That makes God the author of all evil.
Only in your mind. But, you continue with your small god, who couldn't help it that things go badly.
That means that God causes every disobedience in every human being.
There is a difference between saying that God causes that there be evil, and God creating evil. Evil is not even of itself properly 'a thing' but the privation of good. Disobedience is a result of James 1's 'desire conceived', and in all people a habit by inherent rebellion.
There can be very little that can be more heretical than believing that to be true.
It's a strawman argument, but, good thing you made it no stronger! I mean, there's the heresy of a less-than-omnipotent God to compare to that one!
That makes man no different than the animals who behave through instinct and yet is condemned to hell for it. It is the spirit of man than makes all of that to be nonsensical.
We like to conjecture on the difference between mere brute beasts and man made in the image of God. The arguments I have heard so far depend entirely on our silly ignorant human point of view; even our arguments citing scripture depend on the individual using the scripture. Some, like you, think that the human categorically —that is, fallen or regenerated— is necessarily still 'in the image of God', which has yet to be proven, (though, admittedly, I think there is something to it). You have all that to work through yet, but then, you have to show that your use of that supposed fact is going to undo the effect of Adam's fall affecting the whole of Creation till the day all things are restored to him, and you have to show how that speculative claim includes such passages as 2 Peter 2:12 and Psalm 32:9 which aptly describe Romans 8's 'mind of flesh'.
"But these, like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming about matters of which they are ignorant, will also be destroyed in their destruction..."
"Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding,
which must be curbed with bit and bridle..."
Note, please, that the difference between whatever "free will" and/or intelligence that is endemic to fallen humanity, and that of mere animals, is one of degree, and not of kind.
Lol, strangely, somehow, and probably aptly, on this subject, writing "creation", what rolls off the ends of my fingers is, "cretin".