little doubt that you will disagree, so just underline the “Legal Transaction” terms from Polycarp that indicate PSA over, say RANSOM THEORY so I can see them, too.
You are pointing to anything that affirms “atonement” and screaming … “THERE, SEE … PSA!”
Which is why I posted what I did. Do you even pay attention to yourself and what others write?Last I checked, Polycarp still isn’t scripture.
#5 The Penal Substitutionary Theory
Penal Substitutionary Atonement is a development of the Reformation. The Reformers, Specifically Calvin and Luther, took Anselm’s Satisfaction theory and modified it slightly. They added a more legal (or forensic) framework into this notion of the cross as satisfaction. The result is that within Penal Substitution, Jesus Christ dies to satisfy God’s wrath against human sin. Jesus is punished (penal) in the place of sinners (substitution) in order to satisfy the justice of God and the legal demand of God to punish sin. In the light of Jesus’ death, God can now forgive the sinner because Jesus Christ has been punished in the place of the sinner, in this way meeting the retributive requirements of God’s justice. This legal balancing of the ledgers is at the heart of this theory, which claims that Jesus died for legal satisfaction. It’s also worth mentioning that in this theory the notion of imputed righteousness is postulated.
This theory of the Atonement contrasts with Anselm’s Satisfaction Theory in that God is not satisfied with a debt of justice being paid by Jesus, but that God is satisfied with punishing Jesus in the place of mankind. The notion that the cross acts upon God, conditioning Him to forgiveness, originates from Anslems theory, but here in Penal Substitution the means are different. This theory of the Atonement is perhaps the most dominant today, especially among the Reformed, and the evangelical.
#6 The Governmental Theory
The Governmental Theory of the Atonement is a slight variation upon the Penal Substitutionary theory, which is notably held in Methodism. The main difference here is the extent to which Christ suffered. In the Governmental Theory, Jesus Christ suffers the punishment of our sin and propitiates God’s wrath. In this way, it is similar to Penal Substitution. However, in the Governmental Theory, Jesus Christ does not take the exact punishment we deserve, He takes apunishment. Jesus dies on the cross therefore to demonstrate the displeasure of God towards sin. He died to display God’s wrath against sin and the high price which must be paid, but not to specifically satisfy that particular wrath. The Governmental Theory also teaches that Jesus died only for the church, and if you by faith are part of the church, you can take part in God’s salvation. The church then acts as the sort of hiding place from God’s punishment. This view contrasts both the Penal and Satisfaction models but retains the fundamental belief that God cannot forgive if Jesus does not die a propitiating death
#7 The Scapegoat Theory
The Scapegoat Theory is a modern Atonement theory rooted in the philosophical concept of the Scapegoat. Here the key figures Rene Girard and James Allison. Within this theory of the Atonement Jesus Christ dies as the Scapegoat of humanity. This theory moves away from the idea that Jesus died in order to act upon God (as in PSA, Satisfaction, or Governmental), or as payment to the devil (as in Ransom). Scapegoating therefore is considered to be a form of non-violent atonement, in that Jesus is not a sacrifice but a victim. There are many Philosophical concepts that come up within this model, but in a general sense, we can say that Jesus Christ as the Scapegoat means the following. 1) Jesus is killed by a violent crowd. 2) The violent crowd kills Him believing that He is guilty. 3) Jesus is proven innocent, as the true Son of God. 4) The crowd is therefore deemed guilty.
Except that the scapegoat didn't die, and Jesus did.James Allison summarizes the Scapegoating Theory like this, “Christianity is a priestly religion which understands that it is God’s overcoming of our violence by substituting himself for the victim of our typical sacrifices that opens up our being able to enjoy the fullness of creation as if death were not.”
Then I suggest that you reject that theory.Except that the scapegoat didn't die, and Jesus did.
A scapegoat, a domesticated goat let loose in the wilderness most certainly would die via predators.Except that the scapegoat didn't die, and Jesus did.
What the heck are you talking about?Which is why I posted what I did.
You're the one who ran to polycarp then twaddled to me that he isn't Scripture as if I ran to him. No, YOU ran to him, not me. So your retort was misplaced.What the heck are you talking about?
Insane accusations? Hmmm...@Ladodgers6 posted a specific response quoting one of my posts. I received a notification that he had quoted my post. I responded to his post (which contained no scripture, just opinions and a quote from Polycarp to prove his point). I addressed his quote from Polycarp. You jump all over me with still more insane accusations based on WHAT?
I gave a list of Scripture you didn't address.As far as you and your so-called quotes, I addressed Isaiah 53:1-12 several times to nobody’s benefit … you refused to acknowledge the actual WORDS OF SCRIPTURE, accused me of understanding nothing and demanded that I explain phrases and verses from the OT to you so that I could understand … all while accusing me of constantly not responding to scripture. What on earth would possibly compel me to chase after OT verses for your amusement and my further rejection?
Wait, I thought you addressed them. To amuse me? Hmmm...I'll take care of your ugly insults here shortly.What obligates me to chase after verses to amuse you?
Wow...You crapped PENAL SUBSTITUTION and accusation all over my attempt to create a topic on CHRISTUS VICTOR … making you a TROLL and BULLY
Unreal.I’m my book. So small wonder I have no desire or inclination to discuss verses with you (whatever verses you are speaking of at this point, because I am honestly clueless what you are talking about).
You should post a warning in the Rules of this board if PSA is a requirement.
But it was not specifically sacrificed as was the sin goat.A scapegoat, a domesticated goat let loose in the wilderness most certainly would die via predators.
Yes I agree. The thing with Azazel is hard to figure out.But it was not specifically sacrificed as was the sin goat.
It's purpose was a type of their sin being taking away and remembered no more.
Found something in an old Bible that suggests the word Azazel was translated of old as "the escaping goat."Yes I agree. The thing with Azazel is hard to figure out.
Interesting.Found something in an old Bible that suggests the word Azazel was translated of old as "the escaping goat."
What scripture did he run from? I must've missed something.Lol! Why do you run from Scripture that proves it?