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Never said otherwise. Lame red herring.

The fact is the man is a train wreck. He did not realize the hopes of conservative Christians. He did not clean out the swamp. He did not undo Obamacare. The election was his to win had he handled COVID differently, better, and despite the prowess with which he managed "vaccine" development and delivery he turned out to have been duped like the rest of us. We might even say he was swamped 🤯. He managed the economy well in many ways (I do not think I have ever seen the stock market trade solely on someone winning an election) but our money was worthless (and he knows economics and business, so he knew the interest rates needed to be gradually increased and tariffs are not a long-term solution). He managed foreign affairs well in many ways (replaced NAFTA, re-established the US as a world leader, strengthened NATO, nearly bankrupted Iran, recognized Jerusalem), but it's not wise to withdraw troops from Europe (or S. Korea), or alternatively alienate and condone the politics of Arabian Islam. He was petty. He mocked people, called people "loser," "horseface," "crazy," "mad dog, "lyin'," "Pocahontas," or "psycho," and applauded a legislator who assaulted a reporter. It's hugely ironic because I suspect if Trump called any normal person those things, he'd called others he'd be thankful for Secret Service protection.

Many noteworthy accomplishments (reduced illegal immigration, reformed taxation, SCOTUS appointments, created Space Force, defeated the ISIS "caliphate," and if it's true all politicians are narcissists and liars then the left can be full of chagrin Trump Trumped them at their own game - or maybe not because that freak Schiff managed to impeach him twice. He's pro-Constitution, pro First and Second Amendment rights, pro-life, pro (responsible) gun ownership, pro defense, pro open markets and fair wages, pro domestic energy, and many other positions I support BUT he is not truly conservative. Many Republicans aren't. True conservativism promotes principles and applies them uniformly to circumstance. The reason conservatives are pro-life (for example) is not because they are Republicans, but because God is the author of life, all life is valuable (unless it forfeits life by violating another's), there is no constitutional right to abortion, the rule of law should be followed, and the government should be decentralized and limits its control to what is stipulated in the Constitution.

We live in a pluralistic representative republic, not a democracy.

Conservative principles include...

  • the rule of law,
  • the Constitution as the preeminent rule of law,
  • small decentralized government,
  • mistrust of power (because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely),
  • the nuclear family as the basic institution of society,
  • the use of all societal institutions to address solutions (not the government as messiah),
  • fiscal responsibility,
  • the wishes of the majority rule but not at the expense of the minority's rights,
These and other core principles define a conservative, and Trump was weak in many of these areas. It's a huge problem on the Republican side of the political divide. It's bad enough we have to contend with Democrats, socialists, and liberals holing diametrically opposite views. RINOs are becoming a majority on OUR side of the divide.

Lame red herring.

This op is about what might happen this coming year. I tend to agree with this op. I am not convinced Trump will lose all these cases, but I am fairly confident much of the left's nonsense will prove fruitless because they've violated his due process and, ironically, acted with seditious intent to undermine an election. I do not think that Trump should be POTUS again because more what has already happened will continue and that is not good for the country. He had his chance and cons are watching with increasing reluctance, and that is likely to grow as the courtroom circus expands. It won't matter that he is eventually free of it (temporarily). If the polls are correct the Haley beats Biden by a much greater margin than Trump (I find that hard to believe) so Trump is not the guaranteed candidate. The single biggest factor may well be Trump does not have Limbaugh to support him nearly around the clock. A lot can happen in the next year.

The cons want a POTUS with greater integrity to conservative values and no one wants a repeat of constant internal attacks and pettiness. The sad thing is the election was Trump's to win and he blew it. All he had to do was tone down the rhetoric and speak more American. All he had to do was practice the verses I quoted in Post 15.

Oh please. What a mess.

He ended Roe v. Wade. He personally showed up to the Right to Life gathering. No other so-called pro-life president did.
Oh please. What a mess.
Right back at you.
He ended Roe v. Wade. He personally showed up to the Right to Life gathering. No other so-called pro-life president did.
No, SCOTUS did that, and it has not stopped unfettered abortion. Trump gets credit for the appointments; the appointees get the credit for Dobbs. Dobbs decreased future POTUS influence and put it in the hands of state legislatures for the next few decades.

