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Fossil Fuel Industry Knew Of Climate Danger As Early As 1954

Smoking Gun Proof

Newly uncovered documents reveal that the fossil fuel industry was aware of the potential climate implications of its products as early as 1954. The documents, found in the Caltech archives, the US National Archives, and newspapers from the 1950s, indicate that the industry understood the significant impact of fossil fuel combustion on Earth's climate. This early awareness contradicts the industry's public denial of basic climate science for decades and its ongoing efforts to fund research and delay action on the climate crisis1. The documents also show that the industry was involved in funding early climate science research, indicating a deep awareness of the potential consequences of its activities. They (the documents) show the fossil fuel industry had intimate involvement in the inception of modern climate science, along with its warnings of the severe harm climate change will wreak, only to then publicly deny this science for decades and fund ongoing efforts to delay action on the climate crisis.

What Is The Significance Of The Fossil Fuel Industry's Knowledge Of Climate Change

The significance of the fossil fuel industry's knowledge of climate change lies in its early awareness of the potential consequences of its products on the environment. Newly uncovered documents reveal that the industry was informed of the potentially dire consequences of its business as early as 1954, indicating an intimate involvement in the inception of modern climate science. This early awareness contradicts the industry's public denial of basic climate science for decades and its ongoing efforts to fund research and delay action on the climate crisis1. The industry's knowledge of climate change, coupled with its subsequent denial and suppression of climate research, has had devastating effects, making it a central issue in discussions about accountability and the urgent need for action on the climate crisis.

How Have Consumers Responded To The Fossil Fuel Industry's Knowledge Of Climate Change

Consumers have responded to the fossil fuel industry's knowledge of climate change with growing concern and calls for accountability. Unearthed documents reveal that the industry was aware of the potential consequences of its products on the environment as early as the 1950s, yet it engaged in efforts to suppress climate science and promote climate denial1. This revelation has led to increased scrutiny of the industry's actions and has fueled public demand for urgent measures to address the climate crisis. Consumers, along with environmental organizations and experts, have emphasized the need to rapidly phase out fossil fuels and transition to alternative energy sources to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The industry's long-standing knowledge of climate change and its efforts to downplay its role in fueling the crisis have prompted consumers to advocate for holding fossil fuel companies accountable for their contributions to climate change.

California has filed a lawsuit against several major oil companies, including ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron, as well as the American Petroleum Institute. The state is seeking to hold these companies accountable for the damage caused by climate change and is demanding that they help fund recovery efforts related to climate-related damages. The lawsuit alleges that the companies misled the public for decades about climate change and the dangers of fossil fuels. California is seeking nuisance abatement, creation of an abatement fund, injunctive relief, and penalties. The lawsuit is a significant and high-profile legal action that aims to address the alleged deception and the costs associated with climate-related damages

How Has The Fossil Fuel Industry Reacted to the Law Suits

The fossil fuel industry's stance on the California lawsuit is that addressing climate change requires a collaborative, society-wide approach, and they fully support the need for society to transition to a lower-carbon future. The industry has emphasized the importance of holding them accountable and securing access to justice for people and communities suffering from fossil-fueled extreme weather. The American Petroleum Institute, an industry group also named in the lawsuit, has called California's decision to take the oil companies to court a "watershed" and stated that the state is taking decisive action to make the polluters pay.
Hasn't been that long since the "Climate experts" (so called) were wailing and beating their breasts in panic because of the approaching ICE AGE. So much for the ""Experts".
I still have my notes from UBC where the Head of the Geography department admitted his team's work with the UN in designing and implementing the carbon credit system was a complete scam. He admitted that the entire scheme is specifically designed to bankrupt the First World nations. You can't get more direct from the horse's mouth than that.
Is the tons of disinformation one sided?
That's a good question. To be honest, NO, the disinformation is not entirely one-sided, but there is a significant evidence suggesting that much of the intentional spread of misleading information has been funded and propagated by interests that stand to lose from climate action, particularly the fossil fuel industry. This industry has historically played a substantial role in promoting climate disinformation through various means, including funding conservative think tanks and front groups, as well as using social media and other platforms to amplify misleading narratives. Much effort has been aimed at creating doubt about the causes and impacts of climate change, questioning the reliability and affordability of renewable energy sources, and undermining public trust in climate science and scientists. The goal of these disinformation campaigns is often to delay or obstruct policy measures and regulations that would limit greenhouse gas emissions and transition away from fossil fuels
While I am not personally aware of any organized occurrences of disinformation from advocates, it is not difficult to find incidences on social media that exaggerate the immediacy or severity of impacts without sufficient scientific backing claims about climate solutions that are not supported by evidence. Perhaps you can expand on this from your perspective.
Hasn't been that long since the "Climate experts" (so called) were wailing and beating their breasts in panic because of the approaching ICE AGE. So much for the ""Experts".
Glad to see that someone else besides myself remembers the 1970s.

