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You May Take My Life, But You Will Never Take My Freedom


Staff member
May 27, 2023
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My husband is Scots/Irish, his family came to the United States as part of a migration from persecution or something I think, if I recall correctly.

Contending for the faith is definitely something I'm sure all Christians can hang with! In the end, that's what this life is about... Sharing Christ and living in His will.
My husband is Scots/Irish, his family came to the United States as part of a migration from persecution or something I think, if I recall correctly.

Contending for the faith is definitely something I'm sure all Christians can hang with! In the end, that's what this life is about... Sharing Christ and living in His will.
I will add this about "contending for the faith." It is a quote from Jude and the Greek word used there is a battle term depicting hand to hand combat. So to me it means not only preaching the gospel----which Jude had intended to do----but within the context to stand our ground in adhering to the doctrine (foundation laid) of the apostles that we have in our Bibles. Fight to keep it plumb, come against all heresies and wrong interpretation and uses. Take up our sword and shield. (Eph 6).

It is what the Reformers were doing and we still must do.