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I think that there is more doubt sowed in God's word by insisting that the Genesis account of creation is a literal description.

And the fall of Adam and Eve...also didn't literally happen. After all if you can't trust the creation account, why trust the fall account..or even the flood.
The data that the universe is a whole lot older than about 6000 years is just too extensive to be ignored. The evidence of a 13+Billion year old universe is not a lie of Satan; rather it is the data put forth by God's own nature as He created it.
You do know that there are several theories that have attempted to answered that question. Some do a very good job. Which of the theory is the most accurate? Who knows. One thing I do know is the the BB theory isn't a real good answer to explain biblical creation.

Whose to say God didn't create the universe with apparent age? Are you saying the Almighty God couldn't?
I had a young man ask me, "Do I have to believe in a 6000-year-old universe in order to be a Christian?" I was appalled then and I am appalled now that such a question would be answered with a "yes".
Could not the same young man ask...do I have to believe the earth is 4 BY's old to be a christian?
Your reasoning is flawed. Evolution does not have the benefit of the doubt, it has the benefit of evidence.
On the contrary, like the woke campaign, they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.

And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.

Does Radiometric Dating Prove Millions of Years?

Quote from link~~~ "The short answer is no. Radioisotope dating, also called radiometric dating, often yields incorrect and conflicting results. This is probably because of the unprovable assumptions required for the calculations. As a result, they are not the infallible techniques that many people think they are." ~~~~ end of quote from link.

As the article at this web site addresses this realistically, you decide if it is sound or not.

"An example of how meteors have affected C-14 readings occurred in Siberia on June 30, 1908. Read about the "Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion" in Reader's digest; August 1977. According to reports the carbon 14 measurements of tree rings around the world were greatly altered as a result of the blast, giving inaccurate readings." ~~~ "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation" by Deniss R. Peterson Pg 49

Now believing the Bible is true and the Biblical flood did happen, what would cause the fountains of the deep to rise up?

What would cause the mist watering the earth to rise up to form clouds to rain for the first time on earth?

When we look at all the asteroid impacts on the earth and the moon, and theorized as all happening at the time of the Biblical global flood, TO CAUSE the Biblical global flood, we can see the truth in His words from the "evidence' in nature.

With a calamity like that and the layers of the earth settling from the deluge rather than through millions of years, it would explain most of it.

Indeed, finding fossilized whale bones with fossilized marine life BURIED with fossilized animal bones TOGETHER in one smooth gradient as meaning the same sedimentary layer that had fossilized them both, on the Andes Mountaintops, that is evidence of the Biblical global flood.

Whale fossils High in Andes Mountains Show Mountains Rose from Sea

One used to be able to view it freely and maybe you still can but anyway, the evolutionists tried to explain it away by the mountains rising suddenly from the ocean but did not bother to address the elephant in the room on how there were fossilized animal bones found buried with them in that same smooth gradient, that same sedimentary layer that fossilized them both.

See how they control the presentation of the "evidence" in the fossil records by deflecting like that?

And so if something is out of place, they just categorized it in according to the geologic time table given by the evolution theory, denying the Biblical global flood of ever happening in human history.
I think that there is more doubt sowed in God's word by insisting that the Genesis account of creation is a literal description. The data that the universe is a whole lot older than about 6000 years is just too extensive to be ignored. The evidence of a 13+Billion year old universe is not a lie of Satan; rather it is the data put forth by God's own nature as He created it.
On the contrary, like the woke campaign, they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.

And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.

Does Radiometric Dating Prove Millions of Years?

Quote from link~~~ "The short answer is no. Radioisotope dating, also called radiometric dating, often yields incorrect and conflicting results. This is probably because of the unprovable assumptions required for the calculations. As a result, they are not the infallible techniques that many people think they are." ~~~~ end of quote from link.

As the article at this web site addresses this realistically, you decide if it is sound or not.

"An example of how meteors have affected C-14 readings occurred in Siberia on June 30, 1908. Read about the "Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion" in Reader's digest; August 1977. According to reports the carbon 14 measurements of tree rings around the world were greatly altered as a result of the blast, giving inaccurate readings." ~~~ "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation" by Deniss R. Peterson Pg 49

Now believing the Bible is true and the Biblical flood did happen, what would cause the fountains of the deep to rise up?