The 1970s were a time of disco, bell-bottoms, and yes, a bit of confusion about the climate. While some media outlets were tossing around the idea of an imminent ice age, the majority of scientists were doing the electric slide toward the concept of global warming. It was like a scientific dance-off, but with data and research papers instead of funky moves. So, the notion of a widespread prediction of an ice age in the 1970s is about as accurate as predicting that disco would be the music of the future.
I still have my notes from UBC where the Head of the Geography department admitted his team's work with the UN in designing and implementing the carbon credit system was a complete scam. He admitted that the entire scheme is specifically designed to bankrupt the First World nations. You can't get more direct from the horse's mouth than that.
Do you have any source for that besides your notes?

The search results primarily discuss the complexities and challenges associated with carbon offsets and climate policies, including issues related to the effectiveness of certain carbon credit programs and the use of forests as carbon offsets. However, they do not support the specific claim about the UCB Geography department. It's important to critically evaluate information and ensure that claims are based on credible and verifiable sources.
Do you have any source for that besides your notes?

The search results primarily discuss the complexities and challenges associated with carbon offsets and climate policies, including issues related to the effectiveness of certain carbon credit programs and the use of forests as carbon offsets. However, they do not support the specific claim about the UCB Geography department. It's important to critically evaluate information and ensure that claims are based on credible and verifiable sources.
My professor, the Head of the Geography Department at UBC in the early 1990's was one of the main Carbon Credit inventors and worked closely with the United Nations team. It's very easy to verify. Do some due diligence before showing your ignorance.
There is a certain sense in which the question is misguided because science is not specifically concerned with truth. Science speaks to fact, not truth. Data, information, conclusions, and the distribution of all three is something much different.
Using your term "data" lets look how "weather data" is used. I think it is fair to say that data is used to study long-term patterns and trends which in turn provides evidence of climate change. Thus allowing scientists to analyze factors like temperature, sea levels, and extreme weather events to understand how the climate is changing over time. By comparing historical records and using climate models, they can determine if our human activities are impacting these changes. This evidence (data) helps us to better understand the long-term shifts in Earth's climate and the role of human actions in driving these changes.
Great! Good for you. However, that does nothing to address the fallacious nature of "closer to the truth."
You are correct, my wording was not good at all. Rather than say "closer to the the truth, I would have been more accurate of me to say s"the aim of science is to build true and accurate knowledge about how the world works."
Am I the first person to bring these matters up to either of you? Frank, the Guardian article is NOT science.
No disagreement.
It is NOT reliable evidence (of anything other than the Guardian's ability to be dishonest). The McKinsey cite is, comparatively, better, but it's not in the same category as the reliable evidence Crow posted. It's your op and Crow and I have informed the topic of "climate change" exponentially better than you! I want you to have this conversation.
I agree we should not trust the media. There are much better sources for climate information, such as: government websites like NOAA, academia journals like Nature Climate Change, scientific organizations like the American Association for the Advancement of Science, multiple university libraries and research centers and nonprofit organizations like the Center for Climate & Energy Solutions

Currently, we ourselves, are witnessing climate change such as melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme heat waves which make the consequences of climate change are more visible than ever.

There is also evidence that that 99% of the scientific community has confirmed that humans are responsible climate change. A 2021 study titled "Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature." This study, published 10/2021, aimed to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by analyzing a dataset of 88,125 climate-related papers published since 2012. The study found that the broadly-defined scientific consensus likely far exceeds 99% regarding the human role in causing climate change and may even be as high as 99.9%. The research provides strong evidence of the overwhelming consensus among climate scientists on the human contribution to climate change.

