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What if. The attempt on Trump.


"Daughter of the King"
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Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life?​

July 14, 2024 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article

Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life?

Paul Craig Roberts

A number of independent security experts have noted egregious failures in the Secret Service’s protection of Trump’s venue. Perhaps most notable was the failure to include the nearby buildings in the security zone. Three possible explanations have been offered: incompetence, intent, and insufficient assigned resources.

Incompetence is a possibility. In all federal agencies including the military, ability and merit have been set aside in order to make race- and gender- based appointments.

Intentionally leaving voids in the security arrangements is a possibility given the ruling elite’s and the Democrats hostility toward and hate for Donald Trump. The CIA director called Trump a “traitor to America.” The FBI hates Trump and has been trying to destroy Trump and his supporters for the past 8 years. The Secret Service was complicit in the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, an indication that the Secret Service could be again roped into such a plot. The various calls for Trump’s assassination from Democrats and presstitutes such as CNN and their portrayal of Trump as a dictator could have succeeded in presenting Trump’s assassination as a good thing. Security experts point out that the FBI and CIA have long had the ability to lead an unthinking or unstable person into criminal action.

If the attempted assassination actually is the result of a plot, it indicates that the ruling elite do not expect the Democrats to win the presidential election. Otherwise, why take the risk of assassination?

It is an acknowledged fact that the anti-Trump Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has repeatedly refused requests from the Trump campaign for more security against possible incidents encouraged by the amount of hatred generated against Trump by the Democrats and presstitutes. It is also clear that Mayorkas is aligned with the immigrant-invaders against Trump and Trump’s supporters who want protection for America’s border.

Possibly there are other reasons Mayorkas might be out of sympathy with Trump and his supporters. Alejandro Mayorías was impeached by the House of Representatives for his refusal to protect the borders of the United States from illegal entry. He was protected from his impeachment by Senate Democrats. Possibly Alejandro’s history and that of his parents as underdogs fleeing oppression aligns him with immigrant-invaders against Trump. From Wikipedia: 
Alejandro Mayorkas was born in Cuba. His father is “a Cuban Jew of Sephardi (from the former Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey and Greece) and Ashkenazi (from Poland) background. . . His mother, Anita Gabor, was a Romanian Jew.”

From its inception the Biden regime has redefined America as a multicultural, multi-racial, multi-gendered, multi- sexual preference Tower of Babel in which the values and opinions of traditional citizens count for no more, if not less, than the values and opinions of the latest illegal to cross the border. Entire Democrat cities and states present themselves at sanctuaries for immigrant-invaders and supply them with housing, food, medical and educational services and pre-paid debit cards for cash. Democrat taxpayers in these blue zones actually have more empathy for immigrant-invaders than they have for traditional Americans. What this means is the destruction of the country’s unity. Without unity there is no common interest, which means that power will rest on force. Given this dynamic, political assassination can become commonplace. In a very real sense, America is ceasing to exist.

Perhaps that is what our elite fixated on the “Great Reset” want.
What this means is the destruction of the country’s unity. Without unity there is no common interest, which means that power will rest on force. Given this dynamic, political assassination can become commonplace. In a very real sense, America is ceasing to exist.

Perhaps that is what our elite fixated on the “Great Reset” want.
IMO, this is the best post you've ever written! :)
Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life?
Will be hard to prove unless it is found that the FBI specifically orchestrated the attempt with the shooter.

I don't think all the social media rhetoric of anyone saying Trump needs to be eliminated as a candidate for President could be used as "proof" even though the Left has used social media to spread that message.
Mainly because the shooter (or anyone) are responsible for their own actions no matter what others tell them and stop being sheep.
After all, both sides have used social media to diss the other side.

Three possible explanations have been offered: incompetence, intent, and insufficient assigned resources.
Or a combo.

Most difficult to prove.

The means of lowering standards to accommodate "diversity" was never a good idea and has hurt many organizations and businesses.
The "diversity" agenda needs to be revoked.

insufficient assigned resources
There does seem to be good indicators that insufficient resources were granted, but would that be enough to prove intent to assassinate?
Might it fall into the legal category of "negligence"?
I don't know.
Will be interesting to watch how this plays out per legalities.
Will be interesting to watch how this plays out per legalities.
I would be willing to bet that we will have not many concrete evidences os anything amiss for decades to come.

The boy had info on the Trump rally and also the DNC convention for Aug.

Was he planning to also take out Joe? Figuring if the Trump one failed he had the other option.

Hois parents had to have suspected something because they were looking for him that day. Even , as I heard, calling the police.
Seems off that they would be looking for a 20 years old who held a job....

They said he was smart and to go from being a terrible shot in high school to a crack shot after joining the gun club after graduation.

Did you see the size of that ladder that he supposedly bought at a local hardware store. When and how di he manage to get that into place?

He could not have managed it all by himself.....

According to this llink this is a 5 foot ladder.....

No idiot would believe that.

