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Who am I?

Who am I? So, God created man in His own image. Gen 1:27.

Study of the scriptures will tell you not only who God is but who you are. The world and its philosophers are on a quest for identity. They ask the nagging question that lingers in the backs of our minds. "Who am I?" As the world searches for the answer in Darwinian theories and even in myths as outrageous as aliens playing a major role in man's formation and development, the Bible gives us the true and trustworthy answer to the question of man's identity.
God proclaimed in Genesis 1, "Let us make man in our image." We are not simply biological machines or products of alien influence, nor are we supreme beings dictating the beginning and the end of our existence; neither are we a kind of dualistic composition that much of the New Age movement claims, which says that our bodies are evil and our spirits are pure. No, we are creatures made in the image of our Creator.
Secular philosophies miss the truth about man because their understanding about God is in error. Our doctrine of God determines our doctrine of man. The Bible tells us that God is an all-powerful, omniscient, eternal being being who created the universe out of nothing. Therefore we are created, finite, and subject to His government. God is holy and righteous. He has established laws to govern His creation and has written His holy law on the tablets of our stony hearts. But mankind has rebelled, and instead of living righteous and holy lives, we live in bondage to sin. Contrary to the teaching of worldly philosophy, man is not autonomous. We function under God's rule and His direction. We are not islands unto ourselves, devising our own rules. When we deviate from God's way of doing things, we have committed treason against our Creator.
Despite the Darwinian legacy that infests our society, the bible teaches us that man is not a cosmic accident that evolved from the slime. He is a noble creature, fashioned in the image of God, but fallen because of sin. We are rational, emotional, and religious beings with a body and a soul. Because all men are created in the image of God, we are to treat one another with dignity and respect, not as simple biological curiosities that have no value, no meaning, and no ultimate purpose.

Where does man get his dignity, identity, standards, and sense of purpose in following the scenarios of man's existence:
1) evolution?
2) creation by some outside force other than God (although this might seem ridiculous, many people believe mankind descended from aliens)?
3) creation by the God of scripture?

Numbers 9-10
Mark 5:21-43

for further study:
Genesis 5:1-9 . 1 Cor 11:1-12 . James 3:1-12

R. C. Sproul
Who am I? So, God created man in His own image. Gen 1:27.

Study of the scriptures will tell you not only who God is but who you are. The world and its philosophers are on a quest for identity. They ask the nagging question that lingers in the backs of our minds. "Who am I?" As the world searches for the answer in Darwinian theories and even in myths as outrageous as aliens playing a major role in man's formation and development, the Bible gives us the true and trustworthy answer to the question of man's identity.
God proclaimed in Genesis 1, "Let us make man in our image." We are not simply biological machines or products of alien influence, nor are we supreme beings dictating the beginning and the end of our existence; neither are we a kind of dualistic composition that much of the New Age movement claims, which says that our bodies are evil and our spirits are pure. No, we are creatures made in the image of our Creator.
Secular philosophies miss the truth about man because their understanding about God is in error. Our doctrine of God determines our doctrine of man. The Bible tells us that God is an all-powerful, omniscient, eternal being being who created the universe out of nothing. Therefore we are created, finite, and subject to His government. God is holy and righteous. He has established laws to govern His creation and has written His holy law on the tablets of our stony hearts. But mankind has rebelled, and instead of living righteous and holy lives, we live in bondage to sin. Contrary to the teaching of worldly philosophy, man is not autonomous. We function under God's rule and His direction. We are not islands unto ourselves, devising our own rules. When we deviate from God's way of doing things, we have committed treason against our Creator.
Despite the Darwinian legacy that infests our society, the bible teaches us that man is not a cosmic accident that evolved from the slime. He is a noble creature, fashioned in the image of God, but fallen because of sin. We are rational, emotional, and religious beings with a body and a soul. Because all men are created in the image of God, we are to treat one another with dignity and respect, not as simple biological curiosities that have no value, no meaning, and no ultimate purpose.

Where does man get his dignity, identity, standards, and sense of purpose in following the scenarios of man's existence:
1) evolution?
2) creation by some outside force other than God (although this might seem ridiculous, many people believe mankind descended from aliens)?
3) creation by the God of scripture?

