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2024 Israel Barley Ripeness Shows a late Nisan 1


Endeavoring to interpret prophecy correctly.
Nov 25, 2023
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This is a barley ripeness report for 2024 in Israel. I've been waiting for this report since 2007. Yes, that long. This is because according to the true Abib calendar method based on observation, Nisan 1 could have been on March 11 or 30 days later for 2024. It's been shown to be late. And that confirms upcoming prophetic signs are now set and the timing is ensured.

My video series listed in my profile explains all of this. Too much information to list in a forum post.

This is a barley ripeness report for 2024 in Israel. I've been waiting for this report since 2007. Yes, that long. This is because according to the true Abib calendar method based on observation, Nisan 1 could have been on March 11 or 30 days later for 2024. It's been shown to be late. And that confirms upcoming prophetic signs are now set and the timing is ensured.

My video series listed in my profile explains all of this. Too much information to list in a forum post.
I would think why search after sign to wonder after Jesus said no signs were given. Its natural unconverted mankind that does seek and wonder . We have prophesy sealed with 7seals till the end of time

We cannot know Christ after the rudiments of this world .He will come and go like a thief in the night

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
I would think why search after sign to wonder after Jesus said no signs were given. Its natural unconverted mankind that does seek and wonder . We have prophesy sealed with 7seals till the end of time

We cannot know Christ after the rudiments of this world .He will come and go like a thief in the night

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
I'll let God Himself refute your unbiblical comment.
[Gen 1:14 LSB] 14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;
I'll let God Himself refute your unbiblical comment.
[Gen 1:14 LSB] 14 Then God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years;
Gen 1:14 Hebrew to English

1961 [e]וְהָי֤וּ
and let them beConj-w | V-Qal-ConjPerf-3cp
226 [e]לְאֹתֹת֙
for signsPrep-l | N-cp
4150 [e]וּלְמ֣וֹעֲדִ֔ים
and seasonsConj-w, Prep-l | N-mp
3117 [e]וּלְיָמִ֖ים
for daysConj-w, Prep-l | N-mp
8141 [e]וְשָׁנִֽים׃
and years
Strongs:mark, miracle, ensign; a signal (literallyu or figuratively, as a flag, beacon, monument, omen prodigy, evidence etc.

Greek to English


let them be
Verb, Present Active Imperative 3rd Plural


Noun, Accusative Plural Neuter
Neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of G4591; an indication, especially ceremonially or supernaturally: - miracle, sign, token, wonder.

Considering that we have in the Mosaic covenant, the feasts and festivals and Sabbaths coinciding with months, and days of the month, and phases of the moon; And considering that we are told to not seek after signs and wonders but Christ, any of the following are a more accurate rendering that maintains consistency of teaching in the Scriptures as to the use of the translation "signs."

New International Version
And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,

New Living Translation
Then God said, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.

English Standard Version
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,

The signs of the light of the heavens are not revelation of events about to occur, but they are what mark our seasons and days and months. Is that not what they do and are doing and have always done?
Never said that the signs are to be used for telling of the future. Signs are markers of God's work with His chosen people - the Jews.
The Hebrew text is very clearly saying that the relationship between the earth, moon and sun (and that includes eclipses) are markers(signs) and to signal moedim (timing of the appointed feasts) and for the start of the day and the start of the year.

This is exactly why my profile name is "Eclipse Event Signs". It's because I'm the only one that has figured out exactly what the significance is of eclipses matching Jewish feast days and how God is using those to mark important events in the history of the Jewish people. And no, that has nothing to do with the "blood moons" false teaching.

And anyone can prove this for themselves. I put out all the sources, historical documents and math needed to show this in my videos.
We cannot know Christ after the rudiments of this world .He will come and go like a thief in the night
Typical misreading and total misunderstanding of the idiom of "thief in the night". Yes, Messiah will return like a thief in the night. But He won't be returning like that for those that are truly watching and know exactly when to expect Him.

[1Th 5:2, 4 LSB] 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. ... 4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief,

The parable of the 10 foolish virgins is a prophecy about our very modern time period.
Never said that the signs are to be used for telling of the future. Signs are markers of God's work with His chosen people - the Jews.
The Hebrew text is very clearly saying that the relationship between the earth, moon and sun (and that includes eclipses) are markers(signs) and to signal moedim (timing of the appointed feasts) and for the start of the day and the start of the year.

This is exactly why my profile name is "Eclipse Event Signs". It's because I'm the only one that has figured out exactly what the significance is of eclipses matching Jewish feast days and how God is using those to mark important events in the history of the Jewish people. And no, that has nothing to do with the "blood moons" false teaching.

And anyone can prove this for themselves. I put out all the sources, historical documents and math needed to show this in my videos.
Seasons, days, months. The creation account comes before there ever was an Israel and the lights in the sky mark the seasons, days, and months for everyone and always have since they were put there for that purpose. They are an integral part of the creation of time.

What is the significance of of eclipses matching Jewish feast days and what are the important events in the history of the Jewish people?

Just answer those questions in your own words and concisely. Not with links or charts. If you have figured it, and the only one who has to boot! that should be simple to do in very few words or a list even.
Seasons, days, months.

What is the significance of of eclipses matching Jewish feast days and what are the important events in the history of the Jewish people?