On the other hand climate change denial is supported by a variety of factors, including financial incentives, identity politics, misinformation campaigns, and psychological resistance to the evidence.
My professor, the Head of the Geography Department at UBC in the early 1990's was one of the main Carbon Credit inventors and worked closely with the United Nations team. It's very easy to verify. Do some due diligence before showing your ignorance.
I am not denying the professor's credentials or credibility. I did a search and came up with, as previously stated,"The search results primarily discuss the complexities and challenges associated with carbon offsets and climate policies, including issues related to the effectiveness of certain carbon credit programs and the use of forests as carbon offsets. However, they do not support the specific claim about the UCB Geography department. It's important to critically evaluate information and ensure that claims are based on credible and verifiable sources.

To be fair, the results did highlight concerns the effectiveness and integrity of certain carbon offset projects.... While these findings point to issues with specific offset projects, they do not universally discredit the entire carbon credit system. It's important to consider a range of sources and perspectives when evaluating the effectiveness and integrity of carbon credit initiatives.

The claim that the "carbon credit system" was a complete scam" is not supported. Perhaps you have additional information to evaluate your claim?
I am not denying the professor's credentials or credibility. I did a search and came up with, as previously stated,"The search results primarily discuss the complexities and challenges associated with carbon offsets and climate policies, including issues related to the effectiveness of certain carbon credit programs and the use of forests as carbon offsets. However, they do not support the specific claim about the UCB Geography department. It's important to critically evaluate information and ensure that claims are based on credible and verifiable sources.

To be fair, the results did highlight concerns the effectiveness and integrity of certain carbon offset projects.... While these findings point to issues with specific offset projects, they do not universally discredit the entire carbon credit system. It's important to consider a range of sources and perspectives when evaluating the effectiveness and integrity of carbon credit initiatives.

The claim that the "carbon credit system" was a complete scam" is not supported. Perhaps you have additional information to evaluate your claim?
The underlying algorithm of carbon credits is a scam. There is no other word for it. At the heart it is mass transfer of wealth from one entity to another. The base assumption that there is something "evil" about carbon levels is just scientifically and factually inaccurate.
Maybe you can do some due diligence before making your posts.
Currently, we ourselves, are witnessing climate change such as melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme heat waves which make the consequences of climate change are more visible than ever.
Come on. You can not be that gullible. Melting glaciers have been going on since observations were first recorded in the 1700's. "Extreme heat waves"? Do you mean "weather"? The amount of false statements you make is astonishing.
The underlying algorithm of carbon credits is a scam.
You have not established that it is a scam, but you are entitled to your opinion.
There is no other word for it.
Your claim that carbon dioxide levels do not affect the climate is scientifically and factually inaccurate. If it is a scam then there should be evidence that it is. You can not convince anyone solely from your opinion.
At the heart it is mass transfer of wealth from one entity to another.
Can you be more specific. What wealth is going to who from whom.
The base assumption that there is something "evil" about carbon levels is just scientifically and factually inaccurate.
Carbon is not evil it is beneficial especially to plants.
Maybe you can do some due diligence before making your posts.
Maybe you can quit gaslighting.

First, what is the purpose of due diligence ?
Due diligence is the careful research and investigation that a person or organization undertakes before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction. It involves thoroughly checking and verifying information to ensure that all relevant facts are known and risks are understood. This process is essential for making well-informed decisions and minimizing potential negative outcomes. In simple terms, due diligence is about "doing your homework" before making an important commitment or investment​

Second, what due diligence takes place in the study of climate change?
Due diligence in the study of climate change involves a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the actual and potential adverse impacts of climate change, as well as the integration and action upon the findings. In this context of climate change it is a process-based approach that aims to ensure informed decision-making and responsible action in light of the environmental and social challenges posed by climate change.​
Third, why is important that 99% of climate scientists in agreement over climate change?
The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists, with more than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agreeing that climate change is mainly caused by humans, is important for several reasons. This consensus is based on multiple lines of evidence and over a century of scientific research, and it provides a robust foundation for understanding the impact of human activities on Earth's climate. The high level of agreement is key for informing policy decisions and international responses to the climate crisis, as it strengthens the case for urgent and concerted action.​

More importantly, the consensus serves to counter misinformation and disinformation campaigns, providing clarity and certainty about the causes and implications of climate change.
Perhaps, instead of gaslighting, you can provide your own due diligence for you opinion, otherwise it will just remain just another uniformed and, unsubstantiated opinion which, of course, you are entitled to.​
You have not established that it is a scam, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Your claim that carbon dioxide levels do not affect the climate is scientifically and factually inaccurate. If it is a scam then there should be evidence that it is. You can not convince anyone solely from your opinion.

Can you be more specific. What wealth is going to who from whom.

Carbon is not evil it is beneficial especially to plants.