View attachment 837
NOW as to the secret service themselves.

They are saying they had the kid in sight at least 30 minutes before Trump took to the stage.

And just let him be?????

Why the f did they not tell Trump to not go on stage until they had a way to at minimum get the kid off that roof ?

Any red blooded person who every watched a Trump rally knows that he was overly famous for being late.... sometime an hour late.

I will go to my grave believing that someone gave a stand down order to the secret service... the snipers.... and that they were somehow complicit in allowing this to happen. Perhaps not in the planning but someone somewhere was not going to interfere.

The diredtor who is friends with Jill.... who said the sloping roof was to dangerous for her people to go onto .........:oops: ... did not stop the sharp shooters from being on the other roofs which were more sloped.

I want to write to that director and future ones and tell them if the roofs are dangerous for those guys.... hire some roofers and train them.

Negligence? I say willful negligence. A situation landed in their laps and just made it all too easy.

Can they be trusted to protect him now from the Iranian threats?
Did you see the size of that ladder that he supposedly bought at a local hardware store. When and how di he manage to get that into place?
I keep getting conflicting reports on the ladder (such as it is with tons of video floating around, all saying they have "new" information).
One report said he bought a ladder earlier that same day at his own local store, not at the rally city store.
And another report said the new ladder he bought was never found.
And another report says he used one of those air conditioning units to climb on and then hoisted himself onto the roof.
Frustrating trying to piece it all together.

NOW as to the secret service themselves.

They are saying they had the kid in sight at least 30 minutes before Trump took to the stage.

And just let him be?????

Why the f did they not tell Trump to not go on stage until they had a way to at minimum get the kid off that roof ?

Any red blooded person who every watched a Trump rally knows that he was overly famous for being late.... sometime an hour late.

I will go to my grave believing that someone gave a stand down order to the secret service... the snipers.... and that they were somehow complicit in allowing this to happen. Perhaps not in the planning but someone somewhere was not going to interfere.

The diredtor who is friends with Jill.... who said the sloping roof was to dangerous for her people to go onto .........:oops: ... did not stop the sharp shooters from being on the other roofs which were more sloped.

I want to write to that director and future ones and tell them if the roofs are dangerous for those guys.... hire some roofers and train them.

Negligence? I say willful negligence. A situation landed in their laps and just made it all too easy.

Can they be trusted to protect him now from the Iranian threats?
Both the SS and the local police are going to have a hard time convincing citizens they did a decent job for this rally.
I keep getting conflicting reports on the ladder (such as it is with tons of video floating around, all saying they have "new" information).
One report said he bought a ladder earlier that same day at his own local store, not at the rally city store.
And another report said the new ladder he bought was never found.
And another report says he used one of those air conditioning units to climb on and then hoisted himself onto the roof.
Frustrating trying to piece it all together.

Both the SS and the local police are going to have a hard time convincing citizens they did a decent job for this rally.
Yeah.. the ladder.

They show it on the side in that pic but then say he crawled up over the air conditioner??? And not more mention of the ladder.

The cop who went up on the roof was boosted up by a second cop.....
Great question came up yesterday. If the SS knew for 4-minutes there was an armed threat, why did they let Trump go on stage?
Great question came up yesterday. If the SS knew for 4-minutes there was an armed threat, why did they let Trump go on stage?
Complicit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... ?.... Possibly . More likely I think incompetent stupidity.

The female head of security said they could not be on the roof because it was sloped and would be dangerous..

Well. how about being on the ground ... one at every corner of the building to monitor any activity near the outside of the building?

Oh, I forgot... they pulled some of the detail to go protect Jill in Pittsburgh that same day. So they were short handed. Even with ongoing Iranian threats against Trump and other GOP.

A woman who Trump towered over was body protecting him. .. leaving his upper chest and head visible.

A woman who had trouble holstering her gun... seemingly not familiar enough with her weapon.

Great question came up yesterday. If the SS knew for 4-minutes there was an armed threat, why did they let Trump go on stage?
Considering this was a planned out deep stage elimination process of Trump....why not? The deep state was the "armned thread"

Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life?​

Whether it was the corrupt portion of the deep state controlled FBI, CIA or whatever 3 letter organization....it was an inside the goverment job to eliminate Trump.

The question is....will they stop trying?

Will they blame it on Iran?
Presuming a fact not in evidence.
When one dives into this deep state plot....there are a whole bunch of coincidences. Several have been identified.

There's a point when you have so many 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 in a row coincidence can be ruled out.
There's a point when you have so many🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆 in a row coincidence can be ruled out.
I admit it is suspicious. Suspicion is not fact. That's all I'm saying.

In our DEI (PERVSION OF EQUALITY) culture, the benefit of the doubt should be given to people indoctrinated to not recognize evil when they see it. Evil, by the way, is not equal to good. So, they have a philosophical problem right off the competence bat.

