Well Known Member
● Luke 16:22-25 . . It came to pass that a rich man died, and was buried. And in
Hades lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham on the other side of an impassible
barrier. And Abraham said: Son, remember . . .
I should think that one of the negative aspects of perdition is memory. How people
down there retain their memories sans the brain cells they left behind with their
corpse, I don't know; but they do. Apparently God has some sort of file transfer
protocol that silicon valley has yet to discover.
The older one gets, the more memories they accumulate, and many of those
memories haunt us with terrible regret. Well; some folks' regrets can be
rationalized, but for others; their past will forever be an albatross hung around their
● Luke 16:22-25 . . It came to pass that a rich man died, and was buried. And in
Hades lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham on the other side of an impassible
barrier. And Abraham said: Son, remember . . .
I should think that one of the negative aspects of perdition is memory. How people
down there retain their memories sans the brain cells they left behind with their
corpse, I don't know; but they do. Apparently God has some sort of file transfer
protocol that silicon valley has yet to discover.
The older one gets, the more memories they accumulate, and many of those
memories haunt us with terrible regret. Well; some folks' regrets can be
rationalized, but for others; their past will forever be an albatross hung around their