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Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change

Frank Robert

Jun 8, 2023
Reaction score
I was wondering how does the climate change denial resonate with conspiracy theories in general.

Conspiracy Theories and the Paranoid Style(s) of Mass Opinion

New research by Eric Oliver and Thomas Wood at the University of Chicago find that 50 percent of the country subscribes to at least one of these conspiracy theories. So 19 percent of Americans believe the U.S. government was behind the 9/11 attacks. 25 percent believe the recent financial crisis was caused by the small cabal of Wall Street bankers. 11 percent of people believe the government is mandating a switch to compact florescent light bulbs because the light bulbs make people obedient and easy to control.​
Evidence of climate change has been mounting, including science which has shown that climate-related natural disasters are growing in frequency and intensity sooner than originally predicted, researchers said. Which shows that:​
climate change is still not wholly accepted as fact in the United States. To assess climate change denialism in America, researchers analyzed Twitter (now X) data from 2017 to 2019, using AI techniques to track how social media has spread such denial. In effect the 15% of climate change deniers fits neatly as a conspiracy theory.​
Also of interest from the study:
Analysis of the tweets showed that belief in climate change is highest along the West Coast and East Coast, and that denialism is highest in the central and southern parts of the United States.​
In fact, more than 20% of the populations of Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama and North Dakota do not believe in climate change, results show.​
Belief in climate change also can vary widely within each state, researchers added.​
For example, less than 12% of the population of California does not believe in climate change, but northern California’s Shasta County had denial rates as high as 52%.​
The researchers also found a strong connection between climate denialism and low COVID vaccination rates, suggesting that these folks have a broad skepticism of science.​
"What this indicates is that communities with a high prevalence of climate change deniers are at risk of discounting other science-based health or safety recommendations," said lead author Dimitrios Gounaridis, a research fellow at the University of Michigan's Center for Sustainable Systems.​
So then you have no problem. Who needs 85% to impose something?

Club Of Rome invents global warming crisis to regain power lost in 1991 demise of communism

Lots of posts at Children Testify…
Many people like FR are believing the father of lies.....Pretty soon you'll be Revving your engine up to 13....
Took a whole lot of warm weather to melt all that ice and snow from the Ice Age.

The climate changed. Man's doing? Nope.

It is quite telling that the priests of this climate god enjoy taking their private jets to places to lecture the rest of us how awful we are.
Furthermore, why would any of them buy and own beach front property/homes if the sea levels are rising?

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Took a whole lot of warm weather to melt all that ice and snow from the Ice Age.

The climate changed. Man's doing? Nope.

It is quite telling that the priests of this climate god enjoy taking their private jets to places to lecture the rest of us how awful we are.
Furthermore, why would any of them buy and own beach front property/homes if the sea levels are rising?

Thx Fred
Eco-warrior J Kerry
Btw his pal there? K Schwab, whose dad was the 4th ranking Nazi when the Reich surrendered.
So then you have no problem. Who needs 85% to impose something?
Those who care for their fellow humans and for God's creation don't look at reducing our carbon footprint to s an imposition
Club Of Rome invents global warming crisis to regain power lost in 1991 demise of communism
And you know this because you read it a twitter post by wideawake media. You have yet to produce any evidence for your inaccurate assertions of your Twitter posts. But of course you can rely on the 15% of fellow deniers who follow twitter to accept them and pass them on w/o any critical thinking.

Club of Rome reputation:

Prestigious history: Founded in 1968, the Club of Rome has a long history of thought leadership on global challenges like sustainability and environmental limits.
  • Influential publications: Their most famous report, "The Limits to Growth," sparked important conversations about resource depletion and the need for sustainable development.
  • Diverse membership: Comprising scientists, economists, artists, and policymakers, the Club offers a broad range of perspectives on global issues.
  • Focus on solutions: While highlighting challenges, the Club also advocates for solutions, including their current "New Generational Contract" emphasizing collaboration for long-term sustainability.
The Club of Rome is a respected think-tank with a significant influence on global discourse about sustainability and environmental challenges.

Most people find it helpful to explore different perspectives on the Club by reading their publications, news articles, and academic studies about them.

From the number of times you give wideawake urls it appears that it has become your bible.
Lots of posts at Children Testify…
Fortunately, those children know to obtain valid information and knowledge from legitimate science sites which do not include Twitter.
Took a whole lot of warm weather to melt all that ice and snow from the Ice Age.

The climate changed. Man's doing? Nope.
Appears that you have no idea what natural climate change is as opposed to human induced climate change. Reading a book such as Our Planet ABC" by Toni Yuly: This alphabet book uses beautiful illustrations and simple text to teach about the different aspects of our planet, from animals and plants to weather and climate.
It is quite telling that the priests of this climate god enjoy taking their private jets to places to lecture the rest of us how awful we are.
Furthermore, why would any of them buy and own beach front property/homes if the sea levels are rising?

No one denies that there are hypocrites. Even religion, from numerous denominations have their share.
Eco-warrior J Kerry
Btw his pal there? K Schwab, whose dad was the 4th ranking Nazi when the Reich surrendered.
Another Twitter post. Is that the best you can do? Another Twitter. Reading a science book for a change could do a lot of good.
Go ahead and list as well as explain 5 key differences.
Are you so self involved that you can't look them up for your self or just too lazy.

