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What if. The attempt on Trump.

Let's see:

Your JOB is to protect the speakers at the rally.

There's an UNKNOWN MAN on a Rooftop in sight range of the stage.

He's got a Gun.


You do nothing about it, and allow Trump to get on the stage in rifle range anyway.

DO you see anything wrong with this picture?????
What this means is the destruction of the country’s unity. Without unity there is no common interest, which means that power will rest on force. Given this dynamic, political assassination can become commonplace. In a very real sense, America is ceasing to exist.

Perhaps that is what our elite fixated on the “Great Reset” want.
I find it disturbing that Trump's ear is not scarred nor missing any formation of his ear after being supposedly shot at. I do wonder what forensics at the crime lab or even doctors that have dealt with such injuries regarding the amount of blood splatter & lack of actual damage to the ear would say? Trump did duck down and I can foresee him swatting a red paint ball on his upper ear to cause that "display" before standing up all of a sudden in a supposed surge of bravery and cry out "Fight! Fight ! Fight !" was the motive behind this staged assassination.

Fortunately, God has once again fail the global elite their attempts to provoke Christians to violence as well as lead other non-Christian Americans that are conservatives form taking arms against the government which the 2nd amendment affords them to do.

I mean really. Fox News is run by Democrats. Tucker is a registered Democrat. At one time on Fox, Tucker led a stirring provocative report about drag queens performing adult contents in public schools to little kids but I did not hear any act of vengeance from parents regarding the betrayal of the public trust in schools.

That guy Damon Imani that they added on "The View" is an obvious example for why he keeps putting the hosts in their places but they are still at it while separate video where there is one having him accuse us of being weak as a means to provoke the conservatives to action. So how the major networks and Fox news are dividing the nation, so are they trying for it more so on the View to provoke a civil war.

It should be no wonder why the F.B.I. was given as one of their major tasks to arrest violent parents at school board or PTA meeting when there had been no reports of such incidents in the national news for it to be a major concern for the FBI. To me, it comes across as a pre-emptive strike by our government because they know they are going to offend parents in what they are pushing in the Department of Education.

Now we hear of parents getting mad about LGBTQ+ ideology, critical race theory, and pornography and books about adults having sex with minors in the school library. No violence yet.

Not to mention that report from the 700 Club with an anonymous former NSA agent testifying that the NSA, the national Security Agency, has been tasked with reducing the population.

We look at all those peaceful protests in the times of the pandemic where the government was trying to restrict church services or any assembly to only a 100 members or less with proper distance. I see that as trying to reduce the population from all areas of the people, including the LGBTQ+ community when they protested against Pence schools system to deny its covid 19 funding for the schools to that vain Black Lives matter march in Europe for George Floyd, to Trump rallying conservatives to a peaceful marches as well.

Then it was revealed that the founder for Black Lives Matter Org did not really care about Black Lives and used the money generated to buy 8 homes for herself before being forced to resign. Is it really any better now?

Then I have to wonder if LGBTQ+ . Org really cares about their community either. You would think they would echo that one professional drag queen in its "proper venue" telling the drag queens in schools not to perform adult contents in front of the little kids, but all we get is silence.

One lesbian director got fired from the LGBTQ+ . Org "I think" from "Baltimore" for not agreeing with transgender's ideology being imposed on them & if I recall correctly, that ideology saying lesbians are really "men" mentality which I think was part of the reason she was rejecting it.

Then I hear about LGB leaving the LGBTQ+ community because of it.

Alberto Rivera, a former Jesuit, testified that the Jesuits has an oath to the Jesuit General to sow discord in society to cause society to collapse and to infiltrate the Protestant churches in bringing them back into the fold. As the Vatican did try to discredit him, what are we all seeing?

Two Catholic priests came away from a visit to the Vatican testifying to Satanism being practiced in there. One bishop recently reported seeing a demon manifesting out of the smoke in the Vatican. Makes me wonder if that synagogue of Satan in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 is the Vatican. Supposedly, there is a documentation of the Vatican inserting a Catholic woman in being one of Mohammud's wives in turning Islam into a hateful religion to kill all Jews to replace Israel, but supposedly, the control of it got away from them.

That synagogue of Satan that claims they are Jews but are not, does make me wonder if there are fake Jews in Israel. It would explain how Iran is operating by proxies as the method of the Vatican and by having Islamic nations refuse to take in Palestinians refugees repeatedly is so they can spread Islam to freedom loving countries to cause it to become a theocratic nation by means of Sharia law which would remove all rights of the native citizens of that country and be free to kill for Allah when people get enough of their passive pushing politically.

So it is obvious to me that Jesuits in nations government are responsible for allowing the influx of Muslims as a means to spread Islam.

The only way to deal with it is to educate the Muslims that Mohammud is a false prophet as his religious sect was one of the many idolators at Mecca before he and his largest sect of idolators got rid of all the other idols to make his moon god, Allah, the "god" and lied about it being the same "the God" of the Jews and Christianity. If Muslims ever went into that building where they circle around at Mecca bit never allowed in there, they may find that stone idol, the moon god, Allah in that building alone as history purportedly given.