What would cause the mist watering the earth to rise up to form clouds to rain for the first time on earth?

When we look at all the asteroid impacts on the earth and the moon, and theorized as all happening at the time of the Biblical global flood, TO CAUSE the Biblical global flood, we can see the truth in His words from the "evidence' in nature.

With a calamity like that and the layers of the earth settling from the deluge rather than through millions of years, it would explain most of it.

Indeed, finding fossilized whale bones with fossilized marine life BURIED with fossilized animal bones TOGETHER in one smooth gradient as meaning the same sedimentary layer that had fossilized them both, on the Andes Mountaintops, that is evidence of the Biblical global flood.

Whale fossils High in Andes Mountains Show Mountains Rose from Sea

One used to be able to view it freely and maybe you still can but anyway, the evolutionists tried to explain it away by the mountains rising suddenly from the ocean but did not bother to address the elephant in the room on how there were fossilized animal bones found buried with them in that same smooth gradient, that same sedimentary layer that fossilized them both.

See how they control the presentation of the "evidence" in the fossil records by deflecting like that?

And so if something is out of place, they just categorized it in according to the geologic time table given by the evolution theory, denying the Biblical global flood of ever happening in human history.
Genesis tells us God didn't create the flesh of mankind; rather He made it of the dust of the earth. It doesn't say how He did that; those details are not given. Clearly, the creation that Genesis speaks of concerning man in God's image was/is the spirit of man. So then it is the spirit of man not the flesh of man that God created.
Genesis tells us Eve was made from Adams rib (side)...and God then closed up the area from where the rib was taken with flesh.....This certainly isn't evo-ism. So, why teach it?
On the contrary, like the woke campaign, they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.
There is no narrative to control. Reality is against a 6K world. Apologetics does not change the reality.

BTW still waiting for your response on how evolution affects salvation.
And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.
That there was no biblical flood is not an assumption it is a fact.
Whale fossils High in Andes Mountains Show Mountains Rose from Sea
One used to be able to view it freely and maybe you still can but anyway, the evolutionists tried to explain it away by the mountains rising suddenly from the ocean but did not bother to address the elephant in the room on how there were fossilized animal bones found buried with them in that same smooth gradient, that same sedimentary layer that fossilized them both.
No one is trying to explain it away. It has been adequately explained by natural causes.

"NASA notes that the presence of limestone and marine fossils lifted from the once shallow sea bed to the top of the Himalayas was one of the main pieces of evidence cited to advance the idea of plate tectonics when it was first proposed. The Himalayas continue to rise as a result of the colliding plates, geologists say.​
The phenomenon of high-altitude fossils isn’t unique to the Asian mountain range. Whale fossils and evidence of other marine animals have been found high in the Andes, for example.​
The image of a fossilised fish included in the Everest meme is actually taken from a US National Park Service image of fossils recovered from the Fossil Butte region in Wyoming. The meme image has been cropped from the original to show only a single fish fossil.​
The meme’s image has been used elsewhere as a generic illustration for stories about Everest fossils.​
The idea that the presence of marine fossils in mountains proves the earth was once flooded has been associated with literal readings of the Biblical story of Noah and the flood, included in the book of Genesis.​
However, that account flies in the face of scientific evidence..."​

Back to salvation. Let's for a moment say I agree that that the flood actually happened and evolution is a hoax. (for the record I do not). Stay with me. How would that affect the salvation of theistic evolutionist Christians?
There is no narrative to control. Reality is against a 6K world. Apologetics does not change the reality.
But the world in that false science can control the narrative in how they present the "evidence" while back-peddling whenever they want to change their "facts" in the evolution theory by explaining that is what science does when new evidence comes into the contrary yet always spinning it in the direction of the evolution theory. Funny how when politicians or false prophets do that, it is considered lying.
BTW still waiting for your response on how evolution affects salvation.
Post # 15
That there was no biblical flood is not an assumption it is a fact.
Jesus referenced to the Biblical flood to warn believers to be ready to leave everything in this life behind or else. He even referenced Sodom & Gomorrah also.

Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. 31 In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32 Remember Lot's wife. 33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. 34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.

Peter understood His warning and referenced that warning himself below, about the coming fiery judgment while also confirming the Biblical global flood.

2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. 14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. 15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

Since the ruins of Sodom & Gomorrah has been found, you should consider how the world and that false science are striving really hard to cover up the evidence of the Biblical global flood so that the world today is not heeding this warning of the fiery judgment that is coming.

Now you see what that evolution theory and all this wresting of the scripture is doing; making believers wind up doubting His words of warnings to repent with His help or else.
On the contrary, like the woke campaign, they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.

And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.

Does Radiometric Dating Prove Millions of Years?

Quote from link~~~ "The short answer is no. Radioisotope dating, also called radiometric dating, often yields incorrect and conflicting results. This is probably because of the unprovable assumptions required for the calculations. As a result, they are not the infallible techniques that many people think they are." ~~~~ end of quote from link.

As the article at this web site addresses this realistically, you decide if it is sound or not.

"An example of how meteors have affected C-14 readings occurred in Siberia on June 30, 1908. Read about the "Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion" in Reader's digest; August 1977. According to reports the carbon 14 measurements of tree rings around the world were greatly altered as a result of the blast, giving inaccurate readings." ~~~ "Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation" by Deniss R. Peterson Pg 49

Now believing the Bible is true and the Biblical flood did happen, what would cause the fountains of the deep to rise up?

What would cause the mist watering the earth to rise up to form clouds to rain for the first time on earth?

When we look at all the asteroid impacts on the earth and the moon, and theorized as all happening at the time of the Biblical global flood, TO CAUSE the Biblical global flood, we can see the truth in His words from the "evidence' in nature.

With a calamity like that and the layers of the earth settling from the deluge rather than through millions of years, it would explain most of it.

Indeed, finding fossilized whale bones with fossilized marine life BURIED with fossilized animal bones TOGETHER in one smooth gradient as meaning the same sedimentary layer that had fossilized them both, on the Andes Mountaintops, that is evidence of the Biblical global flood.

Whale fossils High in Andes Mountains Show Mountains Rose from Sea

One used to be able to view it freely and maybe you still can but anyway, the evolutionists tried to explain it away by the mountains rising suddenly from the ocean but did not bother to address the elephant in the room on how there were fossilized animal bones found buried with them in that same smooth gradient, that same sedimentary layer that fossilized them both.

See how they control the presentation of the "evidence" in the fossil records by deflecting like that?

And so if something is out of place, they just categorized it in according to the geologic time table given by the evolution theory, denying the Biblical global flood of ever happening in human history.
You might start with the following:


It is but one example showing you that your views on radiometric dating techniques are bogus. There are many others.
Back to salvation. Let's for a moment say I agree that that the flood actually happened and evolution is a hoax. (for the record I do not). Stay with me. How would that affect the salvation of theistic evolutionist Christians?
I find it rather ironic so-called christians can deny a literal Genesis and literal world wide flood....yet believe a dead guy killed on a cross can believe he rose from the dead on day 3.

To continue, how can it effect salvation? If evo-ism is true...how did sin enter into and become mans nature in need of salvation? Did man evolve a sin gene?
I find it rather ironic so-called christians can deny a literal Genesis and literal world wide flood....yet believe a dead guy killed on a cross can believe he rose from the dead on day 3.
Please do not call anyone who disagrees with your interpretation of a view verses a "so-called Christian".

You want a literal Genesis? Fine, show us the literal Cherubim and the flaming sword turning every way placed at the east of the garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life.
Sowing doubts in God's words may not lead to sowing doubts about salvation in His words, but it can.

By giving the evolution theory the benefit of the doubt, it has caused many believers to doubt the rest of God's words and walk away from the Bible in being ashamed of it as well as God and Jesus Christ as God.
You are dancing around your own beliefs and your own fundamentalist interpretations of the bible and adding them to sola fide which is what you accuse Catholics of doing.

Many walk away from religions, many others change religions for many reasons. Some may come to believe that evolution and Christianity are incomparable most Christians do not. The mirror image of that is found among the many fundamentalist, many of whom not only believe that Christianity and evolution are incomparable but insist that they are incomparable and evangelize on it.