Maybe you can quit gaslighting.

First, what is the purpose of due diligence ?
Due diligence is the careful research and investigation that a person or organization undertakes before entering into an agreement or a financial transaction. It involves thoroughly checking and verifying information to ensure that all relevant facts are known and risks are understood. This process is essential for making well-informed decisions and minimizing potential negative outcomes. In simple terms, due diligence is about "doing your homework" before making an important commitment or investment​

Second, what due diligence takes place in the study of climate change?
Due diligence in the study of climate change involves a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the actual and potential adverse impacts of climate change, as well as the integration and action upon the findings. In this context of climate change it is a process-based approach that aims to ensure informed decision-making and responsible action in light of the environmental and social challenges posed by climate change.​
Third, why is important that 99% of climate scientists in agreement over climate change?
The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists, with more than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agreeing that climate change is mainly caused by humans, is important for several reasons. This consensus is based on multiple lines of evidence and over a century of scientific research, and it provides a robust foundation for understanding the impact of human activities on Earth's climate. The high level of agreement is key for informing policy decisions and international responses to the climate crisis, as it strengthens the case for urgent and concerted action.​
More importantly, the consensus serves to counter misinformation and disinformation campaigns, providing clarity and certainty about the causes and implications of climate change.
Perhaps, in place of gaslighting, you can provide due diligence for you opinion, otherwise it will just remain just another uniformed and, unsubstantiated opinion which, of course, you are entitled to.​
It is a waste of time discussing with people like you. I do not need to nor am I obligated to explain anything.
It is a waste of time discussing with people like you. I do not need to nor am I obligated to explain anything.
Gaslighting again. You have yet to provide one iota of science that agrees with your position.

As a part of your own due diligence and review why you can not find much of any climate denial agreement among scientists.

Gaslighting again. You have yet to provide one iota of science that agrees with your position.

As a part of your own due diligence and review why you can not find much of any climate denial agreement among scientists.

Did you just discover a new word for your vocabulary? Good for you.

I've studied this area since the late 80's. I've heard with my own ears that all of this "science" is fabricated. I've lived through the "hockey stick" graph fraud and read all the email chain so I know it is all fabricated. So there is absolutely nothing you can tell me that I don't already know.
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Did you just discover a new word for your vocabulary? Good for you.

I've studied this area since the late 80's. I've heard with my own ears that all of this "science" is fabricated. I've lived through the "hockey stick" graph fraud and read all the email chain so I know it is all fabricated. So there is absolutely nothing you can tell me that I don't already know.

I understand that you have been studying this area for a long time, and it's clear that you have strong opinions based on the information you've encountered. Like you, I have also studied climate change and its potential consequences. Perhaps we can share some of our recent studies and thoughts. It's always valuable to consider a wide range of perspectives. Open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, even when there are differing viewpoints, are important.
I understand that you have been studying this area for a long time, and it's clear that you have strong opinions based on the information you've encountered. Like you, I have also studied climate change and its potential consequences. Perhaps we can share some of our recent studies and thoughts. It's always valuable to consider a wide range of perspectives. Open dialogue and the exchange of ideas, even when there are differing viewpoints, are important.
I don't have to consider any other view when I have determined what is fact and what is not. What I do consider is why people come to other conclusions based on ignorance, brainwashing, bias, cognitive dissonance and other factors. It's not "all relative".
I don't have to consider any other view when I have determined what is fact and what is not.
Glad to read that you think so highly of reasoning ability but you won't convince anyone else without sharing relevant scientific research that lead to your conclusions.
What I do consider is why people come to other conclusions based on ignorance, brainwashing, bias, cognitive dissonance and other factors.
If you are considering that people come to other conclusions you only need search through the 99% of the relevant scientific research.

It's not "all relative".
it is relative to you because you have already decided, without any basis, that it is based on ignorance, brainwashing, bias, cognitive dissonance and other factors.
Glad to read that you think so highly of reasoning ability but you won't convince anyone else without sharing relevant scientific research that lead to your conclusions.

If you are considering that people come to other conclusions you only need search through the 99% of the relevant scientific research.

it is relative to you because you have already decided, without any basis, that it is based on ignorance, brainwashing, bias, cognitive dissonance and other factors.
Again, it matters not to me in the slightest what you may or may not believe. I'm not here to convince you because you aren't open to new or proper ideas anyway. It's a complete waste of time and effort. Just know that what you think is true, isn't.