How many scrolls was that? 10? 100? You state "many". Where's the proof of "many"?
And btw, what you have quoted inadvertently is evidence that the Greek text was NOT the original text of the New Testament. This quote is used as evidence that Aramaic was the original language used. This is because the name of Yahweh (the Tetragrammaton) does not occur at all in the Greek New Testament text. Not a single time. Yet, in the Aramaic Peshitta (the New Testament) the Tetragrammaton occurs hundreds of times. And the scrolls with the Aramaic text is what is being referred to in the quote.
“During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500), Rome burned Bibles along with their owners.”
The Catholic Church admits that this is in her own Laws :
“Canon 14. We prohibit also that the laity should
not be permitted to have the books of the Old or
New Testament; we most strictly forbid their having
any translation of these books.”
– The Church Council of Toulouse 1229 AD
Source: Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe,
Scolar Press, London, England
copyright 1980 by Edward Peters,
ISBN 0-85967-621-8, pp. 194-195
The Council of Tarragona of 1234,
in its second canon, ruled that:
“No one may possess the books of the Old
and New Testaments, and if anyone possesses
them he must turn them over to the local bishop
within eight days, so that they may be burned…”
– The Church Council of Tarragona 1234 AD;
2nd Cannon – Source : D. Lortsch,