For those who understand sola fide, the theory of evolution is not a matter of morals or faith.
On the contrary, like the woke campaign,
I love your phasing, "the woke campaign" I wonder what the mouse would say about that?
they control the narrative by telling you what that evidence is but only according to their evolution timetable, a geographical chart that projects the layers of the earth supposedly layered by time that exists nowhere in the world.
No one controls the science, it is what it is. To understand science you first need to understand the scientific method. Here is a good place to start{

And their carbon method are flawed because they are basing their readings dependent on the assumption that there was no biblical global flood.
You are using "flawed" incorrectly but if you are tying to say that the carbon method has limitations then no one will argue with you.
Your link was to an individual's website. I don't know if he is credible or not but if you want to actually learn about the carbon method from a research scientist, here a link to a basic book on carbon dating.

Jesus referenced to the Biblical flood to warn believers to be ready to leave everything in this life behind or else. He even referenced Sodom & Gomorrah also.
Jesus was a Jew and was speaking to Jews so of course he would reference the Old Testament because that is what they would be familiar with, but Jesus's message to us, not only Jews, is not about the Old Testament it is about love and salvation. And what does the Bible teach about salvation? It teaches the death and resurrection of Jesus is of paramount importance. It is that, nothing else, that brings about salvation.

You may have been taught differently, but whether we accept the ToE or deny it plays no role in salvation.
Please do not call anyone who disagrees with your interpretation of a view verses a "so-called Christian".

You want a literal Genesis? Fine, show us the literal Cherubim and the flaming sword turning every way placed at the east of the garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life.
Why would I doubt they exist like you do? Then again your question would be like asking....show me the angel that appeared to Mary that said she would be pregnant with Jesus.

You also didn't respond to the following...
To continue, how can it affect salvation? If evo-ism is true...how did sin enter into and become mans nature in need of salvation? Did man evolve a sin gene?
I find it rather ironic so-called christians can deny a literal Genesis and literal world wide flood....yet believe a dead guy killed on a cross can believe he rose from the dead on day 3.
I don't find it ironic that there are thousands, yes thousands, of Christian denominations. Why are there so many denominations. Could it be that they do not agree with each other's interpretation of the Bible or could it be that the Bible can be and is interpreted other than literally?

If Sola Fide is true then how does believing or not believing in the flood effect salvation?
To continue, how can it effect salvation? If evo-ism is true...how did sin enter into and become mans nature in need of salvation? Did man evolve a sin gene?
I don't find it ironic that there are thousands, yes thousands, of Christian denominations. Why are there so many denominations. Could it be that they do not agree with each other's interpretation of the Bible or could it be that the Bible can be and is interpreted other than literally?

If Sola Fide is true then how does believing or not believing in the flood effect salvation?
No, believing in the flood or not believing in the flood doesn't affect ones salvation.

Then again not believing in the flood makes one ignorant.
Then again not believing in the flood makes one ignorant.
We all have foolish and ignorant beliefs and everyone is entitled to their beliefs even when there is zero evidence for them.

Regardless, my only point was that belief or denial for evolution doesn't matter for salvation. Thank you for agreeing.
You might start with the following:


It is but one example showing you that your views on radiometric dating techniques are bogus. There are many others.
How does it show my view is bogus when that site did nothing but cite the author's credential and provide a free e-book?

There is no example there whatsoever.

And many Christians and former Christians believe in the evolution theory and their radiometric dating process, but they are wrong.

Just as many believers in the RCC believe Catholicism is necessary to obtain salvation by along with belief in Jesus Christ and they be wrong too.

Feel free to cite the example at that link, because I do not see one for why my view is bogus.

I do point out that Jesus testified to the global flood and Sodom & Gomorrah in Luke 17:26-37 and so that proves every man is a liar ( or deceived ) in the evolution theory that says there was no Biblical global flood and God be true.

@Frank Robert
How does it show my view is bogus when that site did nothing but cite the author's credential and provide a free e-book?

There is no example there whatsoever.

And many Christians and former Christians believe in the evolution theory and their radiometric dating process, but they are wrong.