Fred, disagreement is one thing. Lame arguments undermine any disagreement. Can you disprove one point or one statement I've made? If so, then do so. Otherwise, bend to the facts: Trump is not an ideal candidate (despite shared agreeable conservative positions), his (re-)election will foster more division that isn't good for the country, and devout conservative Christians have plenty of reason to consider others and not vote for him. It does not mean you have to stop supporting him, but it does mean you have to adjust your expectations of others because Post 14 is wrong.
Thanks to his appointments to SCOTUS.

Do you think this through?
Did you read the post?

Trump gets credit for the appointments; the appointees get the credit for Dobbs. Dobbs decreased future POTUS influence and put it in the hands of state legislatures for the next few decades.

Yes, I did think it through. Did you?

Post 14 is wrong. It's not a maybe. It's not a matter of opinion. It's wrong. Because you equated love of God with support for Trump you were asked, "What do you do with all the God-loving Christians who are not Trump supporters?" The question had to be asked multiple times and when an answer did finally come, the answer was, "By now they should be."

You think ALL God-loving Christians should be Trump supporters.

The reason you think that is because God-haters don't support him. The reason God-loving Christians should support him is because "he's miles ahead of everyone else" and "Refusal to get on board is aiding the enemy." YOUR rationale is God-loving Christians should be Trump supporters because if they don't they are aiding the enemy.

That's your argument. It is void of relevant facts and void of scripture.

I, on the other hand, have given the man credit where credit is due and criticized him based on conservative values (not the left-wing fodder so common in a Google search). I've met the man. I've fellowshipped at church with the Pences. I know Sean Spicer and Sebastian Gorka. NOTHING I posted came from left-of-center sources and every single fact can be objectively verified by anyone. Trump added to the deficit. That directly goes against the biblical principle of stewardship and fiscal responsibility. Our budget deficit is the single biggest risk to this nation (and the left's asset). Profligate spending does not come from God. Neither does the prosperity gospel. Trump often took credit for things his predecessor accomplished, like making America the number 1 energy producer in the world. That was accomplished on Obama's watch, not Trump's. I am not fan of Obama's. I think he's the worse POTUS this nation has ever seen (and that includes Buchanon, Carter and Biden) but he gets credit for making the US energy productive (even while he was stabbing everyone in the back with green policies). It's not okay for someone to take credit for another man's accomplishments. It is lying.

Is he a better liar than all the other politicians? Maybe.

Is he the best person for the job? No.

Is he being treated unfairly (and illegally)? Yes!

Will the rancor and division continue and likely worsen if he's elected? Yes.

There is plenty of reason for God-loving and God-fearing Christians NOT to support the man and if the best argument you have is he's miles ahead of everyone else and refusal to get on board is aiding the enemy, then that makes you an ideologue, NOT a thinking citizen who wants the country run by godly men applying godly principles in hopes of attaining healing for a godly nation.

Psalm 33:12 ESV
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!

Isaiah 60:12 ESV
For the nation and kingdom that will not serve you shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste.

2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Isaiah 60:18 ESV
Violence shall no more be heard in your land, devastation or destruction within your borders; you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.

If Trump is elected he will have to do a better job under worse conditions and so far he does not look a bit different. He's still unnecessarily adversarial, a braggard, bully, and a name-caller. Listen to him. Take the next thirty days and count the number of times he mentions God, Jesus, his personal faith, or any knowledge of scripture.
Refusal to get on board is aiding the enemy.
Scripture says otherwise.
Just don't have a good feeling about Haley.
Let's base our decisions, our election, and the nation's welfare on feelings.

Trump gets credit for the appointments; the appointees get the credit for Dobbs.

Dobbs wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Trump.

Thanks for making this easy for me.
The rest of your rambling mess I ignored. This is because since you can't grasp the above that is so basic there is no way you are going to reason clearly with anything else. Not my job to fix that mess.
Trump gets credit for the appointments;
Dobbs wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Trump.
Which is exactly what I said BEFORE you brought up the matter.
Thanks for making this easy for me. The rest of your rambling mess I ignored. This is because since you can't grasp the above that is so basic there is no way you are going to reason clearly with anything else. Not my job to fix that mess.
Nice troll. Just as I give credit to Trump for what he did well and criticize him for his failures, I do that here and now with you. You're good at trolling with appeals to ridicule, non sequitur and avoidance. Staying on topic and having a rational discussion? Not so much.
