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When Theologians Speak of the Simplicity of God, What Do They Mean?


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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Everything we know of God is because God condescends to reveal himself to us. In his word we find him showing us his attributes and typically it is by these attributes that we describe him. But there is a big difference in the attributes of God and the attributes of any creature.

With the creature, be it human, animal, or plant or any other created thing, certain things are attributed to them. Man, as made in the image and likeness of God, has many similar attributes. He loves, we can love. He is faithful, we can be faithful. He is just we can be just. With mankind, these attributes are like shifting sand. We may be kind and generous one day, in one situation. and unkind, even cruel, and selfish on another. They are in constant flux, depending on the situation, the people, our mood etc. So none of these attributes fully characterizes us. We do not always love. We are not always faithful. We are not always just. Etc.etc.

With God his attributes are his character. He is his attributes. His attributes are not what he has, it is who he is. In this we can trust.

And this is what theologians call the simplicity of God.
I would only change the last sentence to, "And this [also] is what theologians call the simplicity of God". One way to look at it is not that he is his attributes, but that we describe him by his attributes. They are not him—he is them (and more). Argh! There goes my brain getting tangled up again!