Imagine if they over-reacted? The killed this guy and he turned out to a harmless, lovable LGBTQ+? Imagine they converge on Trump on stage and make fools of themselves? Imagine if they fired and there was collateral damage?
Complicit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... ?.... Possibly . More likely I think incompetent stupidity.

The female head of security said they could not be on the roof because it was sloped and would be dangerous..

Well. how about being on the ground ... one at every corner of the building to monitor any activity near the outside of the building?

Oh, I forgot... they pulled some of the detail to go protect Jill in Pittsburgh that same day. So they were short handed. Even with ongoing Iranian threats against Trump and other GOP.

A woman who Trump towered over was body protecting him. .. leaving his upper chest and head visible.

A woman who had trouble holstering her gun... seemingly not familiar enough with her weapon.

Stumbling and bumbling over their own feet and each other and then the woman saying "What are we doing?" when they finally did get to him.
I admit it is suspicious. Suspicion is not fact. That's all I'm saying.

In our DEI (PERVSION OF EQUALITY) culture, the benefit of the doubt should be given to people indoctrinated to not recognize evil when they see it. Evil, by the way, is not equal to good. So, they have a philosophical problem right off the competence bat.

Imagine if they over-reacted? The killed this guy and he turned out to a harmless, lovable LGBTQ+? Imagine they converge on Trump on stage and make fools of themselves? Imagine if they fired and there was collateral damage?
Imagine that the rifle he had was actually a broom.

Had they kept Trump back the shooter would not have fired..YET... and there would be every reason to believ the secret service could have contained and arrested him.

Instead... they let him shoot then took him out. Who did that??? Sharp shooters on two other roofs. IF they really were sharp shooters and held Trump back they could have had their sights on the shooter while local cops went up and got him.

BTW... just announced

Crooks had 3 encrypted overseas accounts on his cell that came from his home (I assume)

I hope quantico has the resources to break the encryption.

He could have been working for even the Iranians.... which would be brilliant on a foreign part to select someone that by appearances looked like a 98 lb weakling without the apparently brains to do such a deed.

His parents knew or had to. They went looking for this 20 year old on the 13th. It is said they even called the police.
Decades ago I realized the proper line to draw from all such analysis is indictments. I'll get excited when there are indictments. And I do believe there should be indictments in this case whether it is incompetence or complicit.

If the field agents are complicit, obviously indict. Beyond that, their superiors had a fiduciary responsibility to not allow agents in the field until they were competent. Making this case of complicit is more difficult and the SC just ruled on immunity. <sigh>

A woman who Trump towered over was body protecting him
And not just that, making herself small, bending down. Compare that to the men, making themselves big. This is how the fireman died. One SS agent even extended his arm between him and another agent, so a shooter would hit his arm rather than his charge.

Honestly, this highlights the instinctual difference between men and women. Women should not be hired to protect as this case shows their instinct is to be protected. You know what? That is not hateful. Just reality. Women are better at men at certain things and they should do what God designed them to do and let men do what God designed men to do.

Ever wonder why they call the Original Sin synonumous with Adam's Sin? Can you imagine a scenario where a man does something 1st, then the woman does it 2nd, and they call it the fault of the woman? Eve ate the forbidden fruit. This was the 1st sin of commision but not the 1st sin. The 1st sin was the sin of omission. Adam was right there, aware that Eve was being seduced by the serpent to betray God. His sin was not protecting her from the temptation.
BTW... just announced

Crooks had 3 encrypted overseas accounts on his cell that came from his home (I assume)

I hope quantico has the resources to break the encryption.
Not resources but will. The federal government is corrupt. Hard to determine which alphabet agency is the most corrupt but the FBI is near the top. I would not be surprised to learn someone in quantico gave the would be assassin the encrypted accounts.
Imagine that the rifle he had was actually a broom.

Had they kept Trump back the shooter would not have fired..YET... and there would be every reason to believ the secret service could have contained and arrested him.

Instead... they let him shoot then took him out. Who did that??? Sharp shooters on two other roofs. IF they really were sharp shooters and held Trump back they could have had their sights on the shooter while local cops went up and got him.

BTW... just announced

Crooks had 3 encrypted overseas accounts on his cell that came from his home (I assume)

I hope quantico has the resources to break the encryption.

He could have been working for even the Iranians.... which would be brilliant on a foreign part to select someone that by appearances looked like a 98 lb weakling without the apparently brains to do such a deed.

His parents knew or had to. They went looking for this 20 year old on the 13th. It is said they even called the police.
I'm sure there's a twist of MK Ultra in there somewhere.
There was a drone at Butler rally.

It was operated by the shooter

Came out in the interview between Laura Ingraham and Marsha Blackburn
Did We Just Witness the FBI’s Attempt on Trump’s Life?
Let's see:

Your JOB is to protect the speakers at the rally.

There's an UNKNOWN MAN on a Rooftop in sight range of the stage.

He's got a Gun.


You do nothing about it, and allow Trump to get on the stage in rifle range anyway.

DO you see anything wrong with this picture?????