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More On Skepticism & Reality

Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
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More On Skepticism & Reality
Buff Scott, Jr.

[Part 2 of 3 Parts]

Facts Relating To The Invisible
Since the wind—air—is invisible [unless contaminated with debris], how do we know it exists? We see and feel the results or effects of it. The consequences are all around us. Since wind it invisible to the naked eye, should we deny its existence?

As scientists have thus far discovered, Planet Earth is the only heavenly body surrounded by oxygen. Why? Isn't it unique that of all the billions and billions of celestial "worlds," only Planet Earth is surrounded by life-sustaining oxygen? This could not have occurred haphazardly. Some powerful source far beyond human ability or potential is at work in our universe. Could it be an Intelligent Being? Of course.

Oxygen, of course, is invisible to the naked eye. Should we therefore deny its existence? Why not? For if we can deny God's existence because we cannot see Him with the naked eye, to be consistent we can also deny the existence of oxygen.

"Oh," but the skeptic replies, "We see and feel the effects of oxygen! Therefore, we are certain it exists." The same logic is true of God or an Intellectual Being. We stand in awe of the infinite power of this Being as He mobilizes and activates all the stars and governs all the galaxies that sprinkle the night's sky. The Hubble telescope has glanced out into our colossal universe and discovered more than 150 billion galaxies! The vastness of God's creation is beyond our comprehension. The results or effects of this Intellectual Being surround us! The biblical Job described it best. "And these are but the outer fringe of His works" [Job 26:14].​

Other Histories
About 2,000 year ago a Jewish historian by the name of Josephus witnessed and recorded the War between the Roman Army and the Jewish nation. The major part of the battle occurred in and around Jerusalem. The account by Josephus is almost an echo of the predictions of Jesus, as recorded in the 24th chapter of the Book of Matthew and the 21st chapter of the Book of Luke.

The war began in 65 A.D. and ended in 70 A.D. On August 10, 70 A.D., Jerusalem was stormed and what followed was a universal massacre of the Jewish people—1,100,000 perished, and 100,000 survivors were sold into slavery. The book can be found in almost any Library.

What's my point? Scoffers and skeptics have little or no problem accepting this bit of history as well-grounded. Why, then, do they doubt and reject another form of history that testifies about Adam and Eve, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, Egypt's pharaohs, Kings Solomon and David, Isaiah—but most of all, Jesus of Nazareth? And note, please: The biblical historians who wrote about Jesus were contemporary to Josephus! Why accept his history while rejecting the historical writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?​

[Look for Part 3 of 3 Parts]