The key differences between natural and human-induced climate change are as follows:
  1. Causes
  2. Impact
  3. Timescale
  4. Evidence
  5. Control
Most people would find that they are self explanatory. If you are not among them you can do a simple search.
Are you so self involved that you can't look them up for your self or just too lazy.

Been lied to for so long so if you don't want to supply proof for what you asserted then that is your choice.

After Covid-1984 I am far more skeptical of science so-called.

Massive pollution in China. Winters there in many cities (mostly in the north) are disgusting. Not a huge cry against them.
Been lied to for so long so if you don't want to supply proof for what you asserted then that is your choice.
When you accuse someone of lying you need to produce actual evidence that they are lying,

Check out the recent case:

Climatologist Michael Mann wins defamation case: what it means for scientists

Jury awards Mann more than US$1 million — raising hopes for scientists who are attacked politically because of their work.
After Covid-1984 I am far more skeptical of science so-called.
The problem with Covid debacle was mainly due to neo-liberalism and politicians.
Massive pollution in China. Winters there in many cities (mostly in the north) are disgusting. Not a huge cry against them.
I am not from China so I don't know much of what they are doing but a simple search shows that they are taking climate change much more seriously than many other nations. They are doing quite a bit and their part to diminish the worse effects. (A bit of advice: when you don't know about something then check it out before you comment.

China is taking several actions to address climate change. The country has prioritized adaptation measures, such as the South-to-North water transfer project, to deal with the intensifying effects of climate change, including extreme temperatures, heavy rains, and droughts. Additionally, China is investing significantly in clean energy technologies and products, aiming to become a global leader in the clean energy revolution1.Despite being the largest global polluter, China has pledged to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. The World Bank highlights the urgency of China's transition to a low-carbon economy and the need for a massive shift in resources and technologies to achieve this goal. China's climate policies and laws are influenced by its five-year plans and other key economic strategies, and the country has issued "working guidance" on its efforts to peak carbon emissions and achieve carbon neutrality. According to the Climate Action Tracker, China's emissions are expected to peak by 2025 and plateau at high levels for the rest of the decade.​
Those who get the Covid shot will not get Covid.
What reparable medical or scientific research did you get that information? If someone did make such a claim there were not a reparable scientist or medical professional or perhaps an extremely ignorant one.

The claim that "Those who get the Covid shot will not get Covid" is not accurate. COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19. They also significantly reduce the risk of contracting the virus. For example, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was reported to be highly effective at preventing symptomatic disease.
Similarly, the CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines provide sustained protection against severe disease and death.
While breakthrough infections can occur, the primary goal of the vaccines is to prevent severe outcomes. There no guaranteed that individuals will not get COVID-19 after vaccination, the vaccines are highly effective at reducing the risk of severe illness and death.The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines has been well-documented. A systematic review identified 30 studies showing 80-90% vaccine efficacy against symptomatic and asymptomatic infections in fully vaccinated people.

Real-world analysis has demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines are strongly effective in preventing the disease, especially in children and adolescents
The only scientific or research statements I am aware of is that "COVID-19 vaccines greatly reduce the risk of contracting the virus and are highly effective at preventing severe illness, they do not guarantee that individuals will not get COVID-19. The primary goal of the vaccines is to prevent severe outcomes, and they have been shown to be highly effective in achieving this goal."

Once again, if you have contrary information from a repeatable medical or research source then please share it. If you don't at least admit your were wrong.
What reparable medical or scientific research did you get that information? If someone did make such a claim there were not a reparable scientist or medical professional or perhaps an extremely ignorant one.

Did Rochelle Walensky affirm that vaccinated people do not carry the virus?
Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change.
So what? 15% is not a particularly significant percentage. In a country of 330 million people that comes out to just under 50 million, which is a lot of people, but not in comparison to the 85% who presumably accept climate change as a real condition. Do you think U.S. News and World Report is making an issue where none exists? It would not be the first time "news" media, and especially the US News has done such a thing.
Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change.
Maybe that is because over the last three-quarters of a century both environmentalists and scientists have lied about what is now called climate change. Maybe it's because over the same period of time many of their predictions, especially the most ominous, threatening, apocalyptic or their predictions have proved false. Maybe it's because they keep changing the name, so it looks like they don't have a clue what it is they're talking about or worried about. Maybe it is because climate change is being used politically to move a globalist and statist agenda and few acknowledge that fact and folks wonder why they're not forthcoming and honest about that. Maybe, in light of the fact politics and science often make bad partners some doubt is warranted, after all, we just went through a few years of government malfeasance, abused science, false science, and outright lies pertaining to COVID. Maybe it's because if any of the actual powers that be genuinely believed climate change were legitimate, we'd see more COVID-like government action, not less. Maybe it's because language is frequently abused, forcing abnormal definitions on words (like "climate" and people recognize the errors and consider it deceitful. Maybe it's because the last time you and I attempted to discuss this topic you relied on a left-wing politicized "news" article instead of something objectively scientific and here you are doing it again. Maybe it's because our scientific knowledge changes every 100-150 years and many wonder why scientists (who know the ever-changing nature of scientific discovery) aren't more forthcoming about that. Every single one of those maybes I just listed is based in fact.

Just saying.

Given the many reasons to doubt climate change I'm a little surprised the percentage isn't higher than 15%, and for the record: I do not deny collective human behavior adversely effects the environment in adverse ways.