But only by the grace of God and His intervention, can the Lord reach those Muslims that desire truth and living with God to see why God the father sent His Son into the world as the only way for them to be saved for why God is to be glorified as God our Saviour, and for God to help them to be good and to do good by resisting sin & evil daily.

Same goes for the Jesuits. Just as Jesus Christ appeared to Muslims in war torn Gaza for why many are believing in Jesus Christ, so can He appear to Jesuits to call them out of serving that Jesuit General to serving Jesus Christ intsead.

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

2 Corinthians 5:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Matthew 5:43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

The people of the New World Order are in place and their system will kick in after the pre great tribulation rapture event for when God will judge the earth with fire whereby a third of the earth will be burned up and you can bet Babylon USA will be gone.

Getting ready for the Bridegroom by looking to the author & finisher of our faith to help us lay aside every weight ( provision for the flesh ) and the sin daily in resisting sin to walk in the light in fellowship with the Father & the Son is the call for every Christian to be ready by faith in Jesus Christ while we hope in Him that we shall be a light to a dark world even if it means to die for our enemies as Christ had died for us while we were yet sinners and may He help us to forgive them for they know not what they do for when we are killed.
Plastic surgery?
He did not claim that, He said " I am a fast healer."

I really believe the American people are being played to be provoked to start a Civil War and they want to make the Christians or the Conservatives as the ones starting it and that is why I believe they, the Democrats and the Republicans, are working together towards that end to cause America to collapse within and break the value of the dollar to bring about the New World Order.

Jesus Christ is coming at the pre great tribulation rapture event to have vengeance on those who deceive and defraud the nation. The Book of Nahum issues why God will give that judgment.

That net they hope to pull on the American people, they themselves will fall in it with no chance to escape but to repent & call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them before they die.
He did not claim that, He said " I am a fast healer."
Do you think Trump allowed it to happen?
I really believe the American people are being played to be provoked to start a Civil War and they want to make the Christians or the Conservatives as the ones starting it

That is one scenario. A false flag will be required. They also need a reason to activate the terror cells that have simply walked across the southern border of the USA.
and that is why I believe they, the Democrats and the Republicans, are working together towards that end to cause America to collapse within and break the value of the dollar to bring about the New World Order.
There are many RINO'S.
Jesus Christ is coming at the pre great tribulation rapture event to have vengeance on those who deceive and defraud the nation. The Book of Nahum issues why God will give that judgment.
The pre-trib rapture does appear to be very close. Once the true praying christians are removed who will put on the "armor" and pray against the principalities?
That net they hope to pull on the American people, they themselves will fall in it with no chance to escape but to repent & call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save them before they die.
Some see America as the Babylon in Revelation. America seems to fit the description.
Do you think Trump allowed it to happen?
I see the motive behind that as a staged shooting when he stood up waving his fist for us to FIGHT! FIGHT ! FIGHT !

Same with Fox News run by Democrats as Tucker is a registered Democrat.

Now they got Damon on the View to put them in their place and they got him at the WEC to cuss at the people behind the New World Order.

Only Jesus can help anyone see that both sides of the aisle is wanting a civil war to happen so as to collapse America within.

Did not a former Jesuit Alberto Rivera testified to the secret Jesuit oath given to the Jesuit General to sow chaos in society to cause society to collapse and to infiltrate the Protestant churches to bring them back into the fold?

So they have control of the media and the government and when 700 Club interviewed a former NSA agent testifying that the NSA has been tasked to reduce the population by our government, there is no way the Republicans & the Democrats are unaware of that.

But His kingdom is not of this earth as we should be looking to Jesus Christ, trusting Him as our Good Shepherd & friend to help us discern and depart from iniquity as well as resists sins daily to walk in the light in fellowship with the Father & the Son so He will receive us.
That is one scenario. A false flag will be required. They also need a reason to activate the terror cells that have simply walked across the southern border of the USA.
They could also utilize the armed forces of the IRS to get rid of Americans systematically too, as they tried to do with Covid 19 with the vaccines and the booster shots.

There is a rise in sudden death infant syndrome and I have to wonder if tainted vaccination is not the cause there too.
There are many RINO'S.
Biden said he beat Medicare in that last debate with Trump and history reported him wanting to get rid of Medicare when he was a lot younger. By incentivizing illegal immigration by paying each illegal migrant in the first wave, a $100,000 each, Biden was confident that more waves will come even though he had no intention of doing the same thing for the following waves of illegal migrants.

But they put illegal migrants on Medicare and give them the right to vote which I suspect was how they threw that election results from Trump and not just various reports of mail in ballots being found dumped. Those are the ones they know of that was found.

All of this is to provoke the American people.

