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What is the Mark of the Beast on the Forehead vs the Hand?

Got scripture for that?

Got scripture for that?

Got scripture for that?

Got scripture for that?

Got scripture for that?

"Is said..." Who says that, exactly? Is it scripture? If so, then please post the scripture stating, "the antichrist changes the times."

You are aware the book of Revelation NEVER uses the word "antichrist," yes?

You're also aware the book of Revelation forbids adding to what is stated therein, yes?

You're also aware Islam is a perverted religion that grew out of the descendants of Isamael, a people through whom God did NOT establish His covenant (Gen. 17:19-21), yes?

Where'd you get that list (what's the extra-biblical source?)?
Why expect anyone here to find it valid?
I take it you are Amillennial? This is viewed from a Pre-mill viewpoint. I could point out verses, but I am not wanting a debate on Amill vs Premill. You are allowed your opinion.
Read "The Islamic Antichrist" by Joel Richardson.
Then why did you bring them into the discussion as if they were synonymous or related?
I don't think I did .why would I?

There are no marks on folks' hands and foreheads prohibiting them from buying food today. None. Lots of speculation such a thing will happen in the future but it's all speculation.

HI thanks
No? Then are you saying we do need a man to teach us , and replace the work of the Holy Spirit ?

Signs to wonder after are not prophecy .It opposes it. Signs to wonder after rather than prophecy? I think the warning of the living word still applies.we need no man to teach us , we have the same teacher that Jesus the Son of man had .

John 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me

Signs to wonder after is what the faithless Pharisees with Sadducees sought after .Making Jesus into a circus seal. Work a miracle, perform a trick then when we see it with our own eyes we might possibly believe you tomorrow.

John 4:48 Then said Jesus unto him, Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.

John 6:30 They said therefore unto him, What sign shewest thou then, that we may see, and believe thee? what dost thou work?

Prophecy reveals the things of the future not lyings sign to wonder after. It is the only voice of the father of lies has in trying to make all things writen in the law and prophets without effect .

Matthew 12:39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation "seeketh after a sign"; and there shall "no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas"

That sign was fulfilled at the cross :

Can't serve prophecy and signs to wonder after.

The buying and selling I believe has to do with the gospel

Proverbs 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

Not after the dying things of this world as the kingdoms of this world, under the system of this world.The Lust of the flesh, things we can touch feel ,lust of the eye, the power to draw to the flesh the two building blocks of false pride,

That kind of work is accredited the god of this world Satan the king of lying sign to wonder after .

1 John 2:16For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world

Proverbs 6:25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.
I take it you are Amillennial? This is viewed from a Pre-mill viewpoint. I could point out verses, but I am not wanting a debate on Amill vs Premill. You are allowed your opinion.
Read "The Islamic Antichrist" by Joel Richardson.
I take it you don't have scriptures to support the claims made (and have difficulty staying on topic).

Have you got scriptures to prove the claims made in Post #34, or not? If so, then please post them. Take one claim at a time and make the case for that one claim before moving on to the next claim. If not, then just come right on out and say so. Then we can discuss the facts in evidence, whatever they may be.
AI, palm scanners, facial recognition, augmented reality and more: The dystopian future is NOW....(article)

from the article...
Take palm scanning, for instance. Paying for food and other items with a swipe of the hand rather than with cash or credit used to be a futuristic concept from the Book of Revelation. However, some stores are already using it, including Whole Foods Market and its parent company Amazon at its Amazon Fresh stores.

Another country announces it will require its citizens to accept biometric digital IDs (article)​

Another country, Nepal, has just announced it will submit to the global beast system and digitally mark all of its citizens starting at birth.
I don't think I did .why would I?

I searched the thread and the first person to mention the word "sign" was you (Post 11). That post states, "I would offer the mark is not the same as a sign they must be distinguished," and I would generally agree with that statement (there could be an overlap). That fact muddies the discussion because up until then no one had suggested a mark is a sign. That muddied water get even muddier in Post 14 because when asked "What was the sign?" your answer is, "Not a visible sign," implying it might be an invisible sign (even though a mark is not the same as a sign).... and then the post goes on to comment about signs when..... a mark is not the same as a sign!!! If that is true, then why bring it up at all?

