Some people such as yourself cannot seem to function in this world without thinking that Satan and the devils are still around creating mayhem. One would think that the reaction would be a joyful one to the scriptures telling us when the Satanic realm was entirely destroyed. But no. People simply must believe that Satan is still around, so that they can have a scapegoat to pass the blame for all the evil in this world, instead of owning our own guilt in producing this evil from our own hearts, as Christ once said.
Mankind's performance of evil today is even worse than Satan's ever was, since we are presumptuously sinning against the grace extended to humanity by Christ's sacrifice on behalf of our humankind. Angels were never given such a chance. Christ did not take up the angels' cause - He took up our own flesh and blood existence and identified with us in order to redeem us. And He got rid of our great enemy Satan and his devils so that we can no longer claim that oppression as an excuse for our sin. At this point in time, all the blame for any evil in this world is on us as sinful humankind.
At the culmination point of all history, the humiliating full record will show that mankind still chose to sin, no matter what the "spiritual" environment it was placed in.
In a perfect world with a perfectly-created original couple, they chose to sin.
In a sin-cursed world with Satan operating freely with no restrictions, we still sinned.
In a sin-cursed world with Satan bound from deceiving the nations for a thousand years, we still sinned.
In a sin-cursed world with a wrathful Satan released for a "short time" after AD 33 to deceive the nations again, of course, we still sinned.
In the NHNE world now purged of the presence of Satan and his devils, guess what? We are still sinning.
It will take God stepping in to finally purge this planet of the remaining HUMAN evil in it. He will do this by purifying us in a bodily-resurrected state of incorruptibility so that we will never again choose to sin.