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Understanding Prophecy, the Day-Year Principle (the Prophetic Year)


Aug 5, 2023
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The day-year principle, year-day principle or year-for-a-day principle is what we see in scripture to unveil the interpretation of Bible prophecy in which the word day in prophecy is considered to be symbolic of a year of actual time. In Biblical eschatology a 'Prophetic Year' is a time different than from an ordinary year, as it was referred to as a 'day' when it actually was a year. We see it in Scripture:

1. Numbers 14:34. The Israelites will wander for 40 years in the wilderness, one year for every day spent by the spies in Canaan.

2. Ezekiel 4:5-6. The prophet Ezekiel is commanded to lie on his left side for 390 days, followed by his right side for 40 days, to symbolize the equivalent number of years of punishment on Israel and Judah.

3. Daniel 9:24-27. This is known as the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks. Bible scholars understand the passage to refer to 70 "sevens" or "septets" of years—that is, a total of 490 years.

We also see its use in the 360-year period of "time" composed of 360-day "years". So why is it not a year equal to 365 days as we hold today? Well in ancient times the year was held to be at 360 days. The fact that the prophets understood a year as 360 days is well attested, and can be seen in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as seen in the use of "time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), "1,260 days" and "42 months". These references represent a period of 1260 years (based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5). Divide 1,260 days by 42 months and you will get a 30-day month, as 12 months of 30 days equals 360-days in a year

These time periods occur eight times in scripture:
Daniel 7:25, "time, times and a half".
Daniel 9:27, "half one set of seven".
Daniel 12:7, "time, times and a half".
Revelation 11:2, "42 months".
Revelation 11:3, "1260 days".
Revelation 12:6, "1260 days".
Revelation 12:14, "time, times and a half".
Revelation 13:5, "42 months".

We can see how it relates in the following Bible verses referring to the period translated, "time".

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Daniel 7:25

And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. Daniel 12:7

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. Revelation 12:14

So its clear, the "time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), "1,260 days" and "42 months" mentioned in Daniel and Revelation represent a period of 1260 years (based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5).

The fact that a day can signify a year is important in the study of Bible Prophecy. This view was recognized by the Jews as seen in Daniel 9:24-27, and as seen in Jesus' use of the day-year principle in Luke 13 verses 31-33, and in the early church. The Reformers and many others, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, John Wycliffe, John Knox, William Tyndale, Phillip Melanchthon, Sir Isaac Newton, Jan Huss, John Foxe, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney, C. H. Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, E. B. Elliot, H. Grattan Guinness, and Bishop Thomas Newton understood this to name just a few, and here is a good outline. https://www.perspectivedigest.org/archive/18-4/in-defense-of-the-year-day-principle
Now we can easily see Christ use of the day-year principle in Luke 13 verses 31-33.

Luke 13:31-33 King James Version (KJV)

31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee.32 And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures to day and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.

This is after John the Baptist is arrested and the Pharisees are saying "Herod will kill Thee". In other words, you’d better get out of here, you’re next. Jesus replies in verse 32, "Go tell that fox, behold I cast out devils and I do cures, today, tomorrow, and the third day I will be perfected." John died near the start of Jesus’ ministry of three years, so the "to day, and to morrow, and the day following" is shown by Christ as the time of His ministry, three years.

Now lets look at the prophecy in Daniel 9, in which seventy literal weeks would not be enough time to accomplish all the things mentioned as having to transpire within the scope of Daniel's "seventy-weeks" vision. Student of historicism and Bible scholars for this reason view the seventy weeks of Daniel as symbolic years. Here are the verses:

Daniel 9:24-27
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

The 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9 in verse 24, clearly establishes this principle related to prophetic time. Its plain to see that the 70 weeks are not literally 70 weeks, but rather 70 weeks of years, or 490 years.
History points the date of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, and scripture tells us.

Ezra 7:11-21
11 Now this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest, the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the Lord, and of his statutes to Israel.
12 Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect peace, and at such a time.
13 I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee.
14 Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his seven counsellors, to enquire concerning Judah and Jerusalem, according to the law of thy God which is in thine hand;
15 And to carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered unto the God of Israel, whose habitation is in Jerusalem,
16 And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem:
17 That thou mayest buy speedily with this money bullocks, rams, lambs, with their meat offerings and their drink offerings, and offer them upon the altar of the house of your God which is in Jerusalem.
18 And whatsoever shall seem good to thee, and to thy brethren, to do with the rest of the silver and the gold, that do after the will of your God.
19 The vessels also that are given thee for the service of the house of thy God, those deliver thou before the God of Jerusalem.
20 And whatsoever more shall be needful for the house of thy God, which thou shalt have occasion to bestow, bestow it out of the king's treasure house.
21 And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that whatsoever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, shall require of you, it be done speedily,

"The third “decree” in Ezra is that of Artaxerxes in Ezra 7:11-28. This is a decree to actually rebuild the city. The decree comes from the seventh year of Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:8). This is somewhere around 458 BC from what we know of Artaxerxes’ reign from outside sources. This decree actually resulted in the rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah."

