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Discovering : Counterfeit Faith




How do you find out who has Real faith in Christ, and who has broken faith and is a Legalist.... heretic?

1.) Find out if they believe they can "lose their salvation".

2.) Find out if they believe that "water washes away your sin".

Also, its literally possible to be a born again, heaven bound, Christian, and be a "counterfeit believer".
Paul dealt with some Galatian Christians who were exactly this situation, and i can promise you that Pulpits and Forums are filled with these people.
Its a fact.
In other words, they are born again, but their faith is so broken, so backwards, so carnal, so SELF RIGHTEOUS< that you can't have any type of conversation with them, where they will agree that Jesus KEEPS YOU SAVED.

And Reader, if you don't believe that Jesus Keeps you saved, always.....then ask yourself........ "who does"'.??

Listen, if you dont believe that the Same Jesus who saved you from your sin, is still doing it forever, then you have lost faith in Christ, and dont realize it.
Until now....
That's a fact., and you are now trying to save yourself, and you'll show us your LIST. Your "self saving" list., and you'll want to talk about "commandments" and "water baptism" and "self effort" "works", "trying to be like Christ"... "confessing sin".... "living in a state of repentance".....and on and on you'll go with all YOUR DEEDS that prove that your faith in Christ is Broken., but you faith in your self righteousness is MAXXED OUT.


Paul said you have to take inventory of your own faith, to find out if it has slipped into "self saving", ("Fallen from Grace") or if you still give Jesus full credit for saving you, and keeping you saved..

And again, if you dont believe that Jesus Keeps you saved, just like He saved you....when you came to Him with a lifetime of SIN.. and God dealt with it all, through the Cross of Christ......then you now believe that you are in charge of keeping yourself saved, and to the degree that you are deceived this way, will mark you as a Legalist, and if you are really deeply deceived about what "keeps me saved" then you are a heretic and you'll post and prove that your understanding of the Cross of Christ is MISSING, GONE... = ZERO.

Listen, ,,,
= BROKEN faith believers, always refuse to agree that Jesus keeps you saved, and that is because they are trying to do it for themselves. = by commandment keeping, law, self effort, confessing sin, water baptism, trying to be like Christ, or sometimes... "holding unto faith" ..is their idea of "self saving".

Let me explain, "holding unto my faith", so that the person who is this type of Legalist, can be easily revealed.

Its like this...
We come to God one time, believing, and He takes that faith, that moment, = and gives us His "GIFT Salvation""", that was completed by Jesus on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.

So, the person who is confused about this, and is upset by my Thread....... does not understand that this faith we had, that God accepted, is DONE.
He accepted it...already...... and gave us "the Gift of Salvation"... ALREADY......... and this... 2 Corinthians 5:19

So, the broken faith BELIEVER, who is born again, is trying to hold unto their faith, as if faith is their savior.

They are not trusting in Christ, they are trusting in : "as long as i hold unto my faith, i keep myself saved".

See that? That is the same type of self deception as "confessing sin keeps me saved" or "confessing sin and im saved once again".
And these devout Legalists, these carnal believers.... can make quite a case , and argue, but the reality is... GOD is the Savior, Jesus is the Way, and Faith is accepted ONCE by God, on the day we were saved by God, through Christ.
God understands this perfectly, but they do not understand it, at all.
What about sentient as faith or emotional faith?

If the worship service is only an emotional experience does that mean their faith is just emotion?
Are you saying that the grace of God not only forgives past sins but also preserves us from future sins?


How do you find out who has Real faith in Christ, and who has broken faith and is a Legalist.... heretic?

1.) Find out if they believe they can "lose their salvation".

2.) Find out if they believe that "water washes away your sin".

Also, its literally possible to be a born again, heaven bound, Christian, and be a "counterfeit believer".
Paul dealt with some Galatian Christians who were exactly this situation, and i can promise you that Pulpits and Forums are filled with these people.
Its a fact.
In other words, they are born again, but their faith is so broken, so backwards, so carnal, so SELF RIGHTEOUS< that you can't have any type of conversation with them, where they will agree that Jesus KEEPS YOU SAVED.

