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On Being Unequally Yoked

When God made covenant with Abram the Hebrew it wasn't a spiritual promise but a literal covenant.
Why do you think God sent Jesus to us?

It is because there are so many fake believers. They claim they are Jews yet their heart is far from God.

Jesus was sent to teach us what it takes to be true servants.

Pharisees of Jesus' times showed clear evidence of phony believers.

Jesus called them hypocrites.

You cannot mock God.
Why do you think God sent Jesus to us?
Who's "us"?
If you mean non-Hebrew Gentiles, such as yourself then there is nothing in Scripture Jesus was sent to non-Hebrew Gentiles. None. He was prophesied to and for Israel, and He came to and for Israel, which is why He said He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
It is because there are so many fake believers. They claim they are Jews yet their heart is far from God.
Jesus was sent to teach us what it takes to be true servants.
Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
You can't add non-Hebrew Gentiles in this statement Jesus made. That would be putting words into His mouth and that is sin.
Pharisees of Jesus' times showed clear evidence of phony believers.

Jesus called them hypocrites.

You cannot mock God.
A great company of these sinning Pharisees came to faith after a few months after Jesus' ascension.

7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7.

There were 70 men in the Sanhedrin. "A great company" would mean a majority out of 70 were born again.
Forty -60 conversions. So, their Father could not be the fallen angel the "devil" because if they became saved then their Father was God all along and they didn't know it until after they were born again. A person can have only one paternity. We are not born into the world as goats, become born again and now we are sheep. That is inconsistent with biology and reality. God contemplated them as sheep and when they were born into the world were born sheep but didn't know it until they became born again.
Who's "us"?
If you mean non-Hebrew Gentiles, such as yourself then there is nothing in Scripture Jesus was sent to non-Hebrew Gentiles. None. He was prophesied to and for Israel, and He came to and for Israel, which is why He said He was sent ONLY to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.

Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
You can't add non-Hebrew Gentiles in this statement Jesus made. That would be putting words into His mouth and that is sin.

A great company of these sinning Pharisees came to faith after a few months after Jesus' ascension.

7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7.

There were 70 men in the Sanhedrin. "A great company" would mean a majority out of 70 were born again.
Forty -60 conversions. So, their Father could not be the fallen angel the "devil" because if they became saved then their Father was God all along and they didn't know it until after they were born again. A person can have only one paternity. We are not born into the world as goats, become born again and now we are sheep. That is inconsistent with biology and reality. God contemplated them as sheep and when they were born into the world were born sheep but didn't know it until they became born again.
All your analyses come from the Roman Empire, not from God and Jesus.

All man's mentality and made up.

Your loyalty belongs to the triune god.

No matter how often you repeat it with lengthy posts you cannot convince anyone.

You are only convincing all willing to listen to the familiar preaching of triune god worshippers.
7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7.

There were 70 men in the Sanhedrin. "A great company" would mean a majority out of 70 were born again.
Forty -60 conversions. So, their Father could not be the fallen angel the "devil" because if they became saved then their Father was God all along and they didn't know it until after they were born again. A person can have only one paternity. We are not born into the world as goats, become born again and now we are sheep. That is inconsistent with biology and reality. God contemplated them as sheep and when they were born into the world were born sheep but didn't know it until they became born again.

Obedient to whose faith? (unseen understanding).

Yes, the unbelieving faithless Jew outward unconverted mankind in Revelations 2 that tried to sneak in using the Jewish DNA (dying flesh and blood) card . Only spiritual Jews as inward born again could enter there praise id of God not seen. not dying Jewish or gentile flesh seen.

They had .no faith as power to please the invisible head Christ (none not little) Christ our husbands faith. . it alone comes by hearing it as it is writen (sola scriptura) the law and the prophets .

Dying mankind, working out the appointment death. Having their faith (understanding of a unseen eternal) in respect to dying mankind each other venerating power lording it over the non venerable (Pagan tradition) . They sought after lying signs rather that sola scriptura before they would trust .

Satan Legion the king of lying signs to wonder, wonder ,wonder after.( his only voice as the god of this world lust flesh, lust eye the two building block of false pride, false apostles, false prophecy (oral traditons of dying mankind. . . . making the living abiding word without efect. )

Wondering. . . marveling is not believing .The deceiver would have dying mankind to believe its all one in the same.

Jesus the prophet declared to Nicodemus the will of the Father to marvel not at the greatest possible miracle born again but rather I commandment you to believe exercise new born again faith

He give us little of His mighty power. Calling us little faith (just enough to please him as it empowers us to do it to his glory.

He informs Christians in Hebrews 6 that he will not forget the good works we can miraculously offered according to his name (power)

Called it the better thing that accompanies salvation , our daily bread. . . hidden manna

Born again believers have prophecy till the end of time. . Sealed with 7 seals. . a warning not to add or subtract .(sola scriptura)

Satan's only voice snatching after the seed (spiritual) Christ the husband . Giving it a false source of faith (outward Jew dying mankind ) .

The law "Let there be "below

John 4:48Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

The evidence of breaking it . "It was God alone good"

John 6:30They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Sign as metaphors used in parables follow prophecy, After one believes the evidence or power of faith (belief) . They will drink the poison and it will not hurt (poison the false doctrines as a laws of the fathers, false apostles). They will speak in a new tongue the gospel, It will raise the dead (unbelievers ) Again sign as metaphor used in parables follow prophecy we are not to seek after. as natural unconverted dying mankind

Signs are not prophecy. . simply a shadow of the unseen eternal.

No signs were given to seek after. Jesus the prophet informs us it is the generation of natural unconverted mankind that does seek after signs before they will beleive They have no faith coming from Christ the storeroom of faith. His barns are overflowing with his labor of love.
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There were 70 men in the Sanhedrin. "A great company" would mean a majority out of 70 were born again.
Not only is that utterly illogical but it is inaccurate. There were 71 men in the Sanhedrin, not seventy, and not all of them were priests. It consisted of chief priests (not all priests) and scribes. It included Pharisees, and Sadducees. It was the supreme political and religious body of Israel, and sat as judges in these matters. It was the highest Jewish authority in Israel before 70 a.d.

Acts 6:7 says nothing about the Sanhedrin, and it does not give any numbers.
A person can have only one paternity. We are not born into the world as goats, become born again and now we are sheep. That is inconsistent with biology and reality. God contemplated them as sheep and when they were born into the world were born sheep but didn't know it until they became born again
We are all born in Adam, of the earth. Those God elects unto eternal life are reborn (born again) in Christ, not through DNA---that is still Adam---but through faith in the resurrected Christ. Born from above. God knew them before the foundation of the world, so yes, those He was giving to Jesus were always His sheep.It isn't a matter of knowing or not know one is His sheep, it is a matter of when they are called into the fold by God, hear the voice of the Shepherd, and follow Him.

And His sheep are not limited to Jews and Samaritans and untraceable phantom, imagined DNA as you claim, but are whoever, and wherever, God so pleases. You have no say in the matter, no matter how hard your try to scream at Him---"Jews Only!!!" It is God you are fighting against, not His people who His Son laid down His life for. How dare you!
All your analyses come from the Roman Empire, not from God and Jesus.

All man's mentality and made up.

Your loyalty belongs to the triune god.

No matter how often you repeat it with lengthy posts you cannot convince anyone.

You are only convincing all willing to listen to the familiar preaching of triune god worshippers.
Nope. I'm a Biblical Christian. That's the only kind there is in existence. If your Christianity is not biblical, then you are NOT Christian.
Not only is that utterly illogical but it is inaccurate. There were 71 men in the Sanhedrin, not seventy, and not all of them were priests. It consisted of chief priests (not all priests) and scribes. It included Pharisees, and Sadducees. It was the supreme political and religious body of Israel, and sat as judges in these matters. It was the highest Jewish authority in Israel before 70 a.d.

Acts 6:7 says nothing about the Sanhedrin, and it does not give any numbers.

We are all born in Adam, of the earth. Those God elects unto eternal life are reborn (born again) in Christ, not through DNA---that is still Adam---but through faith in the resurrected Christ. Born from above. God knew them before the foundation of the world, so yes, those He was giving to Jesus were always His sheep.It isn't a matter of knowing or not know one is His sheep, it is a matter of when they are called into the fold by God, hear the voice of the Shepherd, and follow Him.

And His sheep are not limited to Jews and Samaritans and untraceable phantom, imagined DNA as you claim, but are whoever, and wherever, God so pleases. You have no say in the matter, no matter how hard your try to scream at Him---"Jews Only!!!" It is God you are fighting against, not His people who His Son laid down His life for. How dare you!
7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee. Gen 17:7.

The Abraham covenant is between God, Abraham, and his seed, a people later to be called the children of Israel.

In talking about seed, then yes, it is a DNA covenant.
Nope. I'm a Biblical Christian. That's the only kind there is in existence. If your Christianity is not biblical, then you are NOT Christian.
Yours has been shown to be unbiblical.
Nope. I'm a Biblical Christian. That's the only kind there is in existence. If your Christianity is not biblical, then you are NOT Christian.
Biblical Christian. Amen

Christian the new name propmised by the Father in Isiah 62:1-5 to name His bride. Previously named her Israel (not all Israel is born of the Spirit of Christ ).

Renamed her Christian the beautiful heavenly city in Acts

Christian as a demonym. . ."Residents of the holy City of Christ prepared for the bride". Named after its founder and husband Christ. A more befitting name to name the bride of all the nations

God is not a racists' .
I’ll let the judge of the universe make that call.

Which Judge is that? The Racist Judge that causes mankind to wrestles against flesh and blood , a murderer of the misperceived competitions (born agin Christians)

Or the rainbow of peace. all shades determined by a pigment called melanin. Adam and Eve had all the colors