Just as many believers in the RCC believe Catholicism is necessary to obtain salvation by along with belief in Jesus Christ and they be wrong too.

Feel free to cite the example at that link, because I do not see one for why my view is bogus.

I do point out that Jesus testified to the global flood and Sodom & Gomorrah in Luke 17:26-37 and so that proves every man is a liar ( or deceived ) in the evolution theory that says there was no Biblical global flood and God be true.

@Frank Robert
There is a 37 page document, Radiometric Dating, A Christian Perspective Dr. Roger C. Wiens, available. All you had to do was click on it.

Did God create everything in six solar days or over a period of billions of years?
Personally I'm an OEC (Gap theory) - i.e. there's an UNKNOWN PERIOD OF TIME between Gen 1:1, and Gen 1:2.

BUT HEY!!! it's only "theology", so hang your hat on whatever lights your fire.
We all have foolish and ignorant beliefs and everyone is entitled to their beliefs even when there is zero evidence for them.

Regardless, my only point was that belief or denial for evolution doesn't matter for salvation. Thank you for agreeing.
It's much bigger than ones belief. For example Peter wrote:

5B ut they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world of that time perished in the flood. 7And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.

According to you the flood never happened....which means verse 7 which is based upon verse 6 won't happen.

Like you Frank....much of the bible has to be disregarded....as your "science" has proven the bible to be in error.
I love your phasing, "the woke campaign" I wonder what the mouse would say about that?
Not familiar how the term mouse relates to the woke campaign. First I have heard of it.
No one controls the science, it is what it is. To understand science you first need to understand the scientific method. Here is a good place to start{
What planet are you living on? Does evil exist in the world or not? Had any demonic encounter or not?

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The fictional character Clark Kent, on Smallville on the CW, believes that there is good in every one, but that is a pipe dream.

Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 13 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.

And Paul was writing to believers in Rome.

As much as the CW tried to paint the LGBTQ+ communities as the good guys, in reality, they are the new Nazis of America as they are the haters and the bigots deflecting the obvious fact of what they are doing by calling others haters & bigots first before they are called it.

Just as there are false prophets and false teachers in Christianity and they have the word of God and supposedly the Presbytery to hold wayward churches accountable ( except who holds the Presbytery accountable when they go astray as exposed by His words ? ), so will there be ego tripping maniacs seeking false glory by lying about having found evidence that proves the evolution theory as well as the existence of oppression that if any secular scientist that opposes any facet of the evolution theory, will be labeled a creationist.

Name one authority that polices science. None.

Yet when new "evidence" comes to light that challenges the facts of the evolution theory like,, birds evolved from dinosaurs but now.. hold the phone.. dinosaurs evolved from birds instead!!! Then evolutionists excuses this as that is what science does, while ignoring the fact that by back-peddling like that and then changing their story, is akin to what a liar does as well as a politician and a false prophet.

If you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ & that God has raised Him from the dead, may the Lord wake you up that you have been deceived by that false science and it serves not our Lord Jesus Christ at all.
You are using "flawed" incorrectly but if you are tying to say that the carbon method has limitations then no one will argue with you.
Your link was to an individual's website. I don't know if he is credible or not but if you want to actually learn about the carbon method from a research scientist, here a link to a basic book on carbon dating.

By continuously denying the Biblical global flood by which such a calamity of asteroids hitting the earth & the moon would drastically alter radiometric dating as seen by that simple explosion of that meteor in Siberia as having an effect on tree rings all over the world, how reliable can you be on that radiometric dating method now? It should be absolute zero on the grounds of that evidence.
Jesus was a Jew and was speaking to Jews so of course he would reference the Old Testament because that is what they would be familiar with, but Jesus's message to us, not only Jews, is not about the Old Testament it is about love and salvation. And what does the Bible teach about salvation? It teaches the death and resurrection of Jesus is of paramount importance. It is that, nothing else, that brings about salvation.

You may have been taught differently, but whether we accept the ToE or deny it plays no role in salvation.
It plays a role all right in deceiving the people from seeking God and causing believers to go astray by not believing in God any more.

Those who argue otherwise are just arguing for the evolution theory as being true and not God's words at all, making Jesus a liar when He is not. There can be no concession to the evolution theory at all.