Now that Social Security is hacked, you can bet they will use that to destroy America lives as well.
The pre-trib rapture does appear to be very close. Once the true praying christians are removed who will put on the "armor" and pray against the principalities?
America will be gone after the first angel spreads the gospel everywhere. The choosing of the 144,000 Witnesses among the 12 tribes of Israel will take over for dispensing the gospel of Jesus Christ for the duration of the great tribulation while those two other witnesses, Enoch & Elijah for the first half of the great tribulation.
Some see America as the Babylon in Revelation. America seems to fit the description.
USA is nowhere mention for the duration of the great tribulation, It is not even combatting nor joining the evil army marching against Jerusalem at the end of the great tribulation. The beats has trouble in the south, then the east, and then the north, conquering all in making one big army by the time he is marching them to Jerusalem at the end of the great tribulation to battle the King of kings that is coming.

The destruction of USA is why the rest of the world will make that peace treaty with Israel to build that third Temple to get their finger off of the nuke button. When a fiery calamity destroys a third of the earth per Revelation 8:7, and with USA gone, the need for the New World Order and the mark of the beast system will kick into play but not until after that 3rd angel warns everyone that the consequence for taking the mark to buy & sell to survive in that NWO is the lake of fire to burn forever in torment. Revelation 14:6-12

Though we are being betrayed by our government, they will be betrayed and not be allowed to escape USA and so the only chance they and the many they have led astray and corrupted, is to call on Jesus Christ to save them before they die in that fire He sends on earth; Luke 12:40-49 2 Peter 3:3-15
I see the motive behind that as a staged shooting when he stood up waving his fist for us to FIGHT! FIGHT ! FIGHT !

Same with Fox News run by Democrats as Tucker is a registered Democrat.

Now they got Damon on the View to put them in their place and they got him at the WEC to cuss at the people behind the New World Order.

Only Jesus can help anyone see that both sides of the aisle is wanting a civil war to happen so as to collapse America within.

Did not a former Jesuit Alberto Rivera testified to the secret Jesuit oath given to the Jesuit General to sow chaos in society to cause society to collapse and to infiltrate the Protestant churches to bring them back into the fold?

So they have control of the media and the government and when 700 Club interviewed a former NSA agent testifying that the NSA has been tasked to reduce the population by our government, there is no way the Republicans & the Democrats are unaware of that.

But His kingdom is not of this earth as we should be looking to Jesus Christ, trusting Him as our Good Shepherd & friend to help us discern and depart from iniquity as well as resists sins daily to walk in the light in fellowship with the Father & the Son so He will receive us.

They could also utilize the armed forces of the IRS to get rid of Americans systematically too, as they tried to do with Covid 19 with the vaccines and the booster shots.

There is a rise in sudden death infant syndrome and I have to wonder if tainted vaccination is not the cause there too.

Biden said he beat Medicare in that last debate with Trump and history reported him wanting to get rid of Medicare when he was a lot younger. By incentivizing illegal immigration by paying each illegal migrant in the first wave, a $100,000 each, Biden was confident that more waves will come even though he had no intention of doing the same thing for the following waves of illegal migrants.

But they put illegal migrants on Medicare and give them the right to vote which I suspect was how they threw that election results from Trump and not just various reports of mail in ballots being found dumped. Those are the ones they know of that was found.

All of this is to provoke the American people.

Now that Social Security is hacked, you can bet they will use that to destroy America lives as well.

America will be gone after the first angel spreads the gospel everywhere. The choosing of the 144,000 Witnesses among the 12 tribes of Israel will take over for dispensing the gospel of Jesus Christ for the duration of the great tribulation while those two other witnesses, Enoch & Elijah for the first half of the great tribulation.

USA is nowhere mention for the duration of the great tribulation, It is not even combatting nor joining the evil army marching against Jerusalem at the end of the great tribulation. The beats has trouble in the south, then the east, and then the north, conquering all in making one big army by the time he is marching them to Jerusalem at the end of the great tribulation to battle the King of kings that is coming.

The destruction of USA is why the rest of the world will make that peace treaty with Israel to build that third Temple to get their finger off of the nuke button. When a fiery calamity destroys a third of the earth per Revelation 8:7, and with USA gone, the need for the New World Order and the mark of the beast system will kick into play but not until after that 3rd angel warns everyone that the consequence for taking the mark to buy & sell to survive in that NWO is the lake of fire to burn forever in torment. Revelation 14:6-12

Though we are being betrayed by our government, they will be betrayed and not be allowed to escape USA and so the only chance they and the many they have led astray and corrupted, is to call on Jesus Christ to save them before they die in that fire He sends on earth; Luke 12:40-49 2 Peter 3:3-15
Perhaps America is Babylon.
Perhaps America is Babylon.
I believe it is for why it is fallen in Revelation 18th chapter with the left behind saints that will die which is to take place in Revelation 14:8 between the first angel spreading the everlasting gospel Revelation 14:6-7 after the pre great tribulation rapture event of who out of those raptured makes up His personal choir in Revelation 14:1-5, and that third angel that warns everyone of the consequence for taking the mark of the beast to buy & sell to survive the New World Order which is the lake of fire in Revelation 14:9-11.

Those 3 angels sets up the hour of temptation that shall try all upon the earth as everyone will know the gospel, and then that fiery destruction of Babylon USA and the western hemisphere, and the consequence for taking the mark which is the lake of fire in the coming New World Order.