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Is God responsible for man's sins?

Don't know....the bible is silent. Do you have a verse that answers your question?

I can appreciate your conclusion..it shows you have given this thought.
You posted....

Where does the bible say God will punish that person? I don't have an answer. Do you?
What about an aborted baby? What of a baby that dies 1 day after birth?

I think if God opens anyones heart...like Lydia...or grants a person the ability to come to Christ....they will.

What you posted is interesting...yet, not the Gospel. It may contain a fraction of how the Gospel works but all in all isn't the entire Gospel.
What you are calling the Gospel is for the average intelligence, and yes, see #5 below.

1. The Gospel: Sin, Enmity with God (Distance, Anguish). God made a way at his own cost (Relief). God with us, and us with God (Joy).​
2. The Gospel: The whole of Scripture.​
3. The Gospel: The whole of creation.​
4. The Gospel: Jesus Christ​
5. The Gospel: To the degree that we are informed, we are responsible.​

The above are only ways to look at it, some more poetic than exactly useful or factual, and none of them quite the whole thing, none of them quite the same as the others. 1 and 4 are probably the most complete, but 1 isn't specific enough to the average temporal mind, yet may well be more pure than the average person can comprehend.
What you are calling the Gospel is for the average intelligence, and yes, see #5 below.

1. The Gospel: Sin, Enmity with God (Distance, Anguish). God made a way at his own cost (Relief). God with us, and us with God (Joy).​
It's more than that.
2. The Gospel: The whole of Scripture.​
The scripture contains the Gospel
3. The Gospel: The whole of creation.​
The whole of creation groans until the Gospel is completed
4. The Gospel: Jesus Christ​
Jeus Christ is what the Gospel is about.
5. The Gospel: To the degree that we are informed, we are responsible.​
No, it's more than that.
The above are only ways to look at it, some more poetic than exactly useful or factual, and none of them quite the whole thing, none of them quite the same as the others. 1 and 4 are probably the most complete, but 1 isn't specific enough to the average temporal mind, yet may well be more pure than the average person can comprehend.
Would you like to try again?
It's more than that.

The scripture contains the Gospel

The whole of creation groans until the Gospel is completed

Jeus Christ is what the Gospel is about.

No, it's more than that.

Would you like to try again?
I disagree with none of what you said. Where's the problem?

You can tell me the gospel in so many words, and I can tell you that you have no clue what you are talking about, because none of us do. But God does; the Spirit of God does. We cannot know the depth of sin nor the height of grace, the depth of what Christ did, nor the height of being one with God. We hear people talk about God's love all the time —clueless. We know only enough to be without excuse. If an unborn baby dies, God holds that baby responsible: but we have no idea what that baby has been shown. God knows, but I can tell you that baby never even saw a wordless book. The greatest theologian can tell you the gospel in so many words that your mind will boggle. God won't hold you responsible for all that, but only for what you understand. The Gospel is not the words, but the meaning. In many words there is no lack of error.
I disagree with none of what you said. Where's the problem?

You can tell me the gospel in so many words, and I can tell you that you have no clue what you are talking about, because none of us do. But God does; the Spirit of God does. We cannot know the depth of sin nor the height of grace, the depth of what Christ did, nor the height of being one with God. We hear people talk about God's love all the time —clueless. We know only enough to be without excuse. If an unborn baby dies, God holds that baby responsible: but we have no idea what that baby has been shown. God knows, but I can tell you that baby never even saw a wordless book. The greatest theologian can tell you the gospel in so many words that your mind will boggle. God won't hold you responsible for all that, but only for what you understand. The Gospel is not the words, but the meaning. In many words there is no lack of error.
You can come to Jesus unless the Father has granted it to you.
Where does the bible teach this?
13 As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: 1 Sam. 24:13.

In other words, sin comes from sinner.

Once you accept the truth of Isaiah that there is only ONE God, there is NONE like Him, and He gives His glory (holiness, sinlessness, righteousness, etc.) to NO ONE then now you have a God-centered foundation on which to proceed.
Adam wasn't holy, wasn't sinless, nor righteous. He wasn't even innocent for he and the woman sinned before they ate from the tree.

So, if Adam and the woman possessed no deific attributes of Deity then they were [fallen] short of God's glory. The word for that is "sin" which means "missing the mark."
What is the "mark" they missed?
The glory of God.

They sinned because they were sinners, they are not sinners because they sinned. The last Adam proved this. He was Holy, He was Sinless, He was Righteous and did no sin. The first man is of the earth, earthy, the second man is the Lord is from heaven. There is distinction Saul is trying to put across in 1 Corinthians 15 between the natural and the spiritual. And anything natural falls short of God's glory.
It's not hard to understand. Wickedness proceeds from the wicked. Sin comes from sinner. There is only ONE God.
If Adam possessed any one Deific Attribute of God, he would necessarily have to possess ALL Deific Attributes of God or he would again fall short of God's glory.
13 As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked: 1 Sam. 24:13.

In other words, sin comes from sinner.

Once you accept the truth of Isaiah that there is only ONE God, there is NONE like Him, and He gives His glory (holiness, sinlessness, righteousness, etc.) to NO ONE then now you have a God-centered foundation on which to proceed.
Adam wasn't holy, wasn't sinless, nor righteous. He wasn't even innocent for he and the woman sinned before they ate from the tree.

So, if Adam and the woman possessed no deific attributes of Deity then they were [fallen] short of God's glory. The word for that is "sin" which means "missing the mark."
What is the "mark" they missed?
The glory of God.

They sinned because they were sinners, they are not sinners because they sinned. The last Adam proved this. He was Holy, He was Sinless, He was Righteous and did no sin. The first man is of the earth, earthy, the second man is the Lord is from heaven. There is distinction Saul is trying to put across in 1 Corinthians 15 between the natural and the spiritual. And anything natural falls short of God's glory.
It's not hard to understand. Wickedness proceeds from the wicked. Sin comes from sinner. There is only ONE God.
If Adam possessed any one Deific Attribute of God, he would necessarily have to possess ALL Deific Attributes of God or he would again fall short of God's glory.
So, God created Adam and Eve...sinners?

31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

How is creating Adam and Eve..the angels as sinner.....very good?
So, God created Adam and Eve...sinners?

31And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

How is creating Adam and Eve..the angels as sinner.....very good?
Here we go again.

The word "good" means "good enough" or "to specifications."
It has no bearing on morality or any other virtue. It's merely God deeming His creation the way He deemed it. It's like saying "good job" or "a job well done."
Or like you finish a job, and it is as instructed and to specifications. You say, Good job."
No difference.