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If you don't think that Jesus is God and wish to wager on it,

Proposition P2 = Jesus is not God.
How much you willing to lose? I also don't accept check, wire transfer, or money order. Cash only, discreet PO box of my choosing.
Proposition P2 = Jesus is not God.

(DN): G |- ~~G or ~~G |- G

Does logic teach that negating a double negation, then negating the triple negation etc. would fall into an infinite regress ~ ~ ~G1, ~ ~ ~ ~G2. etc.
Please read the OP carefully. If there is anything you did not understand, please ask.
I understand it. It's entirely subjective under the propositions. No one can actually lose since it's belief-based. Everyone has a different answer and there is no objective right or wrong answer. This will end up going no where.
I understand it. It's entirely subjective under the propositions. No one can actually lose since it's belief-based. Everyone has a different answer and there is no objective right or wrong answer. This will end up going no where.
Are you willing to bet 1000 USD?
What is the title of this OP?
you got me there.

I have no idea what you are trying to imply.

It has something to do with whether Jesus is God or not.

But you are going away from Jesus.
Are you willing to bet 1000 USD?
No need to even bet 1 penny, 1K, or 1 mil. Doesn't make a difference. We'll go around in circles with each of us believing we're correct. I have already gone through your thought experiment and the conclusion is one of opinion. There is no right or wrong answer, no real winners or losers.
What thought experiment?
@Runningman made a big mistake, taking your bait on the spiral debate.

He finally realizes to stop it.

that's how it goes with triune god worshippers, avoiding the simple issue.

the real issue is that you guys are making excuses one after another justifying unjustifiable.

The real issue is that you don't admit that you don't respect Jesus' word over your man-made doctrines.
@Runningman made a big mistake, taking your bait on the spiral debate.

He finally realizes to stop it.

that's how it goes with triune god worshippers, avoiding the simple issue.

the real issue is that you guys are making excuses one after another justifying unjustifiable.

The real issue is that you don't admit that you don't respect Jesus' word over your man-made doctrines.
This thread would amount to nothing more than an exercise in subjective philosophical reasoning where I would win in my mind and Scripturally and the OP would also win in his mind and Scripturally. No one is forking over any real money.