And Reader, if you don't believe that Jesus Keeps you saved, always.....then ask yourself........ "who does"'.??

Listen, if you dont believe that the Same Jesus who saved you from your sin, is still doing it forever, then you have lost faith in Christ, and dont realize it.
Until now....
That's a fact., and you are now trying to save yourself, and you'll show us your LIST. Your "self saving" list., and you'll want to talk about "commandments" and "water baptism" and "self effort" "works", "trying to be like Christ"... "confessing sin".... "living in a state of repentance".....and on and on you'll go with all YOUR DEEDS that prove that your faith in Christ is Broken., but you faith in your self righteousness is MAXXED OUT.


Paul said you have to take inventory of your own faith, to find out if it has slipped into "self saving", ("Fallen from Grace") or if you still give Jesus full credit for saving you, and keeping you saved..

And again, if you dont believe that Jesus Keeps you saved, just like He saved you....when you came to Him with a lifetime of SIN.. and God dealt with it all, through the Cross of Christ......then you now believe that you are in charge of keeping yourself saved, and to the degree that you are deceived this way, will mark you as a Legalist, and if you are really deeply deceived about what "keeps me saved" then you are a heretic and you'll post and prove that your understanding of the Cross of Christ is MISSING, GONE... = ZERO.

Listen, ,,,
= BROKEN faith believers, always refuse to agree that Jesus keeps you saved, and that is because they are trying to do it for themselves. = by commandment keeping, law, self effort, confessing sin, water baptism, trying to be like Christ, or sometimes... "holding unto faith" ..is their idea of "self saving".

Let me explain, "holding unto my faith", so that the person who is this type of Legalist, can be easily revealed.

Its like this...
We come to God one time, believing, and He takes that faith, that moment, = and gives us His "GIFT Salvation""", that wascompleted by Jesus on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.

So, the person who is confused about this, and is upset by my Thread....... does not understand that this faith we had, that God accepted, is DONE.
He accepted it...already...... and gave us "the Gift of Salvation"... ALREADY......... and this... 2 Corinthians 5:19

So, the broken faith BELIEVER, who is born again, is trying to hold unto their faith, as if faith is their savior.

They are not trusting in Christ, they are trusting in : "as long as i hold unto my faith, i keep myself saved".

See that? That is the same type of self deception as "confessing sin keeps me saved" or "confessing sin and im saved once again".
And these devout Legalists, these carnal believers.... can make quite a case , and argue, but the reality is... GOD is the Savior, Jesus is the Way, and Faith is accepted ONCE by God, on the day we were saved by God, through Christ.
God understands this perfectly, but they do not understand it, at all.
If God is a legalist for requiring His people to obey His law and Jesus is a legalist for spending his ministry teaching us to obey it by word and by example, then we should all be legalists, but that is not what legalism refers to.

In 1 John 3:10, someone who does not practice righteousness in obedience to God's law is not born again.

If God's law were His instructions for how to save ourselves or for how to become self-righteous and God does not what us to do that, then it would follow that God therefore does not want to be obeyed, which is absurd, therefore it is not God's instructions for how to save ourselves or become self-righteous. Self-righteousness not not involve relying on anyone else, so it is contradictory to think that we can become self-righteous by relying on what God has instructed.

Jesus is God's word made flesh, so having faith is God's word is not a different way of salvation than having faith in God's word made flesh.

In Titus 2:14, part of the gift of salvation that Jesus finished through the cross is becoming zealous for doing good works in obedience to God's law (Acts 21:20).

I could cite at least 30 verses from the OT and the NT that connect our faith in God with our obedience to Him, so is all about whether we have faith in God to correctly guide us in how to we should live through obeying what He has instructed.