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A problem solved part 2


Staff member
Jun 10, 2023
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Tornado Alley
In Christ of the Father.
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Part 2

Abraham’s 70 grew to a big number over a period of about 400 years and a nasty ruler had enslaved them. They were in a bad way, but God had made a promise to Abraham regarding a patch of land.
He sent a fellow named Moses as His tool to convince that nasty ruler in Egypt to let ‘His people’ go. To set them ‘free’. That ‘free’ thing is important and we will revisit that again later.
One of the things God planned to use to ‘convince’ the ruler it would be a good idea to let them go, was to kill all the first born in his kingdom.
But, it would only be Egyptian first borns—not those of Abraham and Isaac. So God came up with a way to ‘save’ the first born of Abraham. A mighty angel was gonna show

up to kill those first born and something was needed to prevent him from getting Abraham’s kids. Now can you guess what that was?
Yup—you guessed it. Blood! The ‘blood’ of a lamb! The children of Abraham were instructed to put ‘blood’ on the doorway of their houses so that when the angel came around that night, he would ‘passover’ those homes. They were ‘saved’ in that way—by the blood of a lamb—from the curse and judgement that God had intended for the ruler’s first born. Blood on a doorpost and lintel would ‘save’ them from judgement. Who would have thunk it! Blood splashed on a doorway with a branch?
I told you this lesson would blow you away!
Something really cool happened that night. Blood, obedience and belief (faith) were combined.
This was a very very important night and became a ‘witness’ to things both seen and unseen. Some angels were watching this and getting more and more curious as to what their God was up to.
Remember that.
Ok—we have to skip ahead a little bit. There is another really important lesson that God wants to teach.
Yup—the bad nasty ruler down there in Egypt let Abraham’s folks go and they wandered around in the wilderness for a bunch of years. During that time God gave them this thing called ‘Law’. They were to all—every one of them obey this ‘Law’. And along with some ordinances and commandments God made sure that the lesson of the ‘blood’ would be reenforced.
There was lots of blood involved in the commandments and ordinances that God established.
And there were promises, too.
The thing is, the son’s of Abraham, Isaac and Israel had a real hard time keeping that Law and the lesson lasted for centuries, but God wanted this lesson to be learned very well.
Why do you suppose that the sons of ‘Israel’ had a hard time ‘keeping’ the ‘Law’?
I think you may have guessed, but just in case I will tell you why.
Because the sons of Israel were also the sons of Adam. And Adam’s sons were just like their father and their father was just like his adopted father—Lucifer. Through that law of ‘kind’ Israel inherited a sinful ‘nature’. Some very difficult centuries followed that taught the folks that although the Law taught them a great deal about God—something was missing. There was a ‘problem’—they failed both as individuals and as a nation to please God. To please the God that had ‘saved’ them from His ‘judgement’ back so long ago in Egypt. It was a very hard lesson to learn and a lot of bad things happened.
Somewhere along the way, God had spoken to His people and made some promises
that some things were going to happen one day. He got more specific about a promise made a very long time ago to first Adam and then later to Abraham.
A seed and a son was going to put a hurt on that bad old enemy called Lucifer that was instrumental in forming this ‘Problem’. This problem that needed to be be solved.
A problem that was becoming more and more clear. That no matter how hard men tried, they could not please God. They could not reach the level of righteousness that God required. There were times that they tried real hard, but inevitably they failed. Every... single... time.
Yup—because it was their very nature to sin. Adam quite perfectly and completely ‘was’ Adam.
But Adam had learned a few important lessons.
Law was hard to keep and obedience was necessary, blood was required and faith was needed.
And very importantly—Adam learned that he had a ‘problem’. Adam learned that he was by nature through and through ‘sinful.