Scripture, on the other hand, calls the phylacteries a sign. Scripture provides a basis for a mark also being a sign. That then proves even more problematic for your position because a mark isn't a sign, at least not a visible sign, so there's no need to bring "signs" into the discussion.... except for the fact scripture calls the phylacteries (worn on the hand and forehead) a sign.

Post 17, however, states, "Exodus, for a memorial not a sign to wonder after." So now the implication is that a mark might be a sign, but not a visible sign and not a sign to wonder after.... even though the hand and forehead are quite visible (which is the point of that placement). Post 19 goes on in the same vein.

I don't think I did.
You did. Demonstrably so. Why bring up something no one's talking about, defend it and split hairs about it and then deny doing so?
why would I?
Great question.

How about starting over and doing one of two things: 1) Reconsider your original premise or point and decide whether it's op-relevant and, if not, then state that so we can all leave that matter behind and move on answering the question, "What is the mark of the beast on the forehead versus the hand?" or 2) Re-collect your thoughts on the matter and articulate and clarify it better in an op relevant way because this op doesn't say anything about signs.

Is that fair?
HI thanks
No? Then are you saying we do need a man to teach us , and replace the work of the Holy Spirit ?

Was I not one who used scripture first and foremost to define the mark on the hand and forehead? Did I not also repudiate the practice of looking to secular sources? Have I once in this thread appealed to any extrabiblical source? What specifically is it, exactly, in my posts that would lead you to conclude we do need a man to teach us and replace the work of the Holy Spirit?
Here are some startling similarities between biblical prophecies of the last days and the Islamic prophecies of the same last days. These prophies seem like a mirror image of each other. Satan has made a counterfeit mirror image of the last days within Islam.
He has done that kind of deception from the beginning, replacing a invisible eternal things of Holy Spirit with with the most beautiful creature, . . . the lust of the eye as in why believe in a god not seen? no faith needed.

Acts 14:11-13 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people

The father of lies turning a work of Christ faith healing the man as a picture of the gospel They looked to the flesh, the temporal things And turned them into Roman gods in the likeness of men like the Greek gods.

Jupiter. . . . . King of the gods.Used to represent The true unseen King of kings our Lord

Mercury . . . . . the god of the merchants and of trading.Used to represent the priesthood as messenger sent with prophecy.

The counterfeit gods creating a image when one is forbidden . A image is not needed to believe in God not seen

Moses as God (Jupiter) and Aaron (Mercury) the priesthood the messenger of the false prophecy oral traditions of dying mankind.

.Exodus 7:1-3King James Version7 And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.

Many things reveal the spirit of opposition is a copycat, turning things upside down
was that me in post 9 who said bye?
Post 10.

As I said, plenty of opportunity to discuss this op was provided and the responses were obtuse.

No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No you didn't.
Yes, I did.
No you didn't.
Yes, I did.


If I use your posts to disprove the nonsense of a pre-trib rapture, AND how that premise is irreconcilable with Revelation 13 and 14's "mark," it's not because I am inviting you to discuss anything. The pre-trib rapture has nothing to do with the mark! Why the need to wreck @Hobie's op by broaching something irrelevant was felt is beyond reason. Post 4 is not just off-topic; it is wrong! How and why has been explained.

The pre-trib rapture has nothing to do with the mark!
No one ever said it did...it has to do with biblical prophecy.

The pre-trib rapture will occur before the mark is demanded of.

Rev. 3:10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.

What is the trial coming to the whole world? I'm saying it's the tribulation...time of Jacobs trouble....and the Christians will be raptured...kept from...the hour of trial.

It's in the bible.
I take it you don't have scriptures to support the claims made (and have difficulty staying on topic).

Have you got scriptures to prove the claims made in Post #34, or not? If so, then please post them. Take one claim at a time and make the case for that one claim before moving on to the next claim. If not, then just come right on out and say so. Then we can discuss the facts in evidence, whatever they may be.
For one, I can't be bothered debating with someone who is just out to argue with people. Saying stuff like "and have difficulty staying on topic" just shows the state of your thinking/heart.
There are verses. I have given you a book to educate yourself on the topic. It will tell you the verses. God bless