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What is the chief PURPOSE of elect and non-elect persons (from God's point of view)


Well Known Member
May 30, 2023
Reaction score
Chandler, TX
Reformed Baptist
Marital status
Married (one wife)
The purpose of men is ... ?
Glorify God.

And I do not say that simply or solely because that is a confessional statement, or something found in the WCF's catechism. I say it because God is glorified whether humans are saved and receive eternal life, or not. Because the Creator is not subject to the creature, He ultimately glorifies Himself regardless of human conduct (individually or collectively). Any god can make creature that do only what s/he/it makes them do. It's a much greater God that can create dynamic and interactive creatures in a dynamic and interactive creation and remain sovereignly omni-attributed over all of it. So, every person glorifies God. The only difference between those that do so one way versus those that do so another way is where they end up.