So this timeline of Daniel 9 presents the 490 years as an uninterrupted period with the beginning of the 70 weeks "from the time the word goes out to rebuild and restore Jerusalem," of Daniel 9:25 with the decree by Artaxerxes I in 458/7 BCE which provided money for rebuilding the temple and Jerusalem and allowed for restoration of a Jewish administration. It ends 3½ years after the crucifixion, and has the appearance of "Messiah the Prince" at the end of the 69 weeks (483 years) which is aligned with Jesus' baptism in 27 CE, in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar.

The 'cutting off' of the "anointed one" refers to the crucifixion 3½ years after the end of the 483 years, bringing "atonement for iniquity" and "everlasting righteousness". Jesus is said to 'confirm' the "covenant" between God and mankind by his death on the cross "in the midst of" the last seven years. At the moment of his death the thick curtain between the Holy and Most Holy Places in the Temple ripped from top to bottom, marking the end of the Temple's sacrificial system. The last week ends 3½ years after the crucifixion in 34 CE, when the gospel was redirected from only the Jews to all peoples.

So it shows how a prophetic day represents a literal year, with the 70 weeks of Daniel, broken down to number of days (70 x 7) or 490 days, which then equate to a literal 490 years of the prophecy.
So if we look at what it shows us in scripture, it shows a straight path through history to the End Times. We see the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome as prophecy shows actual events to occur throughout the history of Christianity from the time of Daniel until Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. If one looks, one will find that this was the viewpoint of almost all Protestant Reformers and their churches from the Reformation into our era, but then something changed, something came in that blinded and distorted what had been plain.

Satan as always the adversary, had his followers bring in seeds of doubt which wiped away the understanding, bringing in false ideas that biblical prophecies concerning the Last Days refer to events which took place in the first century after Christ's birth so thus nothing applies to the true history that prophecy shows. Another seed of doubt is brought in by those who say all or most of the prophecy the Bible gives us is in the future, shortly before the Second Coming, so we have nothing which we can apply it to so can ignore what it shows, and all the truth of history notwithstanding.

If one follows what history gives us, suddenly the events line up, Alexander the Great is shown just when he appears in the flow of events given in prophecy, the Roman Empire comes right after, just as prophecy gave all the way to the Last Days. So why have so many Christians even among the churchs of the Reformers given up what they once held. What have they given it up for, can it be doctrines of demons and ideas from the adversary, can that be.

Well lets look, history shows us that the 1260 days in Biblical prophecy match up and are the 1260 years in which the Roman Catholic Church did in fact "war against the saints". It was one of the major reason for the Protestant Reformation. These 1260 years ended in 1798. The Protestants Reformers and theologians understood and saw that the Catholic Church, from 538 AD to 1798 AD was in fact the antichrist power that Daniel prophesized about. Daniel said that that the saints would be given to his hand for "a time and times and half a time". A time represents a year in the Hebrew 360-day year. So 3 1/2 times is 3 1/2 years. This equals 42 months based on the biblical 30-day month--or 1,260 days. In Thessalonians 2 Paul told us when the 1260 years would begin. It was when the "restrainer" was removed.

So who was the restrainer of this antichrist? Nearly all early church fathers and early Protestant theologians agree that the restrainer was not the Jews at the fall of Jerusalem or a King or the "Holy Spirit" as some try to say. The restrainer that had to be removed before the arrival of that antichrist power was the Roman Empire.

Why this prophesy of Daniel is so important is that it happened exactly as prophesized. The Roman Empire began to disintegrate in the late 4th and early 5th century as invasions overwhelmed the capacity of the Empire to govern and mount a coordinated defense and the Roman Caesar "restrainer" was being removed. The 1260 year period when the antichrist power would preside over the dark ages, with its persecution and inquisitions, etc began a little later in 538 AD after the Roman Empire and the Caesars ruling at Rome had collapsed to allow another power to come in and the eastern empire ruler Emperor Justinian issued his famous decree that made the Pope the legal "Head of all the Holy Churches". This began the prophesized reign of that antichrist with its false rites, sacrament's, and system of worship. Add 1260 years to 538 AD and we come out to 1798 AD, when this evil system ended.

So what does the plain of history shows us in 1798 AD? Napoleon's army under General Berthier entered Rome with his French troops and took down this antichrist power. The Papacy was abolished, the pontifical ring was removed, and the sitting Pope, Pope Pius VI was sent to France, where he died in exile. The Biblical prophecy happened just as given, but many try to hide the truth of the matter or say the Day/Year Principle is not applicable, and yet it fits as said in a trial, 'like a glove'. Look under the surface and see what it shows.. https://secretsunsealed.org/content/PDF_downloads/20-Reasons-To-Apply-The-Year-Day-Principle.pdf
So if we look at what it shows us in scripture, it shows a straight path through history to the End Times. We see the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome as prophecy shows actual events to occur throughout the history of Christianity from the time of Daniel until Last Days and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. If one looks, one will find that this was the viewpoint of almost all Protestant Reformers and their churches from the Reformation into our era, but then something changed, something came in that blinded and distorted what had been plain.

Satan as always the adversary, had his followers bring in seeds of doubt which wiped away the understanding, bringing in false ideas that biblical prophecies concerning the Last Days refer to events which took place in the first century after Christ's birth so thus nothing applies to the true history that prophecy shows. Another seed of doubt is brought in by those who say all or most of the prophecy the Bible gives us is in the future, shortly before the Second Coming, so we have nothing which we can apply it to so can ignore what it shows, and all the truth of history notwithstanding.

If one follows what history gives us, suddenly the events line up, Alexander the Great is shown just when he appears in the flow of events given in prophecy, the Roman Empire comes right after, just as prophecy gave all the way to the Last Days. So why have so many Christians even among the churchs of the Reformers given up what they once held. What have they given it up for, can it be doctrines of demons and ideas from the adversary, can that be.

Well lets look, history shows us that the 1260 days in Biblical prophecy match up and are the 1260 years in which the Roman Catholic Church did in fact "war against the saints". It was one of the major reason for the Protestant Reformation. These 1260 years ended in 1798. The Protestants Reformers and theologians understood and saw that the Catholic Church, from 538 AD to 1798 AD was in fact the antichrist power that Daniel prophesized about. Daniel said that that the saints would be given to his hand for "a time and times and half a time". A time represents a year in the Hebrew 360-day year. So 3 1/2 times is 3 1/2 years. This equals 42 months based on the biblical 30-day month--or 1,260 days. In Thessalonians 2 Paul told us when the 1260 years would begin. It was when the "restrainer" was removed.

So who was the restrainer of this antichrist? Nearly all early church fathers and early Protestant theologians agree that the restrainer was not the Jews at the fall of Jerusalem or a King or the "Holy Spirit" as some try to say. The restrainer that had to be removed before the arrival of that antichrist power was the Roman Empire.

Why this prophesy of Daniel is so important is that it happened exactly as prophesized. The Roman Empire began to disintegrate in the late 4th and early 5th century as invasions overwhelmed the capacity of the Empire to govern and mount a coordinated defense and the Roman Caesar "restrainer" was being removed. The 1260 year period when the antichrist power would preside over the dark ages, with its persecution and inquisitions, etc began a little later in 538 AD after the Roman Empire and the Caesars ruling at Rome had collapsed to allow another power to come in and the eastern empire ruler Emperor Justinian issued his famous decree that made the Pope the legal "Head of all the Holy Churches". This began the prophesized reign of that antichrist with its false rites, sacrament's, and system of worship. Add 1260 years to 538 AD and we come out to 1798 AD, when this evil system ended.

So what does the plain of history shows us in 1798 AD? Napoleon's army under General Berthier entered Rome with his French troops and took down this antichrist power. The Papacy was abolished, the pontifical ring was removed, and the sitting Pope, Pope Pius VI was sent to France, where he died in exile. The Biblical prophecy happened just as given, but many try to hide the truth of the matter or say the Day/Year Principle is not applicable, and yet it fits as said in a trial, 'like a glove'. Look under the surface and see what it shows.. https://secretsunsealed.org/content/PDF_downloads/20-Reasons-To-Apply-The-Year-Day-Principle.pdf

Jesus own reference to Dan 9 will not take you very directly to a 2nd coming in judgement. That's the only place in the NT that directly references Dan 9.
Jesus own reference to Dan 9 will not take you very directly to a 2nd coming in judgement. That's the only place in the NT that directly references Dan 9.
The 70 weeks which in prophetic time is 490 years, points to the coming of Christ the first time, not His second coming. The 70 week prophecy, is the greatest proof of Jesus as the Messiah, is found in these verses in Daniel 9. They predict the time of the Messiah's anointing, and what He would do, putting the time of the Messiah beyond doubt. The prophecy points right to Christ.

Daniel 9:24 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."

“Thy people” were God’s chosen people Israel. Seventy weeks resolves into 490 days. Applying the day-year principle, 490 days become 490 years.

The 490 years were appointed to the Jewish nation for these six reasons found in Daniel 9:24:
1. to finish the transgression
2. to make an end of sins
3. to make reconciliation for iniquity
4. to bring in everlasting righteousness
5. to seal up vision and prophecy
6. to anoint the most Holy

These six issues could only be fulfilled in and through the Messiah, as who else could make reconciliation for iniquity or bring in everlasting righteousness and Jesus fulfills the prophecy

Daniel 9:25-27 "25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

So it was to begin at the command that effected the restoration of Jerusalem. This command went forth under King Artaxerxes in the year 457 BC
Ezra 7:13
"I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee."

From this starting point, we can determine all the other time markers of the prophecy. Seven weeks were allotted for the restoration of Jerusalem. And right on time, true to the prophecy, Jerusalem was rebuilt 49 years after 457 BC, which was 408 BC.

Seven weeks (49 day-years) for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and another threescore and two weeks (62 weeks or 434 day-years) brings us to "the Messiah the Prince." Beginning in 457 BC and applying the day-year principle, we can determine the passing of 483 years from 457 BC which brings us to 27 AD, and remember, you have to allow for the conversion from BC to AD being one extra year.

In 27 AD, Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit on the occasion of His baptism which marked the beginning of His ministry. This baptism marked the event in Daniel’s prophecy “unto the Messiah the Prince.” When Christ proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled”, He was referring to this part of the prophecy. And the end of the prophecy is 34 AD, or 7 day-years after the baptism:

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease .

Christ would confirm the covenant made with Israel for one prophetic week (7 years), but oblation (offerings) would cease in the middle of the week (3 ½ years after 27 AD). This mid-point brings us to 31 AD, or the year Christ was crucified. It was at His death that he put an end to the system of offerings practiced by Israel and all these ceremonial laws and system were fulfilled and nailed to the cross.
The 70 weeks which in prophetic time is 490 years, points to the coming of Christ the first time, not His second coming. The 70 week prophecy, is the greatest proof of Jesus as the Messiah, is found in these verses in Daniel 9. They predict the time of the Messiah's anointing, and what He would do, putting the time of the Messiah beyond doubt. The prophecy points right to Christ.

Daniel 9:24 "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."

“Thy people” were God’s chosen people Israel. Seventy weeks resolves into 490 days. Applying the day-year principle, 490 days become 490 years.

The 490 years were appointed to the Jewish nation for these six reasons found in Daniel 9:24:
1. to finish the transgression
2. to make an end of sins
3. to make reconciliation for iniquity
4. to bring in everlasting righteousness
5. to seal up vision and prophecy
6. to anoint the most Holy

These six issues could only be fulfilled in and through the Messiah, as who else could make reconciliation for iniquity or bring in everlasting righteousness and Jesus fulfills the prophecy

Daniel 9:25-27 "25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

So it was to begin at the command that effected the restoration of Jerusalem. This command went forth under King Artaxerxes in the year 457 BC
Ezra 7:13
"I make a decree, that all they of the people of Israel, and of his priests and Levites, in my realm, which are minded of their own freewill to go up to Jerusalem, go with thee."

From this starting point, we can determine all the other time markers of the prophecy. Seven weeks were allotted for the restoration of Jerusalem. And right on time, true to the prophecy, Jerusalem was rebuilt 49 years after 457 BC, which was 408 BC.

Seven weeks (49 day-years) for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and another threescore and two weeks (62 weeks or 434 day-years) brings us to "the Messiah the Prince." Beginning in 457 BC and applying the day-year principle, we can determine the passing of 483 years from 457 BC which brings us to 27 AD, and remember, you have to allow for the conversion from BC to AD being one extra year.

In 27 AD, Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit on the occasion of His baptism which marked the beginning of His ministry. This baptism marked the event in Daniel’s prophecy “unto the Messiah the Prince.” When Christ proclaimed, “The time is fulfilled”, He was referring to this part of the prophecy. And the end of the prophecy is 34 AD, or 7 day-years after the baptism:

Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease .

Christ would confirm the covenant made with Israel for one prophetic week (7 years), but oblation (offerings) would cease in the middle of the week (3 ½ years after 27 AD). This mid-point brings us to 31 AD, or the year Christ was crucified. It was at His death that he put an end to the system of offerings practiced by Israel and all these ceremonial laws and system were fulfilled and nailed to the cross.

Yep it's really only v27 where people get sidetracked, the ID of 'one who brings desolation.'
Notice that Daniel is referring to another prophet and reflects Daniels understanding as unveiled to him...

Daniel 9:2
In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

Thus the Bible shows Gods truth and especially when it comes to prophecy through not just one person, so if you read and understand, it strengthens your faith.
Jesus own reference to Dan 9 will not take you very directly to a 2nd coming in judgement. That's the only place in the NT that directly references Dan 9.
Christ constantly was referencing the OT and the prophets and the events they pointed to.
The day-year principle, year-day principle or year-for-a-day principle is what we see in scripture to unveil the interpretation of Bible prophecy in which the word day in prophecy is considered to be symbolic of a year of actual time. In Biblical eschatology a 'Prophetic Year' is a time different than from an ordinary year, as it was referred to as a 'day' when it actually was a year. We see it in Scripture:

1. Numbers 14:34. The Israelites will wander for 40 years in the wilderness, one year for every day spent by the spies in Canaan.

2. Ezekiel 4:5-6. The prophet Ezekiel is commanded to lie on his left side for 390 days, followed by his right side for 40 days, to symbolize the equivalent number of years of punishment on Israel and Judah.

3. Daniel 9:24-27. This is known as the Prophecy of Seventy Weeks. Bible scholars understand the passage to refer to 70 "sevens" or "septets" of years—that is, a total of 490 years.

We also see its use in the 360-year period of "time" composed of 360-day "years". So why is it not a year equal to 365 days as we hold today? Well in ancient times the year was held to be at 360 days. The fact that the prophets understood a year as 360 days is well attested, and can be seen in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation as seen in the use of "time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), "1,260 days" and "42 months". These references represent a period of 1260 years (based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5). Divide 1,260 days by 42 months and you will get a 30-day month, as 12 months of 30 days equals 360-days in a year

These time periods occur eight times in scripture:
Daniel 7:25, "time, times and a half".
Daniel 9:27, "half one set of seven".
Daniel 12:7, "time, times and a half".
Revelation 11:2, "42 months".
Revelation 11:3, "1260 days".
Revelation 12:6, "1260 days".
Revelation 12:14, "time, times and a half".
Revelation 13:5, "42 months".

We can see how it relates in the following Bible verses referring to the period translated, "time".

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Daniel 7:25

And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. Daniel 12:7

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. Revelation 12:14

So its clear, the "time, times and half a time" (i.e. 1+2+0.5=3.5), "1,260 days" and "42 months" mentioned in Daniel and Revelation represent a period of 1260 years (based on the 360 day Jewish year multiplied by 3.5).

The fact that a day can signify a year is important in the study of Bible Prophecy. This view was recognized by the Jews as seen in Daniel 9:24-27, and as seen in Jesus' use of the day-year principle in Luke 13 verses 31-33, and in the early church. The Reformers and many others, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, John Wycliffe, John Knox, William Tyndale, Phillip Melanchthon, Sir Isaac Newton, Jan Huss, John Foxe, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Charles Finney, C. H. Spurgeon, Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Albert Barnes, E. B. Elliot, H. Grattan Guinness, and Bishop Thomas Newton understood this to name just a few, and here is a good outline. https://www.perspectivedigest.org/archive/18-4/in-defense-of-the-year-day-principle
There are some who say for each day of creation God allotted 1,000 years of earth history.
When one looks at Ushers linage we can come to a conclusion the earth was created about 6,000 years ago...with 1,000 years remaining...which will be the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

The Gospel of Barnabus..though it is X-tra biblical has this to say.

15:3 He speaketh, too, of the sabbath in the
beginning of the creation: And God made in six days
the works of his hands, and finished them on the
seventh day, and rested in it and sanctified it.
15:4 Consider, my children, what signify the words,
He finished them in six days. They mean this: that in
six thousand years the Lord will make an end of all
things, for a day is with him as a thousand years. And
he himself beareth witness unto me, saying: Behold
this day a day shall be as a thousand years.
Therefore, my children, in six days, that is in six
thousand years, shall all things be brought to an end.
Christ constantly was referencing the OT and the prophets and the events they pointed to.

Yes, I have mastered them all. I mean I spent 2 years just on that, using the list of 2500 quotes and allusions at the back of the UBS Greek text as a reference.

What I am saying here is that "prophecy experts" ignore what these mean, yet major on the ones that the apostles did not quote. There is just the one use of Dan 9 and it is about the 1st century dilemma. (There is allusion of course to everlasting righteousness, and taking away sins, etc, v24, but not as a quote).
There are some who say for each day of creation God allotted 1,000 years of earth history.
When one looks at Ushers linage we can come to a conclusion the earth was created about 6,000 years ago...with 1,000 years remaining...which will be the 1,000 year reign of Christ.

The Gospel of Barnabus..though it is X-tra biblical has this to say.

15:3 He speaketh, too, of the sabbath in the
beginning of the creation: And God made in six days
the works of his hands, and finished them on the
seventh day, and rested in it and sanctified it.
15:4 Consider, my children, what signify the words,
He finished them in six days. They mean this: that in
six thousand years the Lord will make an end of all
things, for a day is with him as a thousand years. And
he himself beareth witness unto me, saying: Behold
this day a day shall be as a thousand years.
Therefore, my children, in six days, that is in six
thousand years, shall all things be brought to an end.
I would caution any time setting as that has shown itself to be a treacherous path to say the least...
I would caution any time setting as that has shown itself to be a treacherous path to say the least...
I too would caution about date setting. Keep in mind as christians we should be able to know the season.....and if you follow what's happening the world currently appears to be in the season.

As to my post 10...I was simply providing information. Take it for what it's worth.
If Bishop Ushers used a LXX translation he would have gotten a slightly older creation.
I would caution any time setting as that has shown itself to be a treacherous path to say the least...
God provided exact numbers of days in various prophecies. That means it IS possible to know exactly when events take place. People figured out the 70 Weeks during Messiah's first coming. It can and has been done for His second. But there are a LOT of people who have and still do get it wrong.
God provided exact numbers of days in various prophecies. That means it IS possible to know exactly when events take place. People figured out the 70 Weeks during Messiah's first coming. It can and has been done for His second. But there are a LOT of people who have and still do get it wrong.

It wasn't that exact for the first coming. But the concept of the generation came into play and Dan 9's final lines made sense.

It should not be done for the 2nd coming in specifics; it is enough to know what the ordinary-language passages (not the difficult symbolism of the Rev) say: Rom 2, I Cor 15, Heb 9, Acts 17. There were specifics for the 1st cent believers living in Judea because of the need to escape; Mt 24A (before v29), etc.
It wasn't that exact for the first coming. But the concept of the generation came into play and Dan 9's final lines made sense.

It should not be done for the 2nd coming in specifics; it is enough to know what the ordinary-language passages (not the difficult symbolism of the Rev) say: Rom 2, I Cor 15, Heb 9, Acts 17. There were specifics for the 1st cent believers living in Judea because of the need to escape; Mt 24A (before v29), etc.
Yes it was. And yes it is for His second coming as well.
Yes it was. And yes it is for His second coming as well.

The 483rd year ends at the crucifixion (Messiah is cut off but not for himself), and 3.5 past that the New Covenant is solidified. 3.5 past that is the stoning of Stephen but not the 'flood to the end' of Dan 9; that part stretches out over the generation.
Yes, that is a very common view. Common but it doesn't have historical or Scriptural support. And....it does not meet the Ezra 6:14 Challenge.
Yes, that is a very common view. Common but it doesn't have historical or Scriptural support. And....it does not meet the Ezra 6:14 Challenge.
It meets the obvious challenges. Messiah was cut off. check. The 4th world power came. check. The subject (Messiah) solidifies the New Covenant. check. The one who desolates (from 8:13+), desolates the city and temple until he is destroyed. Check.

It's what Caiaphas and Josephus expected, too. The Spirit used Caiaphas to say so, even with the mistake that Jesus would be the one to ruin the place.
Yes, that is a very common view. Common but it doesn't have historical or Scriptural support. And....it does not meet the Ezra 6:14 Challenge.

It is not common to 'stretch' the 'til the end' over the generation because people think it is not exact enough, and they make up funny reasons.