Adam fell thru satan's (fallen angel) mediation of Eve, Jesus "our salvation" came into this world gabriel's good angel) mediation of Mary!Not unless Scripture states such. . .which it does not.
reversed the curse into the blessing of eternal salvation
Eve: Disobedience / offense / curse / loss of grace and salvation!
Mary: obedience / faithful / pleasing to God / blessings / full of grace / redemption & salvation!
(Possibility of salvation for all men)
What the virgin Eve lost by her unbelief, the virgin Mary gained by her faith! (Lk 1:45 Faithful)
Mary received all God had destined for the angels and men before the fall, created without original sin and in a state of sanctifying grace!
Eve was taken out of Adam.
The eternal Word is taken out of Mary.
In heaven the Word has a father without a mother.
On earth the Word has a mother without a father.
God clothed Mary in grace (Lk 1:28-30 rev 12:1) so Mary could clothe the eternal Word with flesh & blood!
Mary is the holy city, the tabernacle of the Lord, the holy of holies!
The dwelling place of the Immortal Creator, the eternal Word made flesh!
St. Bernardine of Siena wrote that by that fundamental fecundity she received from God the Father, Mary generated to the life of grace “all the elect, even the very angels”.
(Fecundity, procreation or offspring)
“No grace descends to souls from heaven,” says St. Bernardine of Siena, “but is dispensed by the Virgin Mary.”
“All the gifts of the Holy Ghost,” says St. Bernardine of Siena, “are administered by the hands of this virgin to whom she wishes, when she wishes, how she wishes and as much as she wishes.” Proof (Lk 1:41 & Lk 1:67)
We find the same idea expressed by great Fathers of the church like St. Jerome, St. Methodius, St. Damascene!