Just answer those questions in your own words and concisely. Not with links or charts. If you have figured it, and the only one who has to boot! that should be simple to do in very few words or a list even.
See the videos. It's all there in a presentation that is more clear than a forum post. I spend the many hundreds of hours of research and making videos to present it the way I WANT it presented. The least anyone can do is have the respect to watch it.
See the videos. It's all there in a presentation that is more clear than a forum post. I spend the many hundreds of hours of research and making videos to present it the way I WANT it presented. At least of the respect to watch it.
I do not want to sit and watch videos. I thought you said you had it figured out so just tell me. If you figured it out, what is the need for videos unless they are videos you made? Are they? I am not asking for an explanation. I am asking for what the significance is and what historical Jewish events.
Edit to post #9 @eclipseEventSigns

I see they are your videos, but I am not interested it that background. I just want the two questions answered that I asked in that post and the one before it.
I do not want to sit and watch videos. I thought you said you had it figured out so just tell me. If you figured it out, what is the need for videos unless they are videos you made? Are they? I am not asking for an explanation. I am asking for what the significance is and what historical Jewish events.
That's too bad for you. Yes, these videos are based on the research of the past 20 years. Based on my book. Videos freely available to those who are curious about the Eclipse Event Signs which God has given for anyone to see for themselves. I don't really care if you watch them or not. Doesn't make them any less accurate or true. I chose to share this information on this forum. Many others have watched them and have verified the information with all the sources, documents and information given in the videos.

The challenge has always been for 20 years now. Watch them. Investigate. Try to prove them wrong. No one has.
That's too bad for you. Yes, these videos are based on the research of the past 20 years. Based on my book. Videos freely available to those who are curious about the Eclipse Event Signs which God has given for anyone to see for themselves. I don't really care if you watch them or not. Doesn't make them any less accurate or true. I chose to share this information on this forum. Many others have watched them and have verified the information with all the sources, documents and information given in the videos.
I did not say they were not accurate or not true. I simply said I do not want to watch them and wade through a bunch of charts numbers and what not ( I am not a charts and numbers person) to get to simple questions answered that should be easy for you to answer. Rather than all eclipses, let me confine it to what should have been obvious given all the talk about this upcoming eclipse.

What does the eclipse of 2017 and the one coming on April 8 (it is the combination of the two that has people out of their minds with speculation) signify regarding historical Jewish events and its matching Jewish feast days?

P.S. I rarely read magazine articles for the simple fact that the title offers an answer to something, but one has to wade through trivialities and/or details, and prolog before finally getting to the point. If I really want to know the answer, I skip to the last paragraph, and if that makes me curious about the details, I will investigate further. This is not a sign of stupidity, it is not a character flaw, it does not decrease my value, it does not make me a lesser being. It is the way I am made and the way I am. Another thing to thank God for---no two people are exactly alike.
Simple answer. This upcoming eclipse has nothing to do with prophecy. Nothing.
It can be mathematically proven. And I have. It's all there for anyone to investigate for themselves.
Simple answer. This upcoming eclipse has nothing to do with prophecy. Nothing.
It can be mathematically proven. And I have. It's all there for anyone to investigate for themselves.
Not what I asked and not what I said.

Obviously I am not going to get an answer.
Not what I asked and not what I said.

Obviously I am not going to get an answer.
I answered your specific question : What does the eclipse of 2017 and the one coming on April 8 (it is the combination of the two that has people out of their minds with speculation) signify regarding historical Jewish events and its matching Jewish feast days?
I answered your specific question : What does the eclipse of 2017 and the one coming on April 8 (it is the combination of the two that has people out of their minds with speculation) signify regarding historical Jewish events and its matching Jewish feast days?
Your answer:
Simple answer. This upcoming eclipse has nothing to do with prophecy. Nothing.
It can be mathematically proven. And I have. It's all there for anyone to investigate for themselves.
Where does my question even mention prophecy? Where does it mention things that can be mathematically proven. And is case you have forgotten my questions were a result of this:
This is exactly why my profile name is "Eclipse Event Signs". It's because I'm the only one that has figured out exactly what the significance is of eclipses matching Jewish feast days and how God is using those to mark important events in the history of the Jewish people.
Your answer:

Where does my question even mention prophecy? Where does it mention things that can be mathematically proven. And is case you have forgotten my questions were a result of this:
Thanks for once again pointing out the obvious. Why are people "out of their minds" and "historical Jewish events" and "matching Jewish feast days"? It's because these all have to do with prophetic things. I gave you a very simple answer to your question - just like you asked for. That you don't appreciate the answer is not my problem.
Thanks for once again pointing out the obvious. Why are people "out of their minds" and "historical Jewish events" and "matching Jewish feast days"? It's because these all have to do with prophetic things. I gave you a very simple answer to your question - just like you asked for. That you don't appreciate the answer is not my problem.
You either do not understand the question or are pretending you don't.
Typical misreading and total misunderstanding of the idiom of "thief in the night". Yes, Messiah will return like a thief in the night. But He won't be returning like that for those that are truly watching and know exactly when to expect Him.

[1Th 5:2, 4 LSB] 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. ... 4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief,

The parable of the 10 foolish virgins is a prophecy about our very modern time period.
Know one knows when the last day will be . No needs to know.