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Did God Repent?

I did--John 17:3--This means eternal life, their knowing you(Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ--1 Cor 8:6--There is ONE God to all, the Father. Simple english.
It also should be worth noting, that even without "and" signifying, "even", the different persons and their relevance within the statement, shows separation TO US —to our limited minds— so that even we can see the two persons, and the two functions in the context; but the, "and", makes no implication that they are two different beings.

Your "Simple english" is biased.
Precisely, the revelation of the second person of the Trinity was given by the first person of the Trinity and, in addition, without being stated that revelation was quickened to John by the third person of the Trinity.
No, in plain english it shows the giver is God, the receiver is not God because there is only 1 God. Jesus is always mentioned separate when God is mentioned in the same paragraph and he is not called God in those passages.
The error of a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1 has mislead billions through history. It is not written like that in the Greek lexicons. The true God called Ho Theos( THE God)in the 2nd line and plain Theos to the word in the last line to show a difference= a god. The only word in Greek for God or god is Theos, thus HoTheos to the true God when another is called god in the same paragraph. Trinity scholars know its fact, they will not say truth, it would expose all those religions as false and billions of $$$ would lost yearly not to say that 2 billion people would sue them as well for taking their $$$ when they know they don't teach truth.
The Bible wasn't written in simple English. But even if it had been, —i.e. even in English— often the word, 'and', is used in the sense of, 'even'. Simple English.
Its in English now--both those teachings are in EVERY translation on earth as shown.
It also should be worth noting, that even without "and" signifying, "even", the different persons and their relevance within the statement, shows separation TO US —to our limited minds— so that even we can see the two persons, and the two functions in the context; but the, "and", makes no implication that they are two different beings.

Your "Simple english" is biased.
Oh did Jesus pray to himself? Did Jesus Father himself?
No, in plain english it shows the giver is God, the receiver is not God because there is only 1 God. Jesus is always mentioned separate when God is mentioned in the same paragraph and he is not called God in those passages.
The error of a capitol G God in the last line at John 1:1 has mislead billions through history. It is not written like that in the Greek lexicons. The true God called Ho Theos( THE God)in the 2nd line and plain Theos to the word in the last line to show a difference= a god. The only word in Greek for God or god is Theos, thus HoTheos to the true God when another is called god in the same paragraph. Trinity scholars know its fact, they will not say truth, it would expose all those religions as false and billions of $$$ would lost yearly not to say that 2 billion people would sue them as well for taking their $$$ when they know they don't teach truth.
The Word was God. . .the Word (who is God) became flesh. (Jn 1:1, 14)

You simply don't believe the NT.
Oh did Jesus pray to himself? Did Jesus Father himself?
Are you asking me if the Doctrine of the Trinity answers all such questions?

I don't understand it all. But I know Jesus is God himself. You should want to be careful how you disparage what you don't understand.
Oh did Jesus pray to himself? Did Jesus Father himself?
Jesus being both God and man (Jn 1:1, 14), the man Jesus prayed to his Father who sired him.

The problem is not complicated.
You simply do not believe the NT.
Oh did Jesus pray to himself? Did Jesus Father himself?
Occurs to me to mention: Since, or "assuming that", the Trinity is good doctrine, your questions there are not only impudent, but irrational. The fact that we can choose words to place in such an order to imply what seems to us absurd, doesn't mean that the resulting arrangement of thought is valid.
The Word was God. . .the Word (who is God) became flesh. (Jn 1:1, 14)

You simply don't believe the NT.
I just explained to you, its not written that way in the Greek Lexicons. Its error. Misleading all into breaking Gods #1 commandment daily.
Are you asking me if the Doctrine of the Trinity answers all such questions?

I don't understand it all. But I know Jesus is God himself. You should want to be careful how you disparage what you don't understand.
John 17:3--The truth from Jesus, whom you claim to follow= This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ--see plain english one must know 2 different beings, one is THE ONLY TRUE GOD= Father-the other is Jesus. We all must choose who we believe.
Jesus being both God and man (Jn 1:1, 14), the man Jesus prayed to his Father who sired him.

The problem is not complicated.
You simply do not believe the NT.
You dont believe Jesus over the errors. Who do you follow?If Jesus then believe him. He said the Father is the only true God.
You dont believe Jesus over the errors. Who do you follow?If Jesus then believe him. He said the Father is the only true God.
I follow the NT Scriptures which we cannot know Jesus.
I follow the NT Scriptures which we cannot know Jesus.
We must know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus-John 17:3--so what are you talking about we cant know Jesus?
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Genesis 6:6 KJV

God is onmiscient, He knows everything.
Since the sacrifice for human sin was provisioned even before the world was created, it's obvious God knew we would sin.

How, then, is Genesis 6:6 to be explained? In what way did God repent?

How about an anthropomorphism..speaking in terms that we identify with?
We must know the Father as the only true God and know Jesus-John 17:3--so what are you talking about we cant know Jesus?
Oops! . . .typo. . .in my post #54, it should be "without" which we can't know Jesus.

Oops! . . .typo. . .in my post #54, it should be "without" which we can't know Jesus.

Paul=There is one God to all, the Father 1Cor 8:6-- He as well teaches over and over the Father is Jesus' God-2Cor 1:3, Coll 1:3, Eph 1:3,17--as does Peter 1Peter 1:3--As does Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- contradictions prove errors were translated in.
Paul=There is one God to all, the Father 1Cor 8:6-- He as well teaches over and over the Father is Jesus' God-2Cor 1:3, Coll 1:3, Eph 1:3,17--as does Peter 1Peter 1:3--As does Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12-- contradictions prove errors were translated in.
You simply don't believe Jn 1:1, 14:

"and the Word was God. . .The Word became flesh and dwelled among us."

Jesus was both God and man. (Jn 1:1, 14).
The Father was the God of the (flesh) man Jesus, and the Father of God the Son, Jesus.
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You simply don't believe Jn 1:1, 14:

"and the Word was God. . .The Word became flesh and dwelled among us."

Jesus was both God and man. (Jn 1:1, 14).
The Father was the God of the (flesh) man Jesus, and the Father of God the Son, Jesus.
In 1822 A.Kneeland, a Greek scholar translated the NT from the same Greek Lexicons all use. He compared Greek to English side by side to prove to the world-a god belongs in the last line at John 1:1)-19 other translations had a god, 3 had was divine, 1 had was godlike. All rejected by trinity religions because that single fact proves they are false religions. a mass of confusion because of lack of holy spirit. God warned all--GET OUT OF HER.