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Is repentance needed for salvation?

That was a lot of writing for nothing. You've tried to "Prove" one thing with a lot of words about something else.
You have a tendency, I've seen, that when you don't have an argument, you resort to non-answers.
Is that the best you can do? Totally disappointed in your accusation.
I bet if I accused you, I'd get suspended.
As the saying goes there's never a cop around when you need one.
Yep since that's the best you can do, you promote race salvation, that's Apostacy
Yep since that's the best you can do, you promote race salvation, that's Apostacy
No, God does.
He "created" a race through circumcision with Abraham then He saved them through Abraham.
It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight.
You want to disagree with me? Fine. You can do that here. But to ban me for personal reasons is sin especially since I was excommunicated from this fellowship for no real sin. You have the button. Can you exercise the authority and be accountable to God in what you do to me and these the least of my brethren?
1. This isn't a fellowship. It is a forum.
2. You weren't given a three day ban for personal reasons. Funny how so many who are disciplined for rule infractions refuse to accept it but blame the messenger, deny they broke any rule. You were disciplined for saying that Jesus hates Gentile Christians and when He comes back He is going to destroy them. That is blasphemy against Christ and hatred towards an entire group of the people He shed His blood for.
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No, God does.
He "created" a race through circumcision with Abraham then He saved them through Abraham.
It is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight.
No you do, Gods Salvation is by Grace not race. You are teaching Apostacy !
Indeed, and which salvation has a very specific meaning in the NT; i.e., from condemnation on one's sin at the final judgment, through
faith in and trust on the atoning work (blood, Ro 3:25) and person of Jesus Christ for the remission of that sin and right standing (not guilty, reconciled) with God.
Blood represents the work of the Holy Spirit, He has no blood. He pours out His Holy Spirit in jeapordy of His own life on the flesh of dying mankind

Remember the life of the flesh is in the blood but that life is spiritual life of the Holy Spirit . The literal spiritless lifeless blood it must be poured out so it can return to the clay from where is was created.

Leviticus 17:10-12King James Version And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

I think the same reason he told the Israelites. When I see the blood not when you literally see it .walk by faith the unseen things of God
Blood represents the work of the Holy Spirit, He has no blood. He pours out His Holy Spirit in jeapordy of His own life on the flesh of dying mankind
Blood is the physical life of animals and mankind.
Blood poured out is the physical death of animals and mankind.
Blood poured out (death) was the only atonement for sin, in both the OT and the NT.
Faith in that blood poured out for the remission of one's sin is the only salvation from God's wrath (Ro 5:9) in both the OT and the NT.
1. This isn't a fellowship. It is a forum.
It doesn't matter if it's a forum. Whether you acknowledge it or not this is a church fellowship of "called out [ones] - "ekklesia"]. Where two or more are gathered in His Name there He is in the midst - whether in person or worldwide. An individual is a church ("ekklesia" "called out [one].) We carry "church/"ekklesia" everywhere we go. If I'm on the bus and I meet a fellow Christian Christ is in the midst. If I'm on the phone and the person at the other end in a Christian, then Christ is in our midst. If we gather at a forum, we are a church "ekklesia" because we are "called out" of the world (Jn. 17.) and have gathered together to lift up His Name, His Word, discuss His Word, practice our faith and gifts, etc., and this cannot be ignored. We log in as Christians and fellowship with each other.

2. You weren't given a three day ban for personal reasons. Funny how so many who are disciplined for rule infractions refuse to accept it but blame the messenger, deny they broke any rule. You were disciplined for saying that Jesus hates Gentile Christians and when He comes back He is going to destroy them. That is blasphemy against Christ and hatred towards an entire group of the people He shed His blood for.
Thank you for confirming I was banned for my belief in Scripture that you don't.
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No you do, Gods Salvation is by Grace not race. You are teaching Apostacy !
Abraham is the father of the Hebrew race. Father Abraham. We sing it in church.
Moses is the father of the Hebrew nation.
Two races in the world: "Jew" and Gentile. And God placed a middle wall partition between the RACES.
If you don't understand it that's fine. But don't in your ignorance accuse me of something God did and done.
It doesn't matter if it's a forum. Whether you acknowledge it or not this is a church fellowship of "called out [ones] - "ekklesia"]. Where two or more are gathered in His Name there He is in the midst - whether in person or worldwide. An individual is a church ("ekklesia" "called out [one].) We carry "church/"ekklesia" everywhere we go. If I'm on the bus and I meet a fellow Christian Christ is in the midst. If I'm on the phone and the person at the other end in a Christian, then Christ is in our midst. If we gather at a forum, we are a church "ekklesia" because we are "called out" of the world (Jn. 17.) and have gathered together to lift up His Name, His Word, discuss His Word, practice our faith and gifts, etc., and this cannot be ignored. We log in as Christians and fellowship with each other.
I will now draw your attention to the topic of the OP. You hijacked the thread long ago with your agenda and it is time to stop it.
Thank you for confirming I was banned for my belief in Scripture that you don't.
That is the opposite of what I said. What follows after this will be deleted. It talks about the poster and not the post. It is addressing a problem with you have concerning your discipline and the admin that is according to the rules, to be done in the private forum Talk With Admin/mods. Obey the rules. That is all anyone is asking. As long as you do that you can say whatever you want, obviously. If people were banned or disciplined because they said things admin and mods disagreed with you would have been gone long ago. I don't think anyone on here period agrees with what you say about the covenants.
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I will now draw your attention to the topic of the OP. You hijacked the thread long ago with your agenda and it is time to stop it.
Can't prove your accusation and won't apologize so you'll try to change the subject to another of my assumed faults by you.
I responded. Someone engaged me. If between he/she and I discuss something else peripheral or on another subject, why interfere with what the Holy Spirit is doing? I'm always ready to give an answer to those that ask of the hope in me, and if in this Scripture I am practicing Biblical Christianity why interfere? If they are not asking, I say nothing. But they did ask.
Can't prove your accusation and won't apologize so you'll try to change the subject to another of my assumed faults by you.
I responded. Someone engaged me. If between he/she and I discuss something else peripheral or on another subject, why interfere with what the Holy Spirit is doing? I'm always ready to give an answer to those that ask of the hope in me, and if in this Scripture I am practicing Biblical Christianity why interfere? If they are not asking, I say nothing. But they did ask.
And now you are being told to get back on topic. And stop exalting yourself in order to defend yourself. And no more back talk. If you have to do it do it in the Talk with admin/mods thread. I am not going to warn you again!!
Abraham is the father of the Hebrew race. Father Abraham. We sing it in church.
Moses is the father of the Hebrew nation.
Two races in the world: "Jew" and Gentile. And God placed a middle wall partition between the RACES.
If you don't understand it that's fine. But don't in your ignorance accuse me of something God did and done.
More race salvation so more Apostacy, may God be merciful to you and grant you repentance.
The grace of God leads us to repentance; so it is a fruit, though not a mandate. The human mind must not be allowed to think it can put God in debt.