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Let's Have Church!!!


Staff member
May 21, 2023
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Maybe it would be good to take a long hard look at the necessarily speculative nature of the mere creature's statements concerning the infinite Creator of all things.

As we discuss and debate on this most most transcendent of all subjects, it seems to me proper that we don't get as careless as we tend to do with other matters, since this one subject —God himself— is basic to all other things.

To me it is ironic, but beautiful, that our inability to accomplish this understanding in the face of our even visceral need to discuss it, and the fact that we are enjoined to know our God, and to talk about him to others, yet being warned about foolish talk and the condemnation of false teachers, throws us onto God's mercy.

There is no more humbling subject, yet nothing more uplifting and thrilling to study than this Greatest of all things. This must be done carefully.

There is no better reference work than Scripture​
God is ultimately logical and logic can only validate what Scripture teaches concerning God—logic will not deny any of it.​
There is no complete understanding by any of God's creatures​
Where two or three believers are gathered together, there God is with them​
Our ability to think, form concepts, and talk is ESTABLISHED by God himself​
His necessary mercy on us is the best position from which to talk about him​
So, let's have CHURCH!​
Maybe it would be good to take a long hard look at the necessarily speculative nature of the mere creature's statements concerning the infinite Creator of all things.

As we discuss and debate on this most most transcendent of all subjects, it seems to me proper that we don't get as careless as we tend to do with other matters, since this one subject —God himself— is basic to all other things.

To me it is ironic, but beautiful, that our inability to accomplish this understanding in the face of our even visceral need to discuss it, and the fact that we are enjoined to know our God, and to talk about him to others, yet being warned about foolish talk and the condemnation of false teachers, throws us onto God's mercy.

There is no more humbling subject, yet nothing more uplifting and thrilling to study than this Greatest of all things. This must be done carefully.

There is no better reference work than Scripture​
God is ultimately logical and logic can only validate what Scripture teaches concerning God—logic will not deny any of it.​
There is no complete understanding by any of God's creatures​
Where two or three believers are gathered together, there God is with them​
Our ability to think, form concepts, and talk is ESTABLISHED by God himself​
His necessary mercy on us is the best position from which to talk about him​
So, let's have CHURCH!​
Agree. And we do get careless in our discussion. I find it particularly abhorrent when God is pronounced to be evil according to another's belief with which they disagree. Where is the fear of him?

But that aside, it is the Doctrine of God which must be firmly established and done so with what we are given in Scripture, that forms the foundation of all else we believe and how we interpret Scripture. No doctrine or statement of belief must ever contradict who he is as self revealed. In traditional Christianity there are many doctrines that flow from that first doctrine. Who is God?

God is unique. There is no other like him. He is self existent and eternal. As such he is the Creator of everything that is created. He owns all of it, it belongs to him. Everything is subject to him. He owes no one anything and has need of nothing from us. Everything we have, including the home he made for us, the earth, is given by him and is pure grace. We owe him perfect obedience and perfect moral righteousness. He is King, we are his servants. Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God-----"
There is no better reference work than Scripture
Perhaps...but then there is the Author Himself...who indwells us.
So, let's have CHURCH!
Nah...church is religion filled with the immature teaching the infants in perpetuity...just look at her history...she is a dark counterfeit spirit. Let's grow up and be the fullness of Christ as Paul suggests.
He owes no one anything and has need of nothing from us.
I can agree that He owes no one anything but to be true to Himself which He always is...however...if He has no need from "us"...why did He create the heavens and the earth...them put "man" in it?

I can agree that He owes no one anything but to be true to Himself which He always is...however...if He has no need from "us"...why did He create the heavens and the earth...them put "man" in it?
For his own good pleasure. What do you think we can supply for God that He has need of?
Nah...church is religion filled with the immature teaching the infants in perpetuity...just look at her history...she is a dark counterfeit spirit. Let's grow up and be the fullness of Christ as Paul suggests.
Church is Christ's church and the body of Christ. He is the head. It may be true that in this post modern era that it is often the blind leading the blind and the immature leading infants, but that has not always been the case. It was not true in the days of the Apostles and it was not true during the Reformation period. It is the loss of those teachings and doctrinal foundation, confessions, and teaching catechisms That that has resulted in what we see today. That is no reason to castigate church.

Since this is the Doctrine of God board, what do you have to say that is related to that?
God the Father

He is the original model after which man was formed.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him” Gen 1:27

“he is the image and glory of God” 1 Cor 11:7

Men are “made after the similitude of God”. James 3:9

“Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.” Gen 9:6

“he is the image and glory of God” 1 Cor 11:7

Ps106:20 and they changed their glory into the similitude (homoiōma) of a calf that feeds on grass.

There with bless we God, even the Father; and there with curse we men, which are made after the similitude (homoiōsis) of God. James 3:9

Well how do you like that, they changed the glory of their image which is like God and turned it into an idol calf. Not too bright.
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For his own good pleasure. What do you think we can supply for God that He has need of?
Good question...subject to opinion...here's a few of mine...and technically...to "suffice His good pleasure" could probably be listed as a need.

He is steeped in Fatherly attributes...right? So that means He needed and has "sons" (M/F) this is includes Yahshua...additionally since He has many sons...as a Father...it is very likely that He needed a Family.

The eternal God and Father of our lord Yahshua Christ...is love...so I would suggest that it is pleasing to Him that He can actually love us and that we can Love Him back. In Genesis 1 He states that He would like a "man in His Image and Likeness"...which He has in Christ...Head and Body...including some of us.

The entire purpose for the first 5 days of creation as I am convinced...was to abundantly support His desire for what He did on the 6th day.

God "wants" to be experienced by humanity as a Man in my opinion...that need is fulfilled today by His Body.

Church is Christ's church and the body of Christ. He is the head. It may be true that in this post modern era that it is often the blind leading the blind and the immature leading infants, but that has not always been the case.
So it has “not always” been that way…I tend to agree…I was however referencing “today” and it looks like we agree.

It was not true in the days of the Apostles and it was not true during the Reformation period. It is the loss of those teachings and doctrinal foundation, confessions, and teaching catechisms That that has resulted in what we see today.
I understand things this way as well…yet…the “result” as you put it...which is based upon the “current condition” of being “the immature teaching the infants” as I put it…can be seen as rebellion and disobedience depending upon ones perspective...the Lord very likely sees it this way Himself.

For discussion...do you see what is called "church" today...and more specifically as defined in this forum...as the "Body of Christ" that Lord Yahshua via His Holy Spirit is assembling...today?

That is no reason to castigate church.
A rebellious disobedient church…exists in a "castigated state" on it's own…friend. Which is why I made a comment here to begin with. ”Let’s have church” in the modern sense...seems almost contradictory in every way to me...when lined up with what Paul laid out in Ephesians 4…or what the early apostles laid out in “Acts” for example.

Since this is the Doctrine of God board, what do you have to say that is related to that?
I am not exactly sure what you are asking here?

I can agree that He owes no one anything but to be true to Himself which He always is...however...if He has no need from "us"...why did He create the heavens and the earth...them put "man" in it?
Look at the end result as found in both Isiah 11 and Rev 21:1-7 and you will find your answer.
I can agree that He owes no one anything but to be true to Himself which He always is...however...if He has no need from "us"...why did He create the heavens and the earth...them put "man" in it?
Where did the creator put the angels?
For discussion...do you see what is called "church" today...and more specifically as defined in this forum...as the "Body of Christ" that Lord Yahshua via His Holy Spirit is assembling...today?
That is the invisible church consisting of all believers of all time. If one is considering the brick and mortar church that is a different story. It contains both believers and unbelievers. One must be specific about what they are speaking of. When @makesends says "Let's have church" in the forum (and I will go out on a limb here and speak my understanding of what he means) it speaks to having discussion on the board subject which is "Doctrine of God", among fellow Christians. Not church or the condition of much of the church. Those topics would belong in a different board with their own threads.
I am not exactly sure what you are asking here?
I am not sure why you have the question. The board is "Doctrine of God", this is a thread in that board so it concerns the Doctrine of God.
Perhaps...but then there is the Author Himself...who indwells us.

Yes Christ our invisible loving husband . His word is law. (Sola scriptura)
Where did the creator put the angels?
DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT OF THE OP or the board it is in. "Doctrine of God." This is a very important subject and the board was opened for it. Not for it to go willy nilly into unrelated subjects.
Thank you.
God the Father

He is the original model after which man was formed.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him” Gen 1:27

“he is the image and glory of God” 1 Cor 11:7

Men are “made after the similitude of God”. James 3:9

“Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.” Gen 9:6
Why have you given an anthropology lesson as though it were theology?

“he is the image and glory of God” 1 Cor 11:7

Ps106:20 and they changed their glory into the similitude (homoiōma) of a calf that feeds on grass.

There with bless we God, even the Father; and there with curse we men, which are made after the similitude (homoiōsis) of God. James 3:9

Well how do you like that, they changed the glory of their image which is like God and turned it into an idol calf. Not too bright.
Where is there any doctrine of God in that post? You are still speaking of mankind.
What about the attributes of God? Are they parts of him or are they who he is? Are all these attributes equally and consistently coexistent everywhere and all the time, or does one or another overtake any of the others, in different situations?
Where is there any doctrine of God in that post? You are still speaking of mankind.
I thought a good place to start would be the beginning. God is the original model after which man was formed.
I thought a good place to start would be the beginning. God is the original model after which man was formed.
The thread is not about the doctrine of man but the doctrine of God. So best begin with the one whose image and likeness mankind was formed in.
Look at the end result as found in both Isiah 11 and Rev 21:1-7 and you will find your answer.
Sure...I see it...and to increasing degrees I am understanding it...it's beautiful.