Numbers 9-10
Mark 5:21-43

for further study:
Genesis 5:1-9 . 1 Cor 11:1-12 . James 3:1-12

R. C. Sproul
1. HA!
2. Kicking the can a little further down the road.
3. Not to disagree with anything here, but what does "dignity" mean, in this context? Are we inherently worthy of respect from God? Or rather, love from one another as in, each considering others better than oneself? What we are is no more nor less than God's use of us and his assessment of us.
1. HA!
2. Kicking the can a little further down the road.
3. Not to disagree with anything here, but what does "dignity" mean, in this context? Are we inherently worthy of respect from God? Or rather, love from one another as in, each considering others better than oneself? What we are is no more nor less than God's use of us and his assessment of us.
I suppose it was Adam who called a certain creature a cow. Do you think cows have
babies made in their own image and likeness?
I suppose it was Adam who called a certain creature a cow. Do you think cows have
babies made in their own image and likeness?
Where are you going with this? Make your point.
Where are you going with this? Make your point.
Gen 5:3 - And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

Was Adam’s other kids begotten in Adam’s own image and likeness? Or just Seth.

I figure if man has children in his own image and likeness, it must be true for cows also.
Gen 5:3 - And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

Was Adam’s other kids begotten in Adam’s own image and likeness? Or just Seth.

I figure if man has children in his own image and likeness, it must be true for cows also.
I would think it is true for cows also. A cow gives birth to a cow, does it not? :unsure:
Who am I? So, God created man in His own image. Gen 1:27.

Study of the scriptures will tell you not only who God is but who you are. The world and its philosophers are on a quest for identity. They ask the nagging question that lingers in the backs of our minds. "Who am I?" As the world searches for the answer in Darwinian theories and even in myths as outrageous as aliens playing a major role in man's formation and development, the Bible gives us the true and trustworthy answer to the question of man's identity.
God proclaimed in Genesis 1, "Let us make man in our image." We are not simply biological machines or products of alien influence, nor are we supreme beings dictating the beginning and the end of our existence; neither are we a kind of dualistic composition that much of the New Age movement claims, which says that our bodies are evil and our spirits are pure. No, we are creatures made in the image of our Creator.
Secular philosophies miss the truth about man because their understanding about God is in error. Our doctrine of God determines our doctrine of man. The Bible tells us that God is an all-powerful, omniscient, eternal being being who created the universe out of nothing. Therefore we are created, finite, and subject to His government. God is holy and righteous. He has established laws to govern His creation and has written His holy law on the tablets of our stony hearts. But mankind has rebelled, and instead of living righteous and holy lives, we live in bondage to sin. Contrary to the teaching of worldly philosophy, man is not autonomous. We function under God's rule and His direction. We are not islands unto ourselves, devising our own rules. When we deviate from God's way of doing things, we have committed treason against our Creator.
Despite the Darwinian legacy that infests our society, the bible teaches us that man is not a cosmic accident that evolved from the slime. He is a noble creature, fashioned in the image of God, but fallen because of sin. We are rational, emotional, and religious beings with a body and a soul. Because all men are created in the image of God, we are to treat one another with dignity and respect, not as simple biological curiosities that have no value, no meaning, and no ultimate purpose.

Where does man get his dignity, identity, standards, and sense of purpose in following the scenarios of man's existence:
1) evolution?
2) creation by some outside force other than God (although this might seem ridiculous, many people believe mankind descended from aliens)?
3) creation by the God of scripture?

Numbers 9-10
Mark 5:21-43

for further study:
Genesis 5:1-9 . 1 Cor 11:1-12 . James 3:1-12

R. C. Sproul

Who is am I other than the I AM Almighty God . Not will be or was but the eternal one

An example of the I AM giving words to prophet apostle the preacher Jesus the Son of man.

Falling backward slain in the spirit is used to represent the judgment of Christ according to the tribe of Dan( Genesis 49:17)

John18:3-9 Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seek ye?
They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. Then asked he them again, Whom seek ye? And they said, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I have told you that I am he: if therefore ye seek me, let these go their way That the saying might be fulfilled, which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

The first I AM the power of death slain in the spirit ,The second I AM those let go, the power of new born again life