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Buff Scott Jr.

Jul 31, 2023
Reaction score
A Glorified Body Beyond
The Sunset

[See below my observations on Trump and Biden, plus
the Judgment of the Jury]

How so very fascinating it will be in Heaven! A glorified, transformed body is one that is no longer subject to aging, illnesses, diseases, deterioration, or death. This is the kind of body our Lord currently has. At His death, His physical body underwent a transformation, a glorification. And it was this living form that appeared to His disciples on the mountain, with the living forms of Moses and Elijah. The Apostle Paul says it quite well:

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it [heaven] we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform [transfigure] our lowly body to be like His glorious body, by the power that enables Him even to subject all things to Himself” [Phil. 3:20-21].

Moses and Elijah, two servants among the greatest, now possess glorified, transformed bodies. And those bodies are very much alive somewhere in God’s domain, for they appeared with Jesus centuries after they departed this planet. They are not sleeping. Nor was Samuel sleeping when God allowed a medium to “call him up” to give King Saul a message of death [1 Sam., chapter 28]. He was very much alive.

My spirit and your spirit, the real you and me, will be clothed with some form of glorified body at death to await the resurrection, at which time we will receive our eternal body. “But God gives it a body as He has chosen...It is sown [buried] a natural [physical] body; it is raised a spiritual body” [1 Cor. 15:35-54]. Amen and glory to our Awesome Creator!

A Political Stigma Indeed
The Democrats are now rubbing Trump’s nose in the mud because he is passing judgment upon and denouncing the Judiciary powers that pronounced him guilty of all charges. Guilty or not, let’s turn the tables and rub the Democrats’ nose in the same mire for judging and denouncing many facets of the same Judiciary authorities which Trump is judging and disparaging.

The Democrats have done this, not once, but numerous times. We can start with the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision on abortion. The bulk of the Democratic Party, including their leader Joe Biden, issued long, drawn-out negative messages about the Court’s decision, messages and accusations that were—and still are—mean, ugly, and inappropriate. Their accusations against the U. S. Supreme Court are still being heard among the liberal Democrats and their leader Joe Biden.

Simply, a large percentage of the verdicts issued by the U. S. Supreme Court, as well as lower Courts, are opposed by the Democratic Party. Why? Because many of the courts’ rulings counter the liberal integrated way of life of its political chiefs. Yet when another party’s leader, such as Trump, takes issue with any phase of the Judiciary system, he is censured, criticized, and denounced. I strongly move that two wrongs don’t make either right.