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Mystery of the most holy trinity!

Your reading does not harmonize anything with Jesus' word.

In conclusion, all your reasoning of Trinity or triune god or Jesus is god is backed by nothing but your organizational teachings.

My accusations against all your doctrines are all backed by Jesus' word.

So your teachings are anti-Christ teaching, not true Christianity.

therefore, the Trinitarian god is a false god.
Where does Jesus or his church reveal and teach these things?

“There is no trinity”

“There is no triune God”


“there are not three persons in one God”

Your reading does not harmonize anything with Jesus' word.

In conclusion, all your reasoning of Trinity or triune god or Jesus is god is backed by nothing but your organizational teachings.

My accusations against all your doctrines are all backed by Jesus' word.

So your teachings are anti-Christ teaching, not true Christianity.

therefore, the Trinitarian god is a false god.
If Jesus is just a “mere man” why should we believe him?

Not any triune god followers' justification is backed by Jesus' word.

You guys have been pushing your tyrannical teaching since the beginning of your history without any evidence of Jesus' teaching.

Your organizations will exist until Jesus starts to reign.

But you don't have be share the guilt of your organization's anti-Christ teaching.

I pray anyone who is reading this thread comes out of it for your own sake.

Seems to me that it’s those who the divinity of Christ are the real ant-Christ!

  1. 2 Peter 2:1
    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
  2. Jude 1:4
    For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our LordJesus Christ.

1 John 4:3
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

My justification for defending His Word is according to His Word. Not by any man-made so-called "church".

Christianity is based on what Jesus commands or teaches not on a man-made church.

Jesus' Church is made up of His true followers.

Christ's Church is His body.

His true followers don't abide by a man-made church.
Many do!

Including the failed millerites!
all triune god worshippers.

And you are propagating anti-Christ teachings.
You said only the father is divine


The father never became man, never visited and redeemed his people, never ascended to heaven

Contradicting the scriptures
You said only the father is divine

what do you mean by divine?

Jesus never says He is divine.

You come up with so many trin cliches.

And you already established Jesus is not the center of your spiritual life.
what do you mean by divine?

Jesus never says He is divine.

You come up with so many trin cliches.

And you already established Jesus is not the center of your spiritual life.
Divine uncreated eternal God
That's what your church says.

Not of Jesus.

remember your loyalty belongs to your triune god-worshipping church, not Jesus.
Christ and his church that he himself founded are one inseparable unity! Acts 9:4 eph 5:32

There is no salvation apart from Christ and union in his church
Christ and his church
Christ's church abides by His word.

Not by triune god worshipping church.

You want to keep pretending you honor Him, but he is not the first in your triune god worshipping faith.

You worship Jesus' God in vain.
Christ's church abides by His word.

Not by triune god worshipping church.

You want to keep pretending you honor Him, but he is not the first in your triune god worshipping faith.

You worship Jesus' God in vain.
Please please tel me who Christ is and is not?
71. Jesus Christ is the True God and True Son of God.
72. Christ assumed a real body, not an apparent body.
73. Christ assumed not only a body but also a rational soul.
74. Christ was truly generated and born of a daughter of Adam, the Virgin Mary.
75. The Divine and the human natures are united hypostatically in Christ, that is, joined to each other in one Person.
76. Christ Incarnate is a single, that is, a sole Person. He is God and man at the same time.
77. The God-Logos is connected with the flesh by an inner, physical or substantial unification.
Christ is not the bearer of God, but is God really.
78. The human and the divine activities predicated of Christ in Holy Writ and in the Fathers may
not be divided between two persons or hypostases, the Man-Christ and the God-Logos, but must be attributed to the one Christ, the Logos become Flesh. It is the Divine Logos, who suffered in the flesh, was crucified, died, and rose again.
79. The Holy Virgin is the Mother of God since she truly bore the God-Logos become Flesh.
80. In the Hypostatic Union each of the two natures of Christ continues unimpaired,
untransformed and unmixed with the other.
81. Each of the two natures in Christ possesses its own natural will and its own natural mode of
82. The Hypostatic Union of Christ’s human nature with the Divine Logos took place at the
moment of conception.
83. The Hypostatic Union will never cease.
84. The Hypostatic Union was effected by the Three Divine Persons acting in common.
85. Only the Second Divine Person became Man.
86. Not only as God but also as man Jesus Christ is the natural Son of God.
87. The God-Man Jesus Christ is to be venerated with one single mode of Worship, the absolute
Worship of Latria which is due to God alone.
88. Christ’s Divine and Human characteristics and activities are to be predicated of the one
Word Incarnate.
89. Christ was free from all sin, from original sin as well as from all personal sin.
90. Christ’s human nature was passible (capable of sensation & suffering).
91. The Son of God became man in order to redeem men.
92. Fallen man cannot redeem himself.
93. The God-Man Jesus Christ is a High Priest.
94. Christ offered Himself on the Cross as a true and proper sacrifice.
95. Christ by His Sacrifice on the Cross has ransomed us and reconciled us with God.
96. Christ did not die for the predestined only.
97. Christ’s Atonement does not extend to the fallen angels.
98. Christ, through His Passion and Death, merited reward from God.
99. After His Death, Christ’s soul, which was separated from His Body, descended into the
100. On the third day after His Death Christ rose gloriously from the dead.
101. Christ ascended Body and Soul into Heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father.

Your turn!
Why won’t you say what you believe about Christ?
I would offer. Christ the invisible head (Father)is the one good teaching master

Many attribute that power to the dying flesh of Jesus the Son of man ,as if he was the Father

Jesus would never commit blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of the Father. It is non forgivable

Mark 10:16-18King James Version1 And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled (venerate) to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
71. Jesus Christ is the True God and True Son of God.
This is the beginning of your long post but the biggest flaw.

Jesus is the Son of God but He is not God.

You keep denying that God is one.

No matter how many times you keep insisting Jesus is God, you are only propagating a false god.

that's how you disgrace